Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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haha so calling someone a ******* hypocrite isn't a insult?

No it's a statement of fact.

I never implied that was what happened, I mearly gave a suggestion to what could have happened, unlike me and you soldiers don't have hindsight. I also stated it was a regrettable situation but you seem to be a person in constant outrage who thinks it's acceptable to insult people with different opinions to you....

I have the opinion that a **** up happened, but it is a war situation **** ups happen all the time. Humans **** up allot under stress something you don't seem to realise.
We have no evidence on what the officers on board that ship saw to grant the operator permission to fire, in hindsight we know that it was the wrong option but unfortunately that dosn't stop it from happening. You are making out that the Israelis are mass murders who stick babies on spikes, I'm sorry to tell you this but no matter how much desensitisation training a soldier takes they still are extremely reluctant if not refuse to undertake a order which may lead to breaking this morality.

The problem here is failure to communicate and everyone thinks they are in the right, all sides lack the willingness to admit that they may be partially wrong.
bit like this thread...

No, **** up like this don't 'just happen'. This wasn't a case of of a weapons cache being attacked with civilians surrounding it, this was a Naval bombardment of a beach with children playing on it.

I used to be in the Royal Navy I've taken part in dozens of shoots of both Anti Aircraft and as a spotter for the 4.5's mounts, in fact if I'd stayed in I'd most likely have moved onto have been a 4.5 inch gun controller.
I can quite confidently state the ship would've been firing on the target with extremely up to date information and was probably within visual range of either the spotters on the upper deck or the 76mm's(most probable weapon used) sights. If they weren't absolutely sure of what they were shooting at then they shouldn't have fired. The fact they did should result in prosecution of the ship's captain, ops officer, P.W.O. & gun controller.
If they were absolutely sure on what they were firing on then they should all be up on murder charges.

It isn't one of those things, it's either disgusting incompetence, or worse, murder of 5 innocent children playing on a beach.
The anti Israel brigade is strong in here.

I love the fact that people are so strongly against Israeli action yet say nothing against the terrorists that use their own people as human shields.

Also why is Israel expected to hold up to such high standards which no other country is expected to follow.
You can bet if the UK had missiles fired upon it by Ireland some sort of military action would take place, hell America had one terrorist attack take place on it's soil and they invaded and occupied a country over it!
To say Israel is the only guilty party in this is extremely naïve, Hamas are just as guilty of war crimes against Israel and in some cases against their own people that speak out against them, except people seem to overlook these as most people seem to be intent on just blaming one side.

Let's put your analogy into the current outbreak of fighting:

Three Brits are killed in Ireland. Britain immediately sends in the military and arrests hundreds of Irish politicians and civil servants, killing several Irish civilians at the same time, claiming it was the Irish government that killed them. An Irishman is plucked off the streets of London and killed in a revenge attack.

Irish resolve breaks and they retaliate, firing the only long range weapons they have, unguided missiles, at the UK. The UK government then start firing guided missiles at buildings and homes, killing hundreds before sending in the troops, claiming they are only defending themselves. While the troops are being sent in it becomes apparent the UK knew the Irish government had nothing to do with the killing of the three Brits from the start.

Ceasefires are called and Ireland stop firing rockets, yet the British military keep blowing up Irish defensive installations. In response the Irish start firing rockets at Britain again.

Now obviously it's the Irish's fault in the above story right?

No one here is saying Hamas aren't throwing the occasional stone into the pond, however they aren't throwing rocks at the ducks like the Israelis...
Let's put your analogy into the current outbreak of fighting:

Three Brits are killed in Ireland. Britain immediately sends in the military and arrests hundreds of Irish politicians and civil servants, killing several Irish civilians at the same time, claiming it was the Irish government that killed them. An Irishman is plucked off the streets of London and killed in a revenge attack.

Irish resolve breaks and they retaliate, firing the only long range weapons they have, unguided missiles, at the UK. The UK government then start firing guided missiles at buildings and homes, killing hundreds before sending in the troops, claiming they are only defending themselves. While the troops are being sent in it becomes apparent the UK knew the Irish government had nothing to do with the killing of the three Brits from the start.

Ceasefires are called and Ireland stop firing rockets, yet the British military keep blowing up Irish defensive installations. In response the Irish start firing rockets at Britain again.

Now obviously it's the Irish's fault in the above story right?

No one here is saying Hamas aren't throwing the occasional stone into the pond, however they aren't throwing rocks at the ducks like the Israelis...

Lets also add that we've steadily been taking more and more land of the Irish for the last few decades, putting fences around their towns, bulldozing their homes and building homes for British people on top of them.
If Hamas actually stopped attacking them, Israel wouldn't have a leg to stand on with ANY action in gaza from a legal perspective. All the time hamas shoot rockets at them, they can legally defend their borders and there isn't a single thing any foreign nation can do about it.

According to the BBC Hamas hadn't fired any rockets at Israel for 20 months before the Israeli army entered Gaza and rounded up 400 Hamas (and other) members. Even with the blockade Israel had put Gaza under.

Hamas had recently joined up with the second major political party in Gaza, Fatah, and created a unity government.

