Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Might I make a suggestion to you and everyone else calling these rockets "fireworks" and stones? Let us see just how brave you actually are and agree to take yourself and your family or loved ones and stand within 10 metres of one exploded near you. I dare you. In fact I double dare you.

If they are so ineffectual you have nothing to worry about. If you are not prepared to do that, then anyone who calls them "fireworks" is a lying self pleasurer.

I triple dare you to play around in the beach in Gaza/West bank and see if the sophisticated "israeli" intelligence doesnt think you are a terrorist & bomb you.

If i had to choose to stay, I know where I would rather be, in israel.. dont let the stats get in your way..

Yeah sounds great until one of the many Muslim countries that have been calling for the extermination of Israel decides to attack.

Why do people see this as stealing land from the Palestinians, when it could be argued that Israel is just reclaiming the land that was stolen from it by the Arabs? Or is there a maximum years held before land rights are transferred?

You cannot go back 1000s years back and say someone was living there, if that is the case why not hand back the UK, USA etc to whomever was living here before we decided to steal it..

also TWO wrongs do not make a right, so you are saying just because jews were uprooted 1000s years ago, it justifies uprooting of palestinians now?
oh that is ok then, we will only flatten your houses/buildings etc but when it comes to rebuilding, we wont even allow CEMENT..

correct me if i am wrong but HOW do you know hamas do not care? are telling civilians to stay inside? and all this BS propaganda anti-palestinian media is telling us?

From the mouth of Hamas spokesman:

Could be Zionist propaganda though...they may have slipped some truth serum into his water so that he would blab.
I also read that someone who speaks Arabic said he never said human shield, I can't speak it so I don't know if he did or didn't but some subtitles on a video that no one here understands proves nothing.

Guardian said:
US issues unusually firm condemnation of shelling of UN school in Gaza

Perhaps the US are finally waking up to the destruction. Hopefully they will take the next step soon and actually condemn the party that are doing it rather than just the act.

Interesting to see the difference in reaction to the downing of MH17, where they were accusing Russia within hours of it happening.
The condemnation is just ticking a box, whilst they were doing it they resupplied their dwindling ammo stocks.

Perhaps, I'm hoping it actually means they're getting more annoyed and may abstain from any vote against Israel in the UN instead of just veto...

Dreaming here I know... :p
I think I'm suffering from conflict fatigue i just don't care anymore and want to look at talk about other stuff.

Much more are dying in Ukraine. Russians massacred thousands of Chechnians yet no long debate about it.

People vote a terrorist organisation into power then wonder why said terrorist organisation continues to hide weapons in schools and use them as safe haven to launch attacks.

i'm not condoning Israels lack of regard for collateral damage but if Hamas stop hiding behind their women and children women and children may not suffer as much.

Anyway I'm bowing out since it's a complete waste of time arguing and I really don't care that much if they blow each other up.
The surrounding areas assimilating the Palestinians and letting Israel get on with it?

you mean the same way Russia assimilated Crimea but everyone in the west went nuts, but its now ok for palestine to have the same thing happen ??? what a load of old horse ****.

How about Israel get put up on war crimes charges and remove all illegal settlements from Gaze and West Bank, actually revert back to their designated borders of 1967, lift the air/land/sea blockade, and then submit themselves to the weapons inspectors to have their biological, chemical and nuclear arsenal dismantled because no crackpot middle east warmongering nation should have access to such ordnance. That is the real solution, but no one has got the balls to do this. You can be damn sure if this was another Libya or Iraq the US would be right in their loading the countryside up with depleted uranium rounds, but when it comes to Israel they are allowed, even encouraged to be war criminals...............
How about Israel get put up on war crimes charges and remove all illegal settlements from Gaze and West Bank, actually revert back to their designated borders of 1967, lift the air/land/sea blockade, and then submit themselves to the weapons inspectors to have their biological, chemical and nuclear arsenal dismantled because no crackpot middle east warmongering nation should have access to such ordnance. That is the real solution, but no one has got the balls to do this. You can be damn sure if this was another Libya or Iraq the US would be right in their loading the countryside up with depleted uranium rounds, but when it comes to Israel they are allowed, even encouraged to be war criminals...............

I also read that someone who speaks Arabic said he never said human shield, I can't speak it so I don't know if he did or didn't but some subtitles on a video that no one here understands proves nothing.

And they would be right. The subtitles say civilians stand there with their bare chests...and Hamas call upon our people to adopt this policy. Human shields as a phrase is not mentioned but as an ideology it is quite blatant.

Unless, you could possibly offer up a different, SANE explanation.
Out of interest who do you think started this last round of violence?

Could you be a little more specific? Since the last ceasefire, or the breaking of the previous ceasefire which facilitated the bringing in of the next one. Further back? The Ground operation by the IDF after rockets continued to be fired? The air operations by IAF because rockets were being rained down on civilian targets? The arrests of 6 Jews in Israel for kidnapping and murdering an Arab teenager? The arrests of many, many Arabs in the Israeli search for the kidnappers and murderers of the three teenagers there? The rockets that were being fired into Israel before this?

Please narrow it down?
And they would be right. The subtitles say civilians stand there with their bare chests...and Hamas call upon our people to adopt this policy. Human shields as a phrase is not mentioned but as an ideology it is quite blatant.

Unless, you could possibly offer up a different, SANE explanation.

Sounds more like a boisterous statement that they aren't going to be intimidated by Israel than saying they're protecting themselves with civilians.
Israel is deliberately targeting power stations, schools, hospitals.

A true terrorist state. They did more evil then gadaffi ever did, where's the regime change.
Israel is deliberately targeting power stations, schools, hospitals.

A true terrorist state. They did more evil then gadaffi ever did, where's the regime change.

In such a densely populated region, its almost impossible to not hit civilians. Hamas know that when they fire rockets they will bring down the Israeli wrath on that densely populated region, yet somehow... the Jews are to blame? :confused:
In such a densely populated region, its almost impossible to not hit civilians. Hamas know that when they fire rockets they will bring down the Israeli wrath on that densely populated region, yet somehow... the Jews are to blame? :confused:

This is not about Jews so don't try and make it about them. It is about the state of Israel.

Israel claims it has a policy of not targeting civilians but it deliberately attacks civilian infrastructure, forces 400,000+ people out of their homes, and blockades the entire civilian population. It also kills huge numbers of civilians in a completely disproportionate manner.
This is not about Jews so don't try and make it about them. It is about the state of Israel.

Israel claims it has a policy of not targeting civilians but it deliberately attacks civilian infrastructure, forces 400,000+ people out of their homes, and blockades the entire civilian population. It also kills huge numbers of civilians in a completely disproportionate manner.

Can you prove they are deliberately targeting civilians? As I've already said, civilian casualties are to be expected in a densely populated area such as Gaza, so the fact some are dying or that infrastructure is being hit is not surprise. But you need to PROVE they are intentionally killing civilians for your claim to be true.
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