Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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your telling me they would build tunnels but no rooms to store stuff and stay relatively safe from bombing?
it wouldn't suprise me if there was a proper underground base israel are trying to find
You've posted several Algemeiner links recently. I've never heard of it before so looked it up.

From their about us page

Every source has bias. Sky News & Channel 4 take the Hamas side for example, whilst Algemeiner take the Israel side. The trick is to study all the sources, and then form your own opinion... which is probably somewhere in the middle :).

It's the worst kept secret that Hamas use Al-Shifa as their base, using wards for torture and interrogation, and as sanctuary from Israeli shelling.
Source, or tales from my ass?
I saw it on the news on Thursday. Can't remember which channel it was, either BBC or Sky. Plus Wikipedia seems to agree too

It's estimated that Israel has between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads. Given how 'evil' Israel is and how they 'enjoy killing Palestinian civilians', why haven't they lobbed a nuke at the hospital? They could flatten the whole of the Gaza Strip tomorrow if they wanted. But they choose not to. On the other hand if Hamas had a nuke, I bet they'd fire it without a moments hesitation.
It's estimated that Israel has between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads. Given how 'evil' Israel is and how they 'enjoy killing Palestinian civilians', why haven't they lobbed a nuke at the hospital? They could flatten the whole of the Gaza Strip tomorrow if they wanted. But they choose not to. On the other hand if Hamas had a nuke, I bet they'd fire it without a moments hesitation.

1 - because the nuclear fallout would impact Israel and most likely make areas of it unliveable.

2 - why would they nuke land that ultimately they want to settle on...
The UK's hypocrisy when it comes to Israel is amazing. Seems the Israeli's are exempt from more than just international courts but the UK courts too:

Around 100 British nationals are currently serving in the Israeli army. It's a significant number. British mothers even have support groups to exchange experiences of having a child serving in the Israeli military.

In 2009, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham asked Britain's House of Lords, the UK parliament's upper chamber, whether any British citizens were serving in the Israeli military or its reserves.

Lord Malloch-Brown, minister of state at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, responded, "Other than press reports, the UK government does not possess information about whom the Israeli government have called up to serve in the Israel Defense Forces or the Israeli Defense Reserves, including any dual nationals. Only the Israeli government would have this information... Anybody who has broken the fourth protocol of the Geneva Convention deserves to meet justice in some court or another." So much for the oversight of the British intelligence and security services.

In April 2014, a British parliamentary report outlined - in 246 pages - counterterrorism approaches towards British Muslims fighting in Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan. Nowhere did it mention the threat of indoctrinated British citizens returning home from serving in the Israeli military. Nor did it mention that serving in an occupying army remains a crime in violation of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870, which criminalises British citizens who serve in the armed forces of another country.

Wheres the public outrage now?
It's estimated that Israel has between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads. Given how 'evil' Israel is and how they 'enjoy killing Palestinian civilians', why haven't they lobbed a nuke at the hospital? They could flatten the whole of the Gaza Strip tomorrow if they wanted. But they choose not to. On the other hand if Hamas had a nuke, I bet they'd fire it without a moments hesitation.

I'm sure if they could find a way to put a positive spin on it and felt like the international community would let them off they would.

That and I'm sure they don't want to irradiate the land they so desperately desire.
What does supporting the Israeli terrorists gain us?

A strategic toehold in the most violent part of the world and a lot of clever Jews working in science.
Also, sodastream machines.

What does supporting the Palestinian terrorists gain us?

Excellent goat marriage options.

Anyone got any other questions that need answering?

Yes i have 2 questions.

1) Should we allow the clever Jews to carry on bombing hospitals, schools and crowded shopping centers?

2) Also do you not think if some of the Palestinians got a proper education and were not worried that their science based laboratories, universities, hospitals etc are going to be bombed we would have some clever Palestinian scientists?

I know Palestine also has terrorists who are doing bad things. Unluckily for Palestine terrorists their weapons are crap.

Israel has itself to blame a little bit as they created Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat.

As you can see not only did Ron Paul say Israel created Hamas he also said America created Al Qaeda.