This idea Hamas has been attacking Israel for the last few years in *******. Israel broke the 2012 peace treaty, not Hamas.
They stopped fighting,the very definition of a ceasefire.

You put tunnel in inverted commas, do you not believe they exist? Israel made it clear they would continue to destroy the tunnels on both sides of the border during the ceasefire agreement.

thats not a ceasefire then if Israel are still running military operations inside Gaza. Thus Israel's position is that there is no ceasefire.

A ceasefire (or truce) is a temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive actions.

Therefore Israel has not "stopped" the war if they are still running ops in Gaza whether they be shelling buildings or any other form of incursion.
According to the BBC Hamas hadn't fired any rockets at Israel for 20 months before the Israeli army entered Gaza and rounded up 400 Hamas (and other) members. Even with the blockade Israel had put Gaza under.

Hamas had recently joined up with the second major political party in Gaza, Fatah, and created a unity government.

This idea Hamas has been attacking Israel for the last few years in *******. Israel broke the 2012 peace treaty, not Hamas.

exactly and Israel did it because the full well knew that unity between Hamas an Fatah would result in a more united front for palestine giving the Palestinians a better position from which to ask for lifting of the illegal 7 year blockade and the removal of ilegal settlements in the westbank.

Israel could feel itself losing a grip on the situation so the best way to regain control was to lie about Hamas involvement in the kidnaps, and then smash Gaza up to reassert their oppression on the civilian populace in an attempt to further destabilize the area.

its no different to what putin is doing in Ukraine so why isn't the US and UK handing out sanctions on Netanyhu for his butchery ?
It's funny how appeasement always ends baldy. You know, give Nazi Germany what they want because they might have been treated unfairly in the past and hope they go away. Give Israel their own state, hope they go away. It never works, no one ever learns.
was reading the dailymail comments for a laugh and stumbled across this
Why doesn't Tony Blair ' the middle east peace envoy' just pull up a chair and park himself in a strategic spot in Gaza and tell Israel to stop firing ? He has made enough money to get a really nice upholstered one. ' Put your mouth where your money is, Blair'.
had to laugh
According to the BBC Hamas hadn't fired any rockets at Israel for 20 months before the Israeli army entered Gaza and rounded up 400 Hamas (and other) members. Even with the blockade Israel had put Gaza under.

Hamas had recently joined up with the second major political party in Gaza, Fatah, and created a unity government.

This idea Hamas has been attacking Israel for the last few years in *******. Israel broke the 2012 peace treaty, not Hamas.

Interesting, I didn't know that, so thanks! Such a complicated engagement :S
According to the BBC Hamas hadn't fired any rockets at Israel for 20 months before the Israeli army entered Gaza and rounded up 400 Hamas (and other) members. Even with the blockade Israel had put Gaza under.

Hamas had recently joined up with the second major political party in Gaza, Fatah, and created a unity government.

This idea Hamas has been attacking Israel for the last few years in *******. Israel broke the 2012 peace treaty, not Hamas.

I don't have the evidence to back this up, but I am 99% sure I was watching a news broadcast from inside Israel when the Iron Dome alarms went off and a rocket exploded in the air within sight of the reporter/camera crew.That happened for sure. The 1% of doubt is if this was more than 20 months before the current nonsense - I don't believe it was as I only moved to my current place around 2 years ago and I was definitely here when I watched that report.
I don't have the evidence to back this up, but I am 99% sure I was watching a news broadcast from inside Israel when the Iron Dome alarms went off and a rocket exploded in the air within sight of the reporter/camera crew.That happened for sure. The 1% of doubt is if this was more than 20 months before the current nonsense - I don't believe it was as I only moved to my current place around 2 years ago and I was definitely here when I watched that report.

And you would be correct.
I don't have the evidence to back this up, but I am 99% sure I was watching a news broadcast from inside Israel when the Iron Dome alarms went off and a rocket exploded in the air within sight of the reporter/camera crew.That happened for sure. The 1% of doubt is if this was more than 20 months before the current nonsense - I don't believe it was as I only moved to my current place around 2 years ago and I was definitely here when I watched that report.

I just read that Huffington Post piece which seems to suggest there were a few rockets fired by non Hamas affiliated groups between 2012 and now. The BBC state that none were fired in that time, but maybe they meant Hamas fired ones. Either way the Huffington Post article also reported Hamas set up anti rocket patrols to stop other groups from firing rockets out of Gaza, with considerable success.

It certainly doesn't paint Hamas as the nasty evil terrorists many seem to think they are and it suggests Hamas were holding up their end of the bargain, even if some other very minor elements in Gaza were trying to stir up trouble.
Let's put your analogy into the current outbreak of fighting:

Three Brits are killed in Ireland. Britain immediately sends in the military and arrests hundreds of Irish politicians and civil servants, killing several Irish civilians at the same time, claiming it was the Irish government that killed them. An Irishman is plucked off the streets of London and killed in a revenge attack.

The irish were never governed by the IRA, they were never representatives of Ireland and their actions were never condoned by the Irish government. There is no comparison.
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