Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Just because I accept that might is right, it doesn't mean I am in favour of the weak being killed. Ideally the Palestinians will stop attacking Israel and then things can start to move towards a peaceful settlement. Failing that, they ought to relocate to Jordan or Egypt.

Ah this old statement again... Take a look at west bank where a settler can walk into someones house and claim it, where villages are bulldozed to make way for new Jewish illegal settlements, and protesters shot in cold blood. Why the hell should they be relocated? You are starting to sound like the people who persecuted the Jews in Europe... Ow the hypocrisy of Zionism
Guys I wouldn't bother arguing with Thompson. He's already admitted he believes it's ok to bomb a school full of sleeping children because there might be a terrorist in there. He's an extremist with no morals.

I've had him set to ignore for a while having come to the same conclusion.
Why not link the video of Palestines giving blood to be sent to victims of the twin towers? You believe that all Palestine's supported 9/11.
Guys I wouldn't bother arguing with Thompson. He's already admitted he believes it's ok to bomb a school full of sleeping children because there might be a terrorist in there. He's an extremist with no morals.


Guys I wouldn't bother arguing with AGD. He's already admitted he believes it's okay to fire rockets towards innocent Israeli civilians, including children sleeping in their homes, because.. uh.. they are Jews? He's an anti-semite with no morals.
Why not link the video of Palestines giving blood to be sent to victims of the twin towers? You believe that all Palestine's supported 9/11.
Haha, oh dear god. I love G.D for this.
I didn't show the first one because due to stringent US law you can't give blood if you live in a area with rampant disease, which unfortunately Gaza is. Just look at the countries on the NHS no go list for blood donation and a lot of the middle east is on that.

probably to busy on his high hill pretending gaza is a michael bay movie

And a classic response, try to belittle the person with the opposite opinion from your own high hill...

Israel cannot back down, they have to show that they are capable and willing to show force to there enemies or they will be wiped off the map.

With constant calls for their destruction can you blame them for being heavy handed, they are under constant threat from Arab countries and terrorist communities around the world.

The middle east isn't like Europe, where we have learned politics, it's a savage place where only strength is respected. Israel knows the threat and the consequences and if they fail.

Why is no one having a go at Egypt? are they not also blocking in the gazan people? why is the surrounding Muslim countries not aiding there brothers?
Is it because the Palestine are known trouble makers and everyone has had enough of them?

But I'm sure this will devolve into a classic G.D argument, where the vocal left will scream and try and block out anyone else with a different opinion...

After visiting multiple Muslim countries, I'd rather the Jews look after a significant historical area. Sorry to say it but with the world population reaching maximum levels and resources in high demand, I have to support a country that develops their land and actually gives back something to the world other than violence.
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I keep seeing "Well they voted Hamas in what did they expect?" If that is your position for argument, then rest that didn't vote for Hamas, over 50%, are just collateral damage I assume?

Table of electoral results...

Their land was annexed at the same time that the Israelis received their land...

If you want to at least display a facade of intelligence, try to get your facts straight. Gaza was not annexed. It was "administered" from 1948 essentially by Egypt so never really existed as anything approaching independent.

And under the Egyptians things were a lot worse. Go read about how Egypt put down any insurrection.
Stop posting propaganda, Israelis are fearing for their existence hiding away in bomb shelters from the destructive WMD weapons of Hamas.

Hamas has WMD's? wtf? since when? All i see is a massive dissproportionate use of force by the IDF. Take a look at the casualty figures, over a 1000+ Palestinians dead but 56 or so Israeli's and most of them ground troops sent in to conduct house-to-house raids.

If you want to talk about people fearing for their existance it's the Palestinian civilians.

WMD's, what a crock.....:rolleyes:
in other news american admits to selling more missiles and ammo to israel whilst condemning their actions. :rolleyes:

Maybe russia should hold america responsible for any civilian deaths in gaza ? seems about as legit as blaming russia for the ukraine airplane downing

Would Russia have gave a buk to rebels knowing they would use it on a civilian aircraft ? I'm guessing that's a NO
Would America happily sell bombs and bullets that practically have the names of women and children engraved on them already? you bet they will if there's a $ in it

whys a few hundred people dying on a plane worse than 1100+ innocent people dying in the streets because they are told to leave their homes? it's okay because they're mainly arabs?
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Hamas has WMD's? wtf? since when? All i see is a massive dissproportionate use of force by the IDF. Take a look at the casualty figures, over a 1000+ Palestinians dead but 56 or so Israeli's and most of them ground troops sent in to conduct house-to-house raids.

