Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Of the 56 soldiers killed likely 50+ of them have been killed on the ground in Gaza( I would presume) as opposed to being killed by rocket attacks.

They've killed something ludicrous like 28 civilians with rocket attacks since 2001, I'm not going to downplay living with fear of bombs is nice or pleasant, but the severity/frequency of rocket attacks puts it up there with worrying about heart attacks, crossing the road level of events.

There is also still this underlying view with so many people that if Hamas wasn't firing rockets, that Israel do absolutely nothing to them outside of these heavier conflicts. Like the rockets provoked the whole situation and it's all Hamas's fault.

Hamas fired rockets after Israel LIED(they've admitted it now) saying Hamas kidnapped 3 kids, they knew they were dead and this is on the other side of the country to Gaza and they knew point blank it wasn't to do with Hamas. They lied, waited weeks and in this time knowing 100% it wasn't Hamas and wasn't anyone from Gaza, they bundled into what is an open air prison, and started rounding up Hamas members(and plenty of non Hamas members they simply presumed were Hamas), some of whom got killed. All under the apparent action to find these three kids.... they knew were nothing to do with Hamas, were already dead and were lying about this to their own people and the whole world.

Israel lies, rounds up and kills people illegally, immorally, Hamas retaliates..... Israel despite doing all the provoking, decides to level Gaza as a proportional response.

90% of the rockets are fired in response to illegal actions by Israel, illegal settlements, illegally seizing more land/homes, killing more innocent people, but rather than in a significant conflict, it's 1 at a time as people stand up to them as they have their homes taken away. Hamas have every right to retaliate and no Israel do not have a right to constantly cross the border and throw Palestinians out of their own homes, then take them over, or just knock them to the ground, nor do they have any authority to kill people who resist them doing this.... but they do it all the same.
others may simply be like their European ancestors who wiped out entire continents of innocent people with no remorse or regard for human life,

And I give up there...

What a ridiculous comment. Was it the Palestinians cheering at 9/11 and probably 7/7 as well. Yes

Did Muslims slaughter their way through north Africa into Spain. Did Muslims also slaughter their way into Europe? and are still doing it now?

Simply put if you go into ancestors, not a single person on the planet is innocent of anything.
I saw earlier on the news that in total, I think 58 Israelis have been killed so far in this latest conflict (~24 days) with 56 being Israeli soldiers. That is a staggeringly high % of the target being hit with what are primitive home made weapons?!?

If you completely discard the above figures and go by the BS propaganda that the pro Zionist media are dishing out, you are led to believe that the Israeli citizens are under constant rocket fire and it isn't safe for them to step outside. Whereas in actual fact, they go about their normal day to day business, even at times stopping to enjoy the view from hill tops of bombs raining down on Gaza.

Israel with their high tech pinpoint precision weaponry have killed mainly women and children and yet they tell us that they are targeting Hamas and it is actually Hamas that are targeting their civilians. Are Hamas just extremely lucky that over 95% they've killed have been soldiers?!

I have some genuine questions for those who still support Israels actions. Some of you may have family in Israel so it's understandable you would be worried for them, some of you may actually be Zionist yourself, others may simply be like their European ancestors who wiped out entire continents of innocent people with no remorse or regard for human life, but whatever the reason for your pro Israeli stance, what do you believe Israel is trying to achieve? Do you believe it's a lie when people say Israel actually has no intention of making peace because they are looking to establish the Greater Israel and to rebuild the temple of David/Solomon? Is this simply a conspiracy theory!?

They have no intention of making peace with the Palestinians the continues expansion of the borders and illegal settlements show this. Netanyahu himself stated his wants the west bank.

“I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: There cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan,” Netanyahu

As for the "Greater Israel" the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl Said: “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”

Look up Oded Yinon Plan or the booked called "The Zionist Plan for the Middle East" for more information.

The current middle east situation looks frighteningly similar to the plan, Iraq is in mess the Kurds thinking of declaring independence and now ISIS has sprung up to fight the Shia? Syria is falling apart. etc
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And I give up there...

