Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Try to enter dialogue with Hamas, not it's not popular but neither was the UK government talking to the IRA and it, over all has prevented a lot of deaths on both sides.

Hamas will not be easy to talk to, it won't be direct but Israel/Hamas need to wake up, neither is ever going to win this without compromise on both sides.

but Israel has already shown it won't compromise through direct violation of various UN mandates regarding illegal settlements. They continually refuse to allow inspections of their WMD's, and have kept 1.8 million people under oppression through a land, air and sea blockade for over 7 years.

The israeli propoganda machine is running overtime. They try and make us think they want peace, but in reality they are not prepared to make those concesions that would even start off such a process. They are happy with the status quo because they know they can bomb Gaza back to the stoneage with impunity, commit various war crimes, break wartime protocols and do all of that with the blessing of the UN security council thanks to the USA veto.

Why would they want to compromise when they are being given permission to carry out a backdoor ethnic cleansing programme which will end with them getting all the land they are trying to grab anyway.
Yes I am, as I've already said that was a disgusting attack. Unlike you who said I should point out everyones fault, but brushed off 5 children being killed while playing football on a beach as an accident. You ****ing hypocrite.:mad:

Haha, oh wow personal insults, I have no idea what happened nor have I stated that I approve of Israels actions but I understand why they have happened. The children getting shelled is a unfortunate event which most likely would have been a case of mistaken identification, which can be attributed to a screw up on both sides, lack of Intel on the Isrealis and the use /training of child soldiers on Hamas but screw ups happen in every war no matter how professional a army is. But I'm not the one using it as a way of legitimising firing multiple rocket systems in another country. which is what you are doing? which in itself is hypocritical??
Haha, oh wow personal insults, I have no idea what happened nor have I stated that I approve of Israels actions but I understand why they have happened. The children getting shelled is a unfortunate event which most likely would have been a case of mistaken identification, which can be attributed to a screw up on both sides, lack of Intel on the Isrealis and the use /training of child soldiers on Hamas but screw ups happen in every war no matter how professional a army is. But I'm not the one using it as a way of legitimising firing multiple rocket systems in another country. which is what you are doing? which in itself is hypocritical??

It wasn't an isult is was a statement of fact, you are a hypocrite.

And now you're just making yourself look even dafter by implying that 5 children playing football could be mistaken for child soldiers under training, I mean honestly:confused:
Lol are you seriously saying it's not?

I'm pretty sure there has been conflict between the religions in the middle east long before the USA was even founded, the only difference between now and then is that the USA is partially funding one side instead of the Vatican.

Neither side is going to back down whilst they believe that they have god on there side and the land is given to them by a magical fairy in the sky.

All we are seeing here is the continuation of idiots fighting over who controls them. We wont see an end to the violence in the middle east until either one religion rules the majority or they all give up on their current believe system.

Hamas won't communicate with Israel as there main goal is to wipe it off the map, Israel won't communicate with hamas because Hamas want to do the above.

If Hamas laid down there guns there would be no justification for what we are seeing, If Israel laid down its guns there would be no Israel, too many centuries of bad blood and backwards mentality in the area for peace in our time. Only possible way I can see it happening is if aliens suddenly arrive and debunk all religions but again that is a long shot...:rolleyes:
It wasn't an isult is was a statement of fact, you are a hypocrite.

And now you're just making yourself look even dafter by implying that 5 children playing football could be mistaken for child soldiers under training, I mean honestly:confused:

haha so calling someone a ******* hypocrite isn't a insult?

I never implied that was what happened, I mearly gave a suggestion to what could have happened, unlike me and you soldiers don't have hindsight. I also stated it was a regrettable situation but you seem to be a person in constant outrage who thinks it's acceptable to insult people with different opinions to you.
I have the opinion that a **** up happened, but it is a war situation **** ups happen all the time. Humans **** up allot under stress something you don't seem to realise.
We have no evidence on what the officers on board that ship saw to grant the operator permission to fire, in hindsight we know that it was the wrong option but unfortunately that dosn't stop it from happening. You are making out that the Israelis are mass murders who stick babies on spikes, I'm sorry to tell you this but no matter how much desensitisation training a soldier takes they still are extremely reluctant if not refuse to undertake a order which may lead to breaking this morality.

The problem here is failure to communicate and everyone thinks they are in the right, all sides lack the willingness to admit that they may be partially wrong.
bit like this thread...
Try to enter dialogue with Hamas, not it's not popular but neither was the UK government talking to the IRA and it, over all has prevented a lot of deaths on both sides.

Hamas will not be easy to talk to, it won't be direct but Israel/Hamas need to wake up, neither is ever going to win this without compromise on both sides.

Surely the key difference is that the UK government actually wanted peace, whereas Israel ultimately wants the Palestinian's land and will never agree to pull back and let them have their own country?
Stop crying for mummy because he called you a hypocrite and argue like a man. You are a hypocrite, you're trying to make excuses for the actions of Israeli soldiers whilst condemning those of Hamas.

If you read the post I never excused them.... I stated the reason why it probably happened. But go ahead do the standard approach of attacking without reading someone who doesn't have the exact opinion as you... I'm not a hypocrite, I'd rather not see bombing of civilians but I'm also not as naive to see the world as black and white, there are layers of grey in-between. What I was trying to show was people were jumping on the we hate Isreal because they are doing this but completely ignoring the offences which were committed by Hamas, lets call it playing the one devils many devils in this area advocate as neither side is the good or evil as being championed on here.

I'm just pointing out that Israel is attacking because Hamas is firing missiles not hamas is firing missiles because Israel is attacking. but hey ho lets not have a proper debate, instead lets reduce it to pettiness, we can be like the house of parliament and jeer each other....
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I stated the reason why it probably happened.

No, you came up with an obscure and unlikely explanation to try and make them seem more innocent. How on earth could you know what "probably happened?" They thought kids playing football on the beach were child soldiers being trained, really?!

Stop making stuff up and your arguments might seem more credible, but at this moment in time you're desperately clutching at straws.
Ah my apologies, I'd misread your original post. I can't speak for anyone else, obviously. I'm curious to know how the US control Egypt as well as Israel?

The exact amount varies from year to year and there are many different funding streams, but U.S. foreign assistance to Egypt has averaged about $2 billion a year since 1979, when Egypt struck a peace treaty with Israel. Most of that goes toward military aid.

They tried to control Morsi (who took over following the ousting of Mubarak) and failed. The relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the CIA/MI6 is very interesting. When Morsi started getting a bit boisterous about the Palestinians and Israel, a coup took place which put el-Sisi in power. Sisi has then proceeded to assist in blockading Gaza (or incrementing/tightening the blockade), etc.

In 2012, Mohamed Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected president was able to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel to end the latter's onslaught on Gaza.

During his short rule, Morsi quickly eased travel restrictions on the enclave and opened the Rafah border crossing. However, once he was ousted, Al-Sisi quickly tightened control on the crossing and closed it.

In addition to this, under Al-Sisi's auspices, the Egyptian Army has bombed and attacked Sinai, destroying a large number of tunnels used by Palestinians to get their daily needs, including food and petrol, intensifying the suffering of the people of Gaza.

In 2012, Morsi gave a speech committing his country to the Palestinian cause and its people, and warning Israel against further aggression.

Since most of the money Egypt receives from the US goes to the military, the military (el-Sisi is ex-Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces/ex-Defence Minister) is very much inclined to "maintain good relations" with the US.
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