If you want to talk about people fearing for their existance it's the Palestinian civilians.

WMD's, what a crock.....:rolleyes:

I was being sarcastic

I can see why you thought I was being serious considering this ******** is pretty much the same as the ******** peddled by the pro Israel crowd.
in other news american admits to selling more missiles and ammo to israel whilst condemning their actions. :rolleyes:

Maybe russia should hold america responsible for any civilian deaths in gaza ? seems about as legit as blaming russia for the ukraine airplane downing

Would Russia have gave a buk to rebels knowing they would use it on a civilian aircraft ? I'm guessing that's a NO
Would America happily sell bombs and bullets that practically have the names of women and children engraved on them already? you bet they will if there's a $ in it

Indeed, the hypocrisy is unbelievable. On one hand "blowing up schools is unacceptable Israel", in the other here are some more missiles you can use to blow up some more kids.
Hamas has WMD's? wtf? since when? All i see is a massive dissproportionate use of force by the IDF. Take a look at the casualty figures, over a 1000+ Palestinians dead but 56 or so Israeli's and most of them ground troops sent in to conduct house-to-house raids.

If you want to talk about people fearing for their existance it's the Palestinian civilians.

WMD's, what a crock.....:rolleyes:

I believe he was being sarcastic.

Edit: never mind, he already replied.
IDF blow up only power station in Gaza and leave 1.8 million people basically ****ed.


The News has been saying that ever since Israel sent it's troops in a few weeks ago, Gaza has been without power ( And then they had the photos from space where "The lights are off in Gaza because there's no power, what you're seeing from space is the explosions lighting it up".

So which is it? The power has been off for weeks? Or the power plant has only just been knocked out?

And either way, Sky are still broadcasting from Gaza live in HD. Quite impressive with no power :p.

Interesting read.

Not sure about the religion bashing though. It should be acknowledged however the verses have a context and to cherry pick them at the expense of thousands of others to denigrate religion is a fallacy. Indeed, most law abiding Muslims, Jews and Christians don't go around killing infidels, nor are they proponents of these actions in any way.
I don't really get the hatred of religion that people love nowadays and how religion is the root of all evil etc. IIRC the worst genocides of history have had nothing to do with a persons religious beliefs; Stalin, Pol Pot, Rwanda, holocaust.

TBH there is nothing Israel could ever do that would please Hamas, short of ceasing to exist as a country. Hamas they don't ever really want peace, when arguably Israel does...(although the policies of expansion could weaken Israel's argument).

The long term solution is for to Hamas stops firing the rockets and step down from power with a 'proper' peaceful government replacing them, and for Israel to pull back and end the blockade. But I wouldn't bet on any of that happening any time soon.
I saw earlier on the news that in total, I think 58 Israelis have been killed so far in this latest conflict (~24 days) with 56 being Israeli soldiers. That is a staggeringly high % of the target being hit with what are primitive home made weapons?!?

If you completely discard the above figures and go by the BS propaganda that the pro Zionist media are dishing out, you are led to believe that the Israeli citizens are under constant rocket fire and it isn't safe for them to step outside. Whereas in actual fact, they go about their normal day to day business, even at times stopping to enjoy the view from hill tops of bombs raining down on Gaza.

Israel with their high tech pinpoint precision weaponry have killed mainly women and children and yet they tell us that they are targeting Hamas and it is actually Hamas that are targeting their civilians. Are Hamas just extremely lucky that over 95% they've killed have been soldiers?!

I have some genuine questions for those who still support Israels actions. Some of you may have family in Israel so it's understandable you would be worried for them, some of you may actually be Zionist yourself, others may simply be like their European ancestors who wiped out entire continents of innocent people with no remorse or regard for human life, but whatever the reason for your pro Israeli stance, what do you believe Israel is trying to achieve? Do you believe it's a lie when people say Israel actually has no intention of making peace because they are looking to establish the Greater Israel and to rebuild the temple of David/Solomon? Is this simply a conspiracy theory!?
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