Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Can you prove they are deliberately targeting civilians? As I've already said, civilian casualties are to be expected in a densely populated area such as Gaza, so the fact some are dying or that infrastructure is being hit is not surprise. But you need to PROVE they are intentionally killing civilians for your claim to be true.

Here's your ******* proof:

Can you prove they are deliberately targeting civilians? As I've already said, civilian casualties are to be expected in a densely populated area such as Gaza, so the fact some are dying or that infrastructure is being hit is not surprise. But you need to PROVE they are intentionally killing civilians for your claim to be true.

When does the cost of killing one terrorist become too high? When 10 civilians are killed? 100? 1000? No 'collateral damage' cost seems too high for Israel.
I think I'm suffering from conflict fatigue i just don't care anymore and want to look at talk about other stuff.

Much more are dying in Ukraine. Russians massacred thousands of Chechnians yet no long debate about it.

People vote a terrorist organisation into power then wonder why said terrorist organisation continues to hide weapons in schools and use them as safe haven to launch attacks.

i'm not condoning Israels lack of regard for collateral damage but if Hamas stop hiding behind their women and children women and children may not suffer as much.

Anyway I'm bowing out since it's a complete waste of time arguing and I really don't care that much if they blow each other up.

The point is Israel is seen as a western nation that is backed by the west. They are supposed to uphold western values, not use the weapons we supply them to blow up civilians.

Could you be a little more specific? Since the last ceasefire, or the breaking of the previous ceasefire which facilitated the bringing in of the next one. Further back? The Ground operation by the IDF after rockets continued to be fired? The air operations by IAF because rockets were being rained down on civilian targets? The arrests of 6 Jews in Israel for kidnapping and murdering an Arab teenager? The arrests of many, many Arabs in the Israeli search for the kidnappers and murderers of the three teenagers there? The rockets that were being fired into Israel before this?

Please narrow it down?

The murder of 3 Israelis and the subsequent arrest of several hundred Hamas members and murder of several Palestinians by Israeli forces. Hamas still insist they didn't kill the Israelis and Israel haven't provided any evidence yet of their involvement. In fact it appears the israelis knew they were dead while they were insisting they were kidnapped (according to several western news outlets).

The subsequent retaliation with rockets by Hamas was a direct result of the incursion by Israeli forces into Gaza more than the murder of the Palestinian boy. Much like the current massacre in Gaza the Israelis don't seem to understand tact, then get rather grumpy when people fight back.
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Can you prove they are deliberately targeting civilians? As I've already said, civilian casualties are to be expected in a densely populated area such as Gaza, so the fact some are dying or that infrastructure is being hit is not surprise. But you need to PROVE they are intentionally killing civilians for your claim to be true.

Deliberately targeting infrastructure to inflict collective punishment on a peoples is in direct contravention of multiple protocols on warfare. Hitting up the only powerstation that provides electricity to a nation is exactly that............ inflicting collective punishment in an attempt to "break" the people.

Israel should be in Hague by now being tried for war crimes. Response from the US is to replenish the IDF ammo supplies so they can go about killing some more women and children. The US are every bit complicit in this as the IDF and are now actively supporting a nation that uses terrorist tactics that they are supposedly against..
1300 people have been killed in Gazza and everyone is up in arms.

But no one seems to care that 150 000 people have been killed in Syria:confused:

Where have you been for the last year or so?:p

The other difference is the deaths are from both sides, it's not a so called western nation killing one sidedly.
What I find more disturbing is that these are the people who apparently went through one of the worst atrocities in history and yet they are doing EXACTLY the same thing to the Palestinians...


Where have you been for the last year or so?:p

The other difference is the deaths are from both sides, it's not a so called western nation killing one sidedly.

I have no words.
For gods sake I really shake my head in utter disbelief as some of the arguments in here for Israel's 'defensive' actions.

Israel are terrorists, plain and simple. It's basically state funded ethnic cleansing at the end of the day. This argument of 'well they should stop firing missiles, Hamas are hiding weapons, blah blah' is just a crock of **** quite frankly. What I find more disturbing is that these are the people who apparently went through one of the worst atrocities in history and yet they are doing EXACTLY the same thing to the Palestinians. They lost all respect when they started deliberately targeting hospitals and schools and their PR machine can only spin the same crap about weapons being hidden before they are found out.