Here is Hilary Clinton also admitting the USA created Al Qaede to fight against the Russians in Afghanistan.

Edward Snowden has recently claimed the UK, USA and Israel created ISIS.
israel are the masters of electronic warfare go look at cnn etc and keep an eye out for any new article , try to be refreshing the page the moment something gets posted about israel and then notice how a comment will appear and gain thousands of upvotes within seconds/minutes :rolleyes:

they are totally manipulating opinions on news websites

Absolutely correct. And this isn't anything new or recent either.

Jew-owned and Jew-infiltrated media conglomerates have been trying to condition the public into hating Muslims for over a decade. It's been well over a year since the time I saw the headline "Baby Killers" plastered over completely unrelated video footage of Palestinians.

It's nothing new. To be able to commit genocide and get away with it you need to make everyone hate what you wish to wipe out. What better way than to take over almost all western media?
The paper she works for is strongly pro Palestine, her editors no doubt forced her to release a statement to 'clarify' what she said.

It's the worst kept secret that Hamas use Al-Shifa as their base, using wards for torture and interrogation, and as sanctuary from Israeli shelling.

Any evidence for that?
Every source has bias. Sky News & Channel 4 take the Hamas side for example, whilst Algemeiner take the Israel side. The trick is to study all the sources, and then form your own opinion... which is probably somewhere in the middle

While I agree with the sentiment there is a large gulf between major mainstream news organisations such as the BBC, Sky, Channel 4, Guardian and Times and an American Jewish E newspaper very few people have ever heard of.

It's interesting how often major news agencies change sides, just recently they were being called the puppets of the government and anti Russia. Now those same news agencies are anti government (the UK government support Israeli action) and pro "anti west" organisations.

In reality they are reasonably unbiased, whereas I would put Algemeiner in the same rank of unbiased news as Hamas' media arm...
Seems that neither side gives a damn about civilians on the other side. Both as bad as each other, as far as I can tell.

Of course we don't have to look two far back in history to see us doing the same thing. Like fire-bombing Dresden. According to wiki we killed about 25,000 civilians in that one action. Israel and Hamas have a fair way to go to beat that :/

Whilst it's pretty damn terrible to watch on the news, I don't think either side is right or wrong. Both are committing terrible atrocities, and we really don't have the moral high ground to stop them.
israel are the masters of electronic warfare go look at cnn etc and keep an eye out for any new article , try to be refreshing the page the moment something gets posted about israel and then notice how a comment will appear and gain thousands of upvotes within seconds/minutes :rolleyes:

that isn't electronic warfare
Seems that neither side gives a damn about civilians on the other side. Both as bad as each other, as far as I can tell.

Of course we don't have to look two far back in history to see us doing the same thing. Like fire-bombing Dresden. According to wiki we killed about 25,000 civilians in that one action. Israel and Hamas have a fair way to go to beat that :/

Whilst it's pretty damn terrible to watch on the news, I don't think either side is right or wrong. Both are committing terrible atrocities, and we really don't have the moral high ground to stop them.

In this conflict, last count, 65 Israeli's dead, 63 were soldiers, 1600+ Palestinians dead, estimated to be 80+% civilians. No, they are in no way as bad as each other.

While Dresden was awful, in terms of Germany vs Russia/England/most of europe. IT's not like we bombed Dresden and Germany had barely hurt any civilians in donkeys years.

It was a world war, we were the "defending" side, Germany were committing atrocities and would continue to do so should they win. Bombing Dresden wasn't as I understand it, entirely necessary but there are times when you're losing and you make poor decisions. The goal was to stop the Germans, sometimes via any means because at times we were losing very badly.

Israel, they are literally under no threat at all from Palestine, threat in the grand scale, there is, and has at no time in the last 50 years, been a single hope in hell of Palestine "winning" anything. They are the occupied force, severely under strength, without the technology, finances or any needed capability to mount a real war against Israel. They've basically lost every major battle, every year lost land and many more people than Israel has.

Israel do not need a quick win, they aren't in "win at all costs to survive" mode and Palestine aren't killing people at a dangerous rate that might warrant a swift and decisive action.
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