Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Israel did break the ceasefire - its being reported all over today, that they used the ceasefire to continue their advance into the two problematic areas. When pulled up on it the IDF spokesmen have changed their story twice today so far.

First it was we are still advancing on the tunnels, then it was a 'claim' that a suicide bomber attacked them. Even they can't make up their own minds which excuse to use.


Interesting that the US led peace talks were biased towards the israeli's so they wanted to accept and blamed Hamas for not accepting. Qatar + Turkey tried to agree some terms today aswell which this time Israel blatantly dismissed.

That cartoon is pathetic - the palestinians aren't calling for the usual 'anti-semetic' claim of death to all jews - in fact its the opposite way round - The Israeli's are the ones called for 'Death to all Arabs' - it's plastered all over most of the mosques and property owned by the few muslims living in Israel.

The Israeli's have managed to brainwash their children so much that even their teens are stripping off to voice this opinion!:

Don't need no silly cartoons to show this as fact.

"I wish a painful death to Arabs"

"From the bottom of my heart, I wish for Arabs to be torched"

"In the end there will be no more Arabs, God willing"

"I spit on you, you stinking Arabs"

"We wage war so this will be our land without any Arabs"

"Hating Arabs isn't racism it's a commandment from God"

"Arabs may you be paralyzed & die with great suffering!"

"Stinking Arabs, may you die, Amen"

"Kill them already, Arabs are whores"

And it goes on and on - you can evidence these tweets in the linky above

Video evidence?
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Also it's interesting to see that the reporters in Gaza are having to be careful in what they say due to fears about Hamas.


no different to journalists in israel then like the women that later tweeted calling them scum for threatening her if she used the wrong words.

BTW that guy is an amateur journalist trying to make a name for himself anyway not some senior journalist known around the world.

suddenly everyone with a twitter account and an education is a journalist these days
Disclaimer, I have no bias here like some others clearly do. Im not particulary religious.

but im a tad perplexed ..

I have heard and in fact never stopped seeing and hearing about Jihad's and various extreme military organisations in the muslim world since 2001. We cannot go a day without losing our freedoms as westerners with muslims being blamed for everything, sometimes with good reason and now clearly we can see in the western media which religion is favoured so most times = not.

So, we know muslim fighters are unbeatable hard nuts, the russians couldnt beat them in Afganistan nor could the brittish. They are hard as nails and often groups have been previously trained by the CIA or SAS etc.. we also know there are billions of muslims (mostly peaceful i imagine)

To the point.. Where are they ? Im actually suprised given the millions of young radicalised mildle eastern men that Isreal doesnt have hundreds of thousands of Jihad fighters storming their country

Whats the score here.. ? Why havent we seen any Jihads spoken about Isreal on the media even on left field news outlets, basically where are they?
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Disclaimer, I have no bias here like some others clearly do. Im not particulary religious.

but im a tad perplexed ..

I have heard and in fact never stopped seeing and hearing about Jihad's and various extreme military organisations in the muslim world since 2001. We cannot go a day without losing our freedoms as westerners with muslims being blamed for everything, sometimes with good reason and now clearly we can see in the western media which religion is favoured so most times = not.

So, we know muslim fighters are unbeatable hard nuts, the russians couldnt beat them in Afganistan nor could the brittish. They are hard as nails and often groups have been previously trained by the CIA or SAS etc.. we also know there are billions of muslims (mostly peaceful i imagine)

To the point.. Where are they ? Im actually suprised given the millions of young radicalised mildle eastern men that Isreal doesnt have hundreds of thousands of Jihad fighters storming their country

Whats the score here.. ? Why havent we seen any Jihads spoken about Isreal on the media even on left field news outlets.
ISIS or whatever they go by now said they will fight their way to israel, I'm not sure which route they take but I guess through egypt in about never never land.

stupid dreamers and probably the last thing hamas want as then every country would hate them as much as israel does
Because Muslims are Terrorists and every other man of religion isn't. /media.

ISIS are to concerned about killing Shia sect. They'll be a while before they go into Israel if they ever do.
ISIS or whatever they go by now said they will fight their way to israel, I'm not sure which route they take but I guess through egypt in about never never land.

stupid dreamers

right. So what about the 10 other groups? the hundreds of thousands of angry men and women who would travel to fight? Im still just perplexed, i imagined more than 50 guys in toyota pickups with an big machine gun on the back
right. So what about the 10 other groups? the hundreds of thousands of angry men and women who would travel to fight? Im still just perplexed, i imagined more than 50 guys in toyota pickups with an big machine gun on the back

it's not a religious war? there is no fatwa calling for the destruction of israel ?
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it's not a religious war? there is no fatwah or whatever they call it against israel?

okay i understand. but they are meant to be 'brothers' the people are under a form of racial and religious oppresion from what palestines are saying. But i guess the truth is that 99% of muslims are peaceful and are not terrorists? because if they were all like that then there would be a huge holy war against isreal?

so the answer is the militia are stretched too thin?

thanks that answers my question. but it also clearly sort of points out that muslims are peaceful right?