What a ridiculous comment. Was it the Palestinians cheering at 9/11 and probably 7/7 as well. Yes

Did Muslims slaughter their way through north Africa into Spain. Did Muslims also slaughter their way into Europe? and are still doing it now?

Simply put if you go into ancestors, not a single person on the planet is innocent of anything.

The truth was always bound to unsettle some people. As far as the nonsense you posted, weren't the pictures of palestinians celebrating on 911 proven to be false, it was completely unrelated to 911.

If Muslims slaughtered their way around the world, how about you tell us which Muslim army went to Indonesia, the largest Muslim populated country in the world.

The fact of the matter is, if people out there are capable of committing evil acts and killing innocent women and children as history has shown us, and as this current conflict is showing us, then we can't simply ignore the fact that some people are actually sick/twisted and cannot be reasoned with.
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We know Israel continually lie and lie and lie, they've been caught out so many times, it's nothing new. I'm trying to understand what makes people who have no involvement in the situation at all, still defending their actions when you have Israeli ex-soldiers, orthodox Jews, reporters on the ground who are actually over there, absolutely blasting Israel for their blatant acts of aggression and killings of innocent civilians.
The truth was always bound to unsettle some people. As far as the nonsense you posted, weren't the pictures of palestinians celebrating on 911 proven to be false, it was completely unrelated to 911.

If Muslims slaughtered their way around the world, how about you tell us which Muslim army went to Indonesia, the largest Muslim populated country in the world.

The fact of the matter is, if people out there are capable of committing evil acts and killing innocent women and children as history has shown us, and as this current conflict is showing us, then we can't simply ignore the fact that some people are actually sick/twisted and cannot be reasoned with.

No he pictures were real. But let me guess they were justified?

Truth about what was going to unsettle people?Muslims murdering their way around he world? Have a read up what they did in Africa and Spain I.e piling heads as high as hills

Why don't you give us your opinion on what's happening in large parts of Africa, Malaysia, Thailand etc of course Muslims would be doing no wrong.

Get off your high horse and stop seeing things through tainted eyes. Simple fact is neither side is in the right. And everyone will have a differing opinion.
I'm on my phone now but I'll search for and post the links tomorrow because as far as I remember it was common knowledge the video footage that was shown of Palestinians celebrating was completely unrelated to 9/11. It was in fact more evidence showing the very deceptive nature of the pro zionist media.

I'd be interested to hear about Muslims piling heads high as hills in Spain, but to be honest if you didn't even know re the videos from 911, forgive me for not taking too seriously your comments on what Muslims have apparently being doing for hundreds of years.
We know Israel continually lie and lie and lie, they've been caught out so many times, it's nothing new. I'm trying to understand what makes people who have no involvement in the situation at all, still defending their actions when you have Israeli ex-soldiers, orthodox Jews, reporters on the ground who are actually over there, absolutely blasting Israel for their blatant acts of aggression and killings of innocent civilians.

Israeli's are not afraid to voice their opinion of their government, naturally you have people on the left who oppose their actions. I somehow doubt the residents in gaza are offered the same freedom of speech with regards their ruling power.

over 60k civilians were killed in the Iraq war over WMD's that never existed, a war unsanctioned by the UN in which the UK were heavily involved. There was zero threat and 60k civilians died.

Israel have a real & present danger in Hamas, on their doorstep building tunnels into their land, firing rockets over their borders.

The hypocrisy is astounding.
No he pictures were real. But let me guess they were justified?

Truth about what was going to unsettle people?Muslims murdering their way around he world? Have a read up what they did in Africa and Spain I.e piling heads as high as hills

Why don't you give us your opinion on what's happening in large parts of Africa, Malaysia, Thailand etc of course Muslims would be doing no wrong.

Get off your high horse and stop seeing things through tainted eyes. Simple fact is neither side is in the right. And everyone will have a differing opinion.
Damn muslamics, don't worry about what Israel is doing, hey look over there! Those people are bad too.

You realise that link proves nothing right? It doesn't say they were celebrating the attacks it says they were celebrating after the attacks happened.
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Hardly anything? We already knew.

