Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Your link also highlights Hamas did not fire any rockets into Israel, other groups did, but Israel states it blames Hamas for everything:

Well in this context, if they're the authority in Gaza and rockets are coming out of Gaza and they're building monuments to the rocket attacks on Israel... I kind of see their point. Nothing to do with the current conflict though.

The irish were never governed by the IRA, they were never representatives of Ireland and their actions were never condoned by the Irish government. There is no comparison.

yeah, the whole Irish thing, ive seen pics of 'what ireland would look like if it was palestine' etc. - exceedingly tenuous.
The irish were never governed by the IRA, they were never representatives of Ireland and their actions were never condoned by the Irish government. There is no comparison.

And? Hamas are the ruling political party in Gaza. This campaign was started when Israel rounded up members of the ruling party. Hamas fight back and Israel then invades with even more men.

Hell, the Huffington post suggests Israel fired missiles into Gaza (killing at least one) before Hamas replied with rockets, rather than just foot incursions.

No matter what you think of Hamas Israel were the ones that broke the truce that had stood for two years prior to them invading.

The analogue still stands (not that I brought it up in the first place).

Edit: Actually it's more accurate than you say.. Sinn Fein, heavily linked to the IRA, currently hold seats in both the RoI and Northern Ireland. Heck Martin Mcguinness, the first minister of N. Ireland, was a leader in the PIRA.... Let's also remember that Hamas are a political party with a military wing (the Qassam Brigades) affiliated to them...
And? Hamas are the ruling political party in Gaza. This campaign was started when Israel rounded up members of the ruling party. Hamas fight back and Israel then invades with even more men.

Hell, the Huffington post suggests Israel fired missiles into Gaza (killing at least one) before Hamas replied with rockets, rather than just foot incursions.

No matter what you think of Hamas Israel were the ones that broke the truce that had stood for two years prior to them invading.

The analogue still stands (not that I brought it up in the first place).

Edit: Actually it's more accurate than you say.. Sinn Fein, heavily linked to the IRA, currently hold seats in both the RoI and Northern Ireland. Heck Martin Mcguinness, the first minister of N. Ireland, was a leader in the PIRA.... Let's also remember that Hamas are a political party with a military wing (the Qassam Brigades) affiliated to them...

It's a good analogy. Even the best ones can get picked at by those who refuse to see it as the analogy it is, and attempt to make out that "it's not the same". Well of course it isn't "the same". It's a ******* analogy. It's the similarities in plain sight that they reject, implying a form of blindness. :D
It's a good analogy. Even the best ones can get picked at by those who refuse to see it as the analogy it is, and attempt to make out that "it's not the same". Well of course it isn't "the same". It's a ******* analogy. It's the similarities in plain sight that they reject, implying a form of blindness. :D

An analogy is a comparison of two things based on their being alike in some way

If the differences vastly outweigh the similarities it is a poor analogy.

He would have been better off saying country A and country B as their are no real world analogies for this conflict.
If the differences vastly outweigh the similarities it is a poor analogy.

They only vastly outweigh them because you focus on the differences instead of the similarities, the latter being the entire point of the analogy.

In essence, you are choosing only to see that which "proves" your position is right, and blinding yourself to any examples which show otherwise. A habit which ultimately ends up making a person's position very, very wrong, while they believe it is very, very right.
And? Hamas are the ruling political party in Gaza. This campaign was started when Israel rounded up members of the ruling party. Hamas fight back and Israel then invades with even more men.

Hell, the Huffington post suggests Israel fired missiles into Gaza (killing at least one) before Hamas replied with rockets, rather than just foot incursions.

No matter what you think of Hamas Israel were the ones that broke the truce that had stood for two years prior to them invading.

The analogue still stands (not that I brought it up in the first place).

Edit: Actually it's more accurate than you say.. Sinn Fein, heavily linked to the IRA, currently hold seats in both the RoI and Northern Ireland. Heck Martin Mcguinness, the first minister of N. Ireland, was a leader in the PIRA.... Let's also remember that Hamas are a political party with a military wing (the Qassam Brigades) affiliated to them...

Plus Britain caused both messes.
They stuck him up there to stop his mates chucking stones at their car?? The depravity, he could have received minor injuries.
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All I read/hear is ceasefire. Then ceasefire broken.

Face the facts, Isreal will not stop. I keep saying this.

Slightly inaccurate... as most of the time it's Gaza breaking the ceasefire first with rocket fire. Then Israel responding after a while.

Eg today. The humanitarian ceasefire, brokered by the United States and the United Nations in a bid to end the deadly 25-day conflict, was supposed to take effect at 8am (6am GMT) today. But less than two hours after it began, it collapsed into more bloodshed when an Israeli soldier was reportedly captured by Hamas. Then afterwards, Israel fought back. But only after first having been attacked!

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon blamed Hamas for violating a 72-hour ceasefire in Gaza and demanded the immediate release of the kidnapped Israeli soldier.
Ban Ki-moon has condemned Hamas for allegedly violating the ceasefire in a 'grave' move that 'is likely to have very serious consequences for the people of Gaza, Israel and beyond'.

The UN chief also urged both sides 'to show maximum restraint and return to the agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire that tragically lasted such a brief period of time', according to UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.
'Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas' assurances to the United Nations,' said Mr Dujarric. 'The secretary-general condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning. 'He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments.'
Slightly inaccurate... as most of the time it's Gaza breaking the ceasefire first with rocket fire. Then Israel responding after a while.

Eg today. The humanitarian ceasefire, brokered by the United States and the United Nations in a bid to end the deadly 25-day conflict, was supposed to take effect at 8am (6am GMT) today. But less than two hours after it began, it collapsed into more bloodshed when an Israeli soldier was reportedly captured by Hamas. Then afterwards, Israel fought back. But only after first having been attacked!

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon blamed Hamas for violating a 72-hour ceasefire in Gaza and demanded the immediate release of the kidnapped Israeli soldier.
Ban Ki-moon has condemned Hamas for allegedly violating the ceasefire in a 'grave' move that 'is likely to have very serious consequences for the people of Gaza, Israel and beyond'.

The UN chief also urged both sides 'to show maximum restraint and return to the agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire that tragically lasted such a brief period of time', according to UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.
'Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas' assurances to the United Nations,' said Mr Dujarric. 'The secretary-general condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning. 'He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments.'

Lol UN. Give over. Israel has killed so many, and will carry on. Kidnapped soldier my foot. Anything to use as an excuse to fire more bombs into the place,
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