Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Yup just becsuse they hem people into the worlds biggest open prison which is then besieged and slaughter kids it's easy to condem them but Pol Pot was worse, Hitler was worse, Stalin was worse, I bet I could find dozens of historical bad guys who's forces were worse than the IDF!

They could escape to Egypt if they opened up the borders but no one is condemning Egypt for the "slaughter" Hamas could not build its tunnels under people's homes or fire it's rockets for heavily populated areas yet they are now freedom fighters, not terrorists.
The last time the surrounding muslim countries tried they got battered :p and they are certainly in no state currently to help out.
Really they couldn't assist with providing manpads? or at least in Egypt's case open the borders and let aid and building materials in. Just face it only the west cares about gaza, rest of the local Muslim population really don't

Yup just becsuse they hem people into the worlds biggest open prison which is then besieged and slaughter kids it's easy to condem them but Pol Pot was worse, Hitler was worse, Stalin was worse, I bet I could find dozens of historical bad guys who's forces were worse than the IDF!

they only control 3 borders a 'Muslim' country controls the fourth and they are doing the exact same as Israel, it's like the Palestinians have got a reputation...

I'm struggling to find words to express how I feel about people defending Israel's actions in this thread. What on Earth is wrong with you?

Actually disgusted.

You're disgusted because someone has a different opinion to you, eh gee thanks. That'll make the world better. no give just your opinion is the only correct one.
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But what reputation though? it will only have came about in splitting up the country in the first place.
Prior to that 'apparently' the muslims/jews/christians in the same piece of land got on ok before that.

The region is dead and we more or less orchestrated the entire conflict, so blaming Israel for anything is missing the point by a margin not seen before.

Oh I completely agree, but we had no right to the land in the first place.
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No but with most of these states collapsing, their much more abrasive juntas will likely end up fighting Israel regardless.

The region is dead and we more or less orchestrated the entire conflict, so blaming Israel for anything is missing the point by a margin not seen before.

I'm pretty sure blaming Israel for shelling children playing football on a beach isn't missing the point at all really.
…they only control 3 borders a 'Muslim' country controls the fourth and they are doing the exact same as Israel, it's like the Palestinians have got a reputation...

Don't forget, Jordan expelled all the Palestinians after Black September and were happy to wash their hands of the West Bank.
I'm struggling to find words to express how I feel about people defending Israel's actions in this thread. What on Earth is wrong with you?

Actually disgusted.

If Hamas actually stopped attacking them, Israel wouldn't have a leg to stand on with ANY action in gaza from a legal perspective. All the time hamas shoot rockets at them, they can legally defend their borders and there isn't a single thing any foreign nation can do about it.
I'm pretty sure blaming Israel for shelling children playing football on a beach isn't missing the point at all really.

Are you going to blame Hamas for towing a school bus? you can't be one-sided up on that stool of your's. You have to point out every-sides faults and not show any bias.
I'm struggling to find words to express how I feel about people defending Israel's actions in this thread. What on Earth is wrong with you?

Actually disgusted.

What is Israel to do? Wait until enough of it's citizens are killed and then retaliate? Do the Israeli citizens not deserve to be protected?
Oh I completely agree, but we had no right to the land in the first place.

Of course not, but we had no right to America either and now look at it...

Unfortunately there is literally one solution and we cant do it, thus we will infinitely pay for this forever. Though perhaps some day a less than intelligent terrorist will decide to use actual WMDs (any sort), that will legitimise the response anyway.

Ohh and people should look up the less than stellar images from Syria recently.
What is Israel to do? Wait until enough of it's citizens are killed and then retaliate? Do the Israeli citizens not deserve to be protected?

What is Palestine to do? Wait until enough of it's citizens are killed and their land stolen and then retaliate? Do the Palestinian citizens not deserve to be protected?
Try to enter dialogue with Hamas, not it's not popular but neither was the UK government talking to the IRA and it, over all has prevented a lot of deaths on both sides.

Hamas will not be easy to talk to, it won't be direct but Israel/Hamas need to wake up, neither is ever going to win this without compromise on both sides.
They could escape to Egypt if they opened up the borders but no one is condemning Egypt for the "slaughter" Hamas could not build its tunnels under people's homes or fire it's rockets for heavily populated areas yet they are now freedom fighters, not terrorists.

Egypt is and has been controlled by US/Israel apointed rulers that's why all the revolutions and coups to make sure that border stays closed and siege is maintained.
Are you going to blame Hamas for towing a school bus? you can't be one-sided up on that stool of your's. You have to point out every-sides faults and not show any bias.

Yes I am, as I've already said that was a disgusting attack. Unlike you who said I should point out everyones fault, but brushed off 5 children being killed while playing football on a beach as an accident. You ****ing hypocrite.:mad:
What is Palestine to do? Wait until enough of it's citizens are killed and their land stolen and then retaliate? Do the Palestinian citizens not deserve to be protected?

One good way to start is not elect terrorists to represent you. Another is not to have started terrorising Israel in the first place.

They had their chance in 48 but didn't want To share Israel with Jews. It would be a very different conflict if Israel didn't win successive wars and wasn't surrounded by hostility.

Surely if all Israel wanted to do was to close tunnels they could have done it in a very different manner.

It's a bit hard when the tunnels are in people's home, shops, mosques…
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