Guardian said:
An IDF spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, said the truce was broken at about 9.30am when Israeli soldiers had been preparing to destroy a Hamas tunnel running from Gaza into Israel, as the ceasefire terms allowed, when a group of militants emerged from an underground shaft. Lerner said there was at least one suicide attacker in the assault. There was an exchange of fire, after which Goldin was reported missing.

According to the Haaretz news website, IDF soldiers followed the attackers through the tunnel, which came up in an empty mosque. Special forces were sent in to search the surrounding neighbourhood supported by heavy artillery and warplanes, which caused the high civilian casualties.

So Israelis prepare to blow up tunnel, get attacked by Palestinian who appear to have been in the tunnel, lose man, bomb the **** out of the surrounding area, with no care for civilian casualties?

Can someone correct me here, an unconditional ceasefire means no conditions on either side right? I read the above as the Israelis accepting on co.ditikn they can continue blowing up tunnels and weapons caches?

Yes, Hamas shouldn't have attacked the Israelis if they agreed a ceasefire with that condition, however the disproportionate and apparently willful heavy destruction of the surrounding area is the exact reason so many are sympathising with the Palestinians.

So Israelis prepare to blow up tunnel, get attacked by Palestinian who appear to have been in the tunnel, lose man, bomb the **** out of the surrounding area, with no care for civilian casualties?

Can someone correct me here, an unconditional ceasefire means no conditions on either side right? I read the above as the Israelis accepting on co.ditikn they can continue blowing up tunnels and weapons caches?

Yes, Hamas shouldn't have attacked the Israelis if they agreed a ceasefire with that condition, however the disproportionate and apparently willful heavy destruction of the surrounding area is the exact reason so many are sympathising with the Palestinians.

Israel only wants a ceasefire where it's military can carry out it's aims and expect hamas to watch.

in a war no country is going to sit and watch the enemy taking out their defences and it's ridiculous to even propose a ceasefire under those circumstances.

all military should cease not just one side.

it's like expecting a ceasefire with the germans during ww2 but expecting them to let us clear the beaches in france for the invasion :rolleyes:

I honestly don't understand what dropping bombs and artillery in these built up areas is supposed to achieve are people actually calling in strikes on specific targets or just obliterating random buildings where they think hamas might have escaped the tunnels to?
I honestly don't understand what dropping bombs and artillery in these built up areas is supposed to achieve are people actually calling in strikes on specific targets or just obliterating random buildings where they think hamas might have escaped the tunnels to?

Imho it's ethnic cleansing to get the oil and gas just off the Gazan coast, it's such a huge field it could enrich everybody in Palestine and Israel, but I guess the Israelis don't want rich Palestinians when they could just have it all.
Lots of quotes with the words arabs and deaths involved

The wonderful thing about it, if you take the other side, you could swap the word Arab, for Jew (or Zionist depending on to whom you speak) and get the same clap-trap.

I wonder if a good dose of avian flu, or Ebola for the entire region might leave the survivors a bit less picky about who they 'hate' and wish death upon. Maybe give the region small pox as lesson number two in how to get along.

In this conflict there are three sides, the hateful Arabs, the hateful Jews, and the poor idiotic civilians on both sides who die needlessly.
that's a random staged photo with replica rifle etc..

Is it? I thought the background said uninvolved in Africa when I first saw the poster, but it applied either way.
The UN is an utterly toothless organisation, as would any such democratic body, as there will always be someone to veto.
This world isn't ready for such an organisation, we are not (as a whole) human enough yet, and by the time we are, one might not be necessary.
right. So what about the 10 other groups? the hundreds of thousands of angry men and women who would travel to fight? Im still just perplexed, i imagined more than 50 guys in toyota pickups with an big machine gun on the back

they are busy killing muslims, terrorists are a far bigger threat to muslims than they are to westerners.

So Israelis prepare to blow up tunnel, get attacked by Palestinian who appear to have been in the tunnel, lose man, bomb the **** out of the surrounding area, with no care for civilian casualties?

Can someone correct me here, an unconditional ceasefire means no conditions on either side right? I read the above as the Israelis accepting on condition they can continue blowing up tunnels and weapons caches?

Yes, Hamas shouldn't have attacked the Israelis if they agreed a ceasefire with that condition, however the disproportionate and apparently willful heavy destruction of the surrounding area is the exact reason so many are sympathising with the Palestinians.
I'm quite sure that if an Israeli soldier operating inside Gaza during a ceasefire were to encounter someone in one of these mythical tunnels, they would politely ask them to run along home.

Frankly I am very sceptical about these dozens of tunnels from Gaza to Israel about which the Israelis are complaining so bitterly and which require them to blow up entire neighbourhoods. If they are such an enormous threat, how come we don't hear regular tales of Israelis being kidnapped?

As it happens, I have heard it suggested that 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin, the Israeli Officer who may have been captured or killed prior to the start of the ceasefire is a distant relative of the Israeli Defence Minister, may have lived in Cambridge for a few years and is a member of the Israeli special forces so he probably had absolutely nothing to do with blowing up tunnels.
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