Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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And? all wars are massacres, civilians get killed in wars its a unfortunate situation.

I could go on.

Why is all the blame on Israel they have the right to defend them selves, and no its not about the damage that is done its about the damage that could be done. A point everyone seems to be missing! no defence system is a 100% accurate.
Pretty sure If Hamas wasn't violent and braking every ceasefire Israel and Egypt (a majority Muslim country) would open there borders but then again its all about hating the strongest in this thread.

The real question is why don't we have a massive thread on the war crimes the ISIS is currently undertaking, with people calling for military force to be undertaken. They have wiped out kurds and for the first time there are no christians in northern iraq. Mass executions in both Iraq and Syria that make
Gaza look like a car accident but yet no marching in the streets?

Is it because one group isn't a popular hate figure on the internet?

Shelling a beach and killing 5 children playing football is defending yourself?

Why don't you start a thread about ISIS? I'm sure there will be plenty of post condeming them just as strongly as the Israelis.
Shelling a beach and killing 5 children playing football is defending yourself?

Why don't you start a thread about ISIS? I'm sure there will be plenty of post condeming them just as strongly as the Israelis.

Accidents happen... Prevouis to this event a group of Hamas fighters tried sneaking into Israel using scuba gear with the intention to wipe out a village but that wasn't reported as it was anti-Palestinian.

also Hamas target children just as much. if not more obviously but then again there just freedom fighters...
Accidents like that do not 'just happen' Israel's military are far more advanced than that, have you even seen the video? you can quite clearly see they are kids on a beach.

And? all wars are massacres, civilians get killed in wars its a unfortunate situation.

I could go on.

Why is all the blame on Israel they have the right to defend them selves, and no its not about the damage that is done its about the damage that could be done. A point everyone seems to be missing!
No defence system is a 100% accurate even the iron dome system.
Pretty sure If Hamas wasn't violent and braking every ceasefire Israel and Egypt (a majority Muslim country that people seem to forget, who are also blockading Gaza) would open there borders but then again its all about hating the strongest in this thread.

The real question is why don't we have a massive thread on the war crimes the ISIS is currently undertaking, with people calling for military force to be undertaken. They have wiped out kurds and for the first time there are no christians in northern iraq. Mass executions in both Iraq and Syria that make Gaza look like a car accident but yet no marching in the streets?

Is it because one group isn't a popular hate figure on the internet?

Ok think about it like this, imagine your city Bridgend is being oppressed by a much larger aggressor, but you cant ever leave Bridgend, its an open air prison, being attacked day and night and you know at the end of the day this aggressor wants the land Bridgend is on and does not care how many civilians it kills in the process.
So now you are sitting there in your rubble of a house with no power and potentially no water, your wife and kids have been blow up. Still think you wont want to retaliate in any way possible?

I am not condoning what Hamas does but anyone who thinks Israel is just 'defending themselves' are on a different planet.

Oh and Egypt has a blockade on Gaza because the new regime there since the uprising believes that Hamas 'might' have been aiding an Egyptian terrorist group.
I think its wrong, I think the Egyptians should allow the people of Gaza to escape into Egypt, especially women and children.

But how are the people of Gaza supposed to remove Hamas? in the same way the Afghans could simply remove Al-Qaeda

*There are other threads to discuss ISIS.
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I'm on my phone now but I'll search for and post the links tomorrow because as far as I remember it was common knowledge the video footage that was shown of Palestinians celebrating was completely unrelated to 9/11. It was in fact more evidence showing the very deceptive nature of the pro zionist media.

I'd be interested to hear about Muslims piling heads high as hills in Spain, but to be honest if you didn't even know re the videos from 911, forgive me for not taking too seriously your comments on what Muslims have apparently being doing for hundreds of years.

Ironically, Netanyahu was celebrating the day after 9-11, when he was asked what it meant for US/Israel relations and he couldn't help grinning as he replied: "It's very good.... (catches himself and puts on a solemn face) well, not very good but it will generate immediate sympathy." Still remember the look on the ***** face. So pleased he was.
I don't understand why hamas keep firing rockets even when theres a cease fire on. It just provokes Israel into a far larger bombardment, meaning hundreds more civilian lives are lost due to hamas stupidity.

We only have the side which are "winning's" word that this has happened.
Yeah those kids playing footie on the beach were definitely a clear and present danger. Just think of the devastation that could've happened if that football landed on an Israeli school.

Yup a wet ball kicked with enough force can sting and on a beach, as I'm sure the kids knew, sand can adhere to the ball and sometimes cause an abrasion if it catches you on skin.
The anti Israel brigade is strong in here.

I love the fact that people are so strongly against Israeli action yet say nothing against the terrorists that use their own people as human shields.

Also why is Israel expected to hold up to such high standards which no other country is expected to follow.
You can bet if the UK had missiles fired upon it by Ireland some sort of military action would take place, hell America had one terrorist attack take place on it's soil and they invaded and occupied a country over it!
To say Israel is the only guilty party in this is extremely naïve, Hamas are just as guilty of war crimes against Israel and in some cases against their own people that speak out against them, except people seem to overlook these as most people seem to be intent on just blaming one side.
And? all wars are massacres, civilians get killed in wars its a unfortunate situation.

I could go on.

Why is all the blame on Israel they have the right to defend them selves, and no its not about the damage that is done its about the damage that could be done. A point everyone seems to be missing!
No defence system is a 100% accurate even the iron dome system.
Pretty sure If Hamas wasn't violent and braking every ceasefire Israel and Egypt (a majority Muslim country that people seem to forget, who are also blockading Gaza) would open there borders but then again its all about hating the strongest in this thread.

