Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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So what are Israel supposed to do? Just continue to let Hamas fire rockets at them?

We seeing that they have put them Gaza under a 7 year blockade, and occupied Palestinians for 66+ years they should.

Stop the illegal settlements

Open real peace talks with no preconditions

Abolish the walls.

Give the refugees the right to return.

Work on 50-50 land split?
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"Palestine" is an aberration; a bunch of squatter on historically Israeli territory. The Palestinians would not be existing on such reduced territory if they hadn't collaborated with Syria et al to attack Israel.

the current state of Israel is an aberration, given to them by the west out of guilt of what the Germans did, that's the bottom line and the fact that people shy away from.

Its good to see so many people actively supporting the genocide of an entire people by Israel through the backdoor and with the blessing and support of western governments like the US and UK.
Not really, I mean there is an element of that but that accounts for a tiny minority of the civilian casualties. Assad considers the whole of areas under rebel control as valid targets.

Assad has no pinpoint munitions that he cares to use. instead he uses unguided rockets, artillery spreads and barrel bombs dropped from helicopters. If Israel used that we would not be talking about a thousand dead, but the whole of Gaza.


I guess you haven't seen the photos and videos on news websites around the world showing much more damage than that in Gaza?

The problem with Syria is the rebels have the same unguided weapons the government have, it's why they have killed tens of thousands of non combatents as well.

You cannot argue that one group of fighters hiding amongst houses is evil and the cause of civilian casualties killed by the opposition and then go on to say that another group of fighters hiding amongst houses in another conflict are within their rights to do so.

Both defenders use the same tactics, both governments use the same tactics. You can't absolve one because their enemy have worse weapons...
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the current state of Israel is an aberration, given to them by the west out of guilt of what the Germans did, that's the bottom line and the fact that people shy away from.

Its good to see so many people actively supporting the genocide of an entire people by Israel through the backdoor and with the blessing and support of western governments like the US and UK.

Complete nonsense. The roots of modern Israel date back to the Balfour Declaration in 1917, decades before the holocaust.
So what are Israel supposed to do? Just continue to let Hamas fire rockets at them?

Shall we repeat this again....

The simple solution that would have stopped this current conflict occurring and stopped all the rockets that were fired by Hamas this last month would have been Israel respecting the sovereign borders of the Palestinian state.

Israel invaded Gaza, took 400 Palestinians prisoner and killed several others. Hamas (or more precisely militant affiliate) subsequently start firing rockets in retaliation.
Complete nonsense. The roots of modern Israel date back to the Balfour Declaration in 1917, decades before the holocaust.

Here is the Balfourd delartion a brief ambiguous 67 word letter, you said Palestine did not exist well it's in the delartion. Before this was written the British promised the Arabs the right to self rule. Brition had no right to give the land away and Israel have clearly broken the rules in the declaration ...

"His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
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Here is the Balfourd delartion a brief ambiguous 67 word letter, you said Palestine did not exist well it's in the delartion. Before this was written the British promised the Arabs the right to self rule. Brition had no right to give the land away and Israel have clearly broken the rules in the declaration ...

"His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

Palestine is the name of the region, obviously as a geographic term it's entirely appropriate. There is no such thing as a historic Palestinian state however; it was originally a Jewish homeland which was subsequently annexed by various Islamic invaders and ultimately the Ottoman Empire.

The idea that there is a 'Palestinian people' is a complete fabrication, there are Muslims settlers and that is about it.
So at what point to we cut ancient claims to land, because I'm pretty sure there are some Italians somewhere who might want London back...

Not if the Etruscans get their claim in for Rome first, I thought the Ashkenazi jews came from Kazaria in the caucus mountains and only converted to Judaism in the 9th century AD so have no legitimate historical claim to Palestine.

I blame the British empire for the troubles as the division of land could have been done fairly and with payment rather than divide and rule being foremost in mind when we drew all the borders we cursed our colonies with.
Proportionate from an Israeli perspective I guess. To them they're acting in self defence. I'm not condoning what they're doing but that's how they see it, or at least the Israeli government.
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