So you think war should be fair?? when has it ever been fair?

If hamas had access to the same technology do you think they wouldn't use it?

If you had to live with people firing that type of weapon at you in the hundred would you just sit there and take it?
Of the 56 soldiers killed likely 50+ of them have been killed on the ground in Gaza( I would presume) as opposed to being killed by rocket attacks.

They've killed something ludicrous like 28 civilians with rocket attacks since 2001, I'm not going to downplay living with fear of bombs is nice or pleasant, but the severity/frequency of rocket attacks puts it up there with worrying about heart attacks, crossing the road level of events.

There is also still this underlying view with so many people that if Hamas wasn't firing rockets, that Israel do absolutely nothing to them outside of these heavier conflicts. Like the rockets provoked the whole situation and it's all Hamas's fault.

Hamas fired rockets after Israel LIED(they've admitted it now) saying Hamas kidnapped 3 kids, they knew they were dead and this is on the other side of the country to Gaza and they knew point blank it wasn't to do with Hamas. They lied, waited weeks and in this time knowing 100% it wasn't Hamas and wasn't anyone from Gaza, they bundled into what is an open air prison, and started rounding up Hamas members(and plenty of non Hamas members they simply presumed were Hamas), some of whom got killed. All under the apparent action to find these three kids.... they knew were nothing to do with Hamas, were already dead and were lying about this to their own people and the whole world.

Israel lies, rounds up and kills people illegally, immorally, Hamas retaliates..... Israel despite doing all the provoking, decides to level Gaza as a proportional response.

90% of the rockets are fired in response to illegal actions by Israel, illegal settlements, illegally seizing more land/homes, killing more innocent people, but rather than in a significant conflict, it's 1 at a time as people stand up to them as they have their homes taken away. Hamas have every right to retaliate and no Israel do not have a right to constantly cross the border and throw Palestinians out of their own homes, then take them over, or just knock them to the ground, nor do they have any authority to kill people who resist them doing this.... but they do it all the same.

These lies may come back to bite beni nuttyahoo in the bum and the so far 61 Israelis who have died could cost likud the next election instead of the Pal bashing winning it for him.

The News has been saying that ever since Israel sent it's troops in a few weeks ago, Gaza has been without power ( And then they had the photos from space where "The lights are off in Gaza because there's no power, what you're seeing from space is the explosions lighting it up".

So which is it? The power has been off for weeks? Or the power plant has only just been knocked out?

And either way, Sky are still broadcasting from Gaza live in HD. Quite impressive with no power :p.

Before the power plant was attacked, it provided power for only a couple of hours a day. This was combined with the cutting off of power from Israel to leave the Palestinians with very little power. Since the attack, they have even less!

Some organisations have their own generators but fuel is hard to come by.

All the media will be providing their own power sources.
Israel have a real & present danger in Hamas, on their doorstep building tunnels into their land, firing rockets over their borders.

Yeah those kids playing footie on the beach were definitely a clear and present danger. Just think of the devastation that could've happened if that football landed on an Israeli school.
I don't understand why hamas keep firing rockets even when theres a cease fire on. It just provokes Israel into a far larger bombardment, meaning hundreds more civilian lives are lost due to hamas stupidity.
Its not a war though is it it's a massacre.

And? all wars are massacres, civilians get killed in wars its a unfortunate situation.

I could go on.

Why is all the blame on Israel they have the right to defend them selves, and no its not about the damage that is done its about the damage that could be done. A point everyone seems to be missing!
No defence system is a 100% accurate even the iron dome system.
Pretty sure If Hamas wasn't violent and braking every ceasefire Israel and Egypt (a majority Muslim country that people seem to forget, who are also blockading Gaza) would open there borders but then again its all about hating the strongest in this thread.

The real question is why don't we have a massive thread on the war crimes the ISIS is currently undertaking, with people calling for military force to be undertaken. They have wiped out kurds and for the first time there are no christians in northern iraq. Mass executions in both Iraq and Syria that make Gaza look like a car accident but yet no marching in the streets?

Is it because one group isn't a popular hate figure on the internet?
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