The real question is why don't we have a massive thread on the war crimes the ISIS is currently undertaking, with people calling for military force to be undertaken. They have wiped out kurds and for the first time there are no christians in northern iraq. Mass executions in both Iraq and Syria that make Gaza look like a car accident but yet no marching in the streets?

Is it because one group isn't a popular hate figure on the internet?

Of course, Israel is always going to be a soft target. A convenient target.

I've seen people describe what is happening in Gaza as;

A genocide

Palestinian holocaust

The IDF murder machine

Anyone that doesn't speak against Israel is a baby murderer

Yet no one seems to be too bothered by what's happening to the Iraqi Christians and moderate Muslims by the hands of ISIS.

I've seen the photos and videos. The poor little girl beheaded, all those crucified bodies on display in the square. The mass killings of the Iraqi soldiers, lying face down, shot in the back of the head. The thousands of refugees stranded in the desert with no help at all.

I don't see any of that on the news, not enough Israel in the headline.

Ultimately I blame Israel. They are too good at defending their citizens. It's Israel's fault that not enough Israelis have died in this conflict.

If Israel would only let more of its citizens get killed the it would be a much fairer conflict.
Accidents happen... Prevouis to this event a group of Hamas fighters tried sneaking into Israel using scuba gear with the intention to wipe out a village but that wasn't reported as it was anti-Palestinian.

Accidents happen....What an utterly pathetic response.

also Hamas target children just as much. if not more obviously but then again there just freedom fighters...

An absolutely disgusting attack....which in no way justifies the civilian casualties been seen in the last month. Authorised by a supposedly 1st world western democracy.
Accidents like that do not 'just happen' Israel's military are far more advanced than that, have you even seen the video? you can quite clearly see they are kids on a beach.

Ok think about it like this, imagine your city Bridgend is being oppressed by a much larger aggressor, but you cant ever leave Bridgend, its an open air prison, being attacked day and night and you know at the end of the day this aggressor wants the land Bridgend is on and does not care how many civilians it kills in the process.
So now you are sitting there in your rubble of a house with no power and potentially no water, still think you wont want to retaliate in any way possible?

I am not condoning what Hamas does but anyone who thinks Israel is just 'defending themselves' are on a different planet.

*There are other threads to discuss ISIS.

How can you blame Israel for confusing children as soldiers when Hamas Actively trains them as such, it even has summer schools to train them...
If there desperate enough to use human shields what's stopping them from child soldiers??

The first thing i no longer live in Bridgend (woohoo) but Swansea, Secondly I doubt Swansea would be in that situation in the first place, Last time I checked we had a vibrant Muslim and Chinese population and I haven't heard anyone scream out for the whipping out of either of these two groups because they believe that there magic sky pixie is somehow better than the other groups magic sky pixie. A common problem in the middle east.

And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't act like the Gazan's breaking every ceasefire, firing unguided missiles into a neighbour or sending assault groups to attack civilians. its a bit like me (Palestine) slapping you (Israel ) in the face repeatedly then crying to the police when you punch me back crying assault...

The middle east will always be at a state of war until it joins the 21 St century. I hate to see what will happen to the area when the oil either runs out or technology improves significantly to no longer need it.

The real question people should be asking is why are the surrounding muslim countries not aiding Palestine, they aided Lebanon and Lebanon got massive amounts of aid from both Sunni and ****e factions but Gaza gets next to nothing? odd that?
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Yet no one seems to be too bothered by what's happening to the Iraqi Christians and moderate Muslims by the hands of ISIS.

I've seen the photos and videos. The poor little girl beheaded, all those crucified bodies on display in the square. The mass killings of the Iraqi soldiers, lying face down, shot in the back of the head. The thousands of refugees stranded in the desert with no help at all.

I don't see any of that on the news, not enough Israel in the headline.

Again, start a thread on it if you want to discuss it, I'm sure ISIS will receive pretty much universal condemnation.
Israel is held to a higher standard as they are not a terrorist organisation.

Which is why I was comparing them to other countries.
Russia, UK, United States and almost any other country in the world would retaliate if they had missiles being fired at them by another country.
There is no ceasefire in this situation. Every time one has been declared, Israel have stated that they'll "continue to clear the tunnels." Unless they're going around clubbing people over the head with batons, that certainly doesn't sound like any sort of ceasefire to me...oh wait, Israel love to make everything unequal.
The real question people should be asking is why are the surrounding muslim countries not aiding Palestine, they aided Lebanon and Lebanon got massive amounts of aid from both Sunni and ****e factions but Gaza gets next to nothing? odd that?

The last time the surrounding muslim countries tried they got battered :p and they are certainly in no state currently to help out.
Of course, Israel is always going to be a soft target. A convenient target.


Yup just becsuse they hem people into the worlds biggest open prison which is then besieged and slaughter kids it's easy to condem them but Pol Pot was worse, Hitler was worse, Stalin was worse, I bet I could find dozens of historical bad guys who's forces were worse than the IDF!
The last time the surrounding muslim countries tried they got battered :p and they are certainly in no state currently to help out.

No but with most of these states collapsing, their much more abrasive juntas will likely end up fighting Israel regardless.

The region is dead and we more or less orchestrated the entire conflict, so blaming Israel for anything is missing the point by a margin not seen before.
The last time the surrounding muslim countries tried they got battered :p and they are certainly in no state currently to help out.

And that's why I don't understand the Israeli actions they are clearly the regional superpower who can totally dominate their neighbors militarily without even looking at their nuclear weapon stockpile, so there is no existential threat or tbh any threat imho the regular slaughter are for domestic electoral reasons for Likud.
I'm struggling to find words to express how I feel about people defending Israel's actions in this thread. What on Earth is wrong with you?

Actually disgusted.
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