I used to sit in the middle on the argument but I can no longer do so. I've seen some shocking videos (on both sides I might add), of Israeli's cheering, sitting on chairs and drinking as rockets rained down on Gaza and another chanting about there's no school tomorrow as there are no children left, oleh oleh :mad:

Frankly I'm not surprised there is so much hate towards Israel and that some want it wiped from existence. I certainly would not shed a tear or bat an eyelid at this point if that happened.

Are you saying that they are making up Hamas firing missiles at them? Both sides are at fault, I'm not sure why Hamas is picking a fight it will never win.

I have no words.


Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed by rebels, admittedly more by the government, but it's no where near as one sided as the Israel/Palestine.

One is a civil war, the other is state blowing the smithereens out of another, significantly weaker, state.
Are you saying that they are making up Hamas firing missiles at them? Both sides are at fault, I'm not sure why Hamas is picking a fight it will never win.

maybe because they have had enough of Israel taking their land and building illegal settlements, maybe its because they are tired of being under constant blockade for the last 7 to 8 years, maybe its because they are tired of Israel's continual land grab.......

They can't win, but they can certainly try and defend their sovereignty and independence rather than rolling over and accepting Israeli oppression.
Are you saying that they are making up Hamas firing missiles at them? Both sides are at fault, I'm not sure why Hamas is picking a fight it will never win.

because they figure they are winning. Israel is getting some people riled up - not on sites like this, who cares what the usual anti-israel/america brigade think on forums - but where it really matters, in the political heartlands of the US. Its getting embarassing for the US to be seen as unconditionally supporting the Israeli one-sided attack and all its costing Hamas is a couple of thousand civvies when they launch from neighbourhoods and invite in the inevitably dumb reprisal strike. Netanyahu is playing the popular game and really, the only people coming out on top at the moment are Hamas who were there before and will still be there after as the 'defenders of the people'. Israel will be more isolationist and the US will get its punishment in somehow, probably knocking off a couple of hundred mill here or there. And the circle will go round again.

maybe because they have had enough of Israel taking their land and building illegal settlements, maybe its because they are tired of being under constant blockade for the last 7 to 8 years, maybe its because they are tired of Israel's continual land grab.......

They can't win, but they can certainly try and defend their sovereignty and independence rather than rolling over and accepting Israeli oppression.

not really, its more to do with them backing the wrong horse in Egypt (thereby losing their supply tunnels) and Syria (thereby losing Iranian and Lebanese support) and being forced into an abortive deal with Fatah which failed after two weeks. They were on the ropes. Whether Israel thought it could/can deliver the knockout blow or whether they think that popular support as 'defender of the people' will ensure their future, difficult to say.
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Deliberately targeting infrastructure to inflict collective punishment on a peoples is in direct contravention of multiple protocols on warfare. Hitting up the only powerstation that provides electricity to a nation is exactly that............ inflicting collective punishment in an attempt to "break" the people.

Israel should be in Hague by now being tried for war crimes. Response from the US is to replenish the IDF ammo supplies so they can go about killing some more women and children. The US are every bit complicit in this as the IDF and are now actively supporting a nation that uses terrorist tactics that they are supposedly against..

Can you provide evidence that they are deliberately targeting infrastructure and not Hamas terrorists who are firing from that location?

Woo Thompson_NCL has entered the read. Common sense and humanity bails out!

Ouch, so cutting...
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Are you saying that they are making up Hamas firing missiles at them? Both sides are at fault, I'm not sure why Hamas is picking a fight it will never win.

Israel picked this fight. Israeli military units enter Gaza and arrested hundreds of Hamas members and killed a couple of Palestinians while doing so. In retaliation, a while after the Israelis started, the military wing of Hamas started firing rockets in retaliation. The fact there were so few deaths while Israel arrested those hundreds would indicate Hamas didn't fight back to begin with, showing remarkable restraint...

Let's also clarify a point. Hamas are the government of Gaza and a political party, recently joined with the other main political party in Gaza, Fatah. They have a militant wing which is affiliated to them but not part of Hamas.

What do you expect a government to do when a seperate state enters your territory, arrests hundreds of your members, with no evidence, and then continues to station soldiers there? The missiles are a direct result of the imbalance between the Palestinian forces and Israeli military.
For the record, one of the fellows from the UN schools in Gaza was on the radio 30 mins ago. He acknowledged that Hamas has been firing rockets from some of their schools. Granted he said these were schools they had already abandoned, but its evidence of the fact Hamas use schools as firing points.

When you match this with historical evidence of Hamas using human shields and firing from densely populated civilian areas, it's really no surprise schools get hit in the crossfire.
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