Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I've noticed the comments on news articles are now in favour of israel instead of hamas even on yet another article about a un school being hit it.

israel information warfare in full swing?
I've noticed the comments on news articles are now in favour of israel instead of hamas even on yet another article about a un school being hit it.

israel information warfare in full swing?
Some years ago, at a demonstration at Trafalgar Square I spotted a very well known BBC correspondent. I took the opportunity to berate him about BBC bias. He said that he was there in a private capacity, not as a representative of the BBC. None the less, we got talking.

His observation was that the BBC wasn't biased, it was just that the Israelis were VERY well organised and very media savvy. He said that whenever anything related to Israel appeared on radio or TV taht wasn't entirely supportive of Israel, the BBC would be inundated with emails and calls about it almost instantly. Added to this, Israeli media representatives were coherent and articulate, Palestinian media representatives were less so.
Love thy neighbour.

Muslims = Love thy neighbour.
Jews = Love thy neighbour.
Christianity = Love thy neighbour.

End Result Usually = Kill thy neighbour.

Religion is a lie no, or at least a lie for most people especially those at the top ?
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Love thy neighbour.

Muslims = Love thy neighbour.
Jews = Love thy neighbour.
Christianity = Love thy neighbour.

End Result Usually = Kill thy neighbour.

Religion is a lie no, or at least a lie for most people especially those at the top ?

This has nothing to do with religion..... And this is true with nearly every single war. It's about land, resources, politics, power and greed. Religion is nothing to do with it.
Palestine need to stop launching rockets from schools and hospitals, if they want Israel to stop blowing them up..

UN says they arent? UN gave israel gps coords 17 times and they still bombed a school being used as a bomb shelter that had no weapons... :rolleyes:
Palestine need to stop launching rockets from schools and hospitals, if they want Israel to stop blowing them up..

No weapons stored at U.N schools, the Israelis are lying just like they lied when they said Hamas murdered the three teenagers which started this war. They also lied again calming Hamas captured their solider and broke the ceasefire, they continue to bomb schools and hospitals and target ambulance drivers trying to help the injured.

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No weapons stored at U.N schools, the Israelis are lying just like they lied when they said Hamas murdered the three teenagers which started this war. They also lied again calming Hamas captured their solider and broke the ceasefire, they continue to bomb schools and hospitals and target ambulance drivers trying to help the injured.

It's incredible how their lies keep taking people in, including Barack Obama and Ban-Ki Moon, who both swallowed it hook, line and sinker, and publicly denounced Hamas for "kidnapping" the Israeli soldier and demanded they hand him back unharmed. Turns out the soldier was already dead at the time.

I'm sure Obama will take other things than just egg on his face if the US-Israel lobby (AIPAC) ask him to, though. There's no depths too low that they will not stoop to, to please that lobby.

I don't think the US or the UN are that gullible. The US simply cannot challenge Israel head on. I watched Obama the other night on the news and the whole thing felt awkward. Like he was trying to find the words so not to upset Israel. He was verging on stuttering.

Same goes for the UK. Should DC ask Isreal to stop, then they say no, what next? It's easier to avoid the embarassment of walking away with your tail between your legs.

Having said all that, I don't know what the Israelis have over the yanks. Maybe someone can enlighten me.
3 IDF soldiers killed in booby-trapped UNRWA clinic | The Times of Israel

And this is why UNRWA buildings keep on getting hit.

In trying to protect an UNRWA building three IDF soldiers are killed by another IED. That is the reason they prefer to bomb the hell out of them. To save a UN building and condemnation the IDF sacrifices 3 of their own.

Look at the bottom at the amount of resources consumed and what could have been built to make the life of Gazans better.

UN strongly condemns school shelling this still though quietly ignored by everyone...
UN says they arent? UN gave israel gps coords 17 times and they still bombed a school being used as a bomb shelter that had no weapons... :rolleyes:

and hamas rigged a UN hospital up with masses of explosives as a giant booby trap. wheres your roll eyes for them?
I don't think the US or the UN are that gullible. The US simply cannot challenge Israel head on.

why not? they spent over 1 billion on the iron dome and according to news reports israel don't even share the tech with america.

america sell israel all their bombs and bullets they even have a special cache in israel for emergencies that just got depleted and replenished
and hamas rigged a UN hospital up with masses of explosives as a giant booby trap. wheres your roll eyes for them?

Aside from the fact that the IDF have been caught lying again, and again, and again, and again, and again.....etc, that article says that one branch of the military says it WASN'T a UN building and hadn't been for 3 years.

Likewise, the claim that Hamas has blown up over 1000 buildings with IED's sounds.... well, complete BS. The insistence on calling them "terror tunnels", despite no actual terror having been committed from any. It's just their media guys again pushing the Palestinians = terrorist angle.

There is zero evidence that Hamas has been firing rockets from UN schools, buildings or hospitals. There is craploads of evidence of Israel firing on UN schools, buildings and hospitals known 100% to be full of civilians, doctors and UN staff, while they have provided no proof of Hamas activity in any of them. the UN are saying there is no evidence of any Hamas activity in the buildings that have been targeted.

Who is more likely to be telling the truth here, the side that lied about the three kids, started mass arrests in Gaza(the kidnaps were no where near Gaza), and provoked Hamas(as they always do). They lied about the kidnapped soldier and used it as an excuse to once again pound the hell out of civilian targets while a ceasefire was in effect, which they once again broke.

Israel have lied from before the start of this conflict, on some of their lies they don't even keep to the same lies and various parts of the government have seemingly randomly made up and different stories and few to any of them are believable.

We've seen Israel bomb thousands of buildings, level entire neighbourhoods/villages, but apparently the IDF is saying that thousands of buildings have been blown up by Hamas. Some, sure, booby traps, so what, we set booby traps for the germans. Guess what, no IDF soldiers would be killed by a single booby trap set IN Palestinian TERRITORY, if the IDF weren't waging another illegal invasion and committing war crimes.
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There is zero evidence that Hamas has been firing rockets from UN schools, buildings or hospitals. There is craploads of evidence of Israel firing on UN schools, buildings and hospitals known 100% to be full of civilians, doctors and UN staff, while they have provided no proof of Hamas activity in any of them. the UN are saying there is no evidence of any Hamas activity in the buildings that have been targeted.

Just to pull you up on this, if you go on ******** there are many videos of actual news broadcasts from next to these types of buildings. And in each one a rocket gets fired from right next to them.

The link will probably get removed but


And there are many others as well.
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near a hospital.

doesn't say how near could have been a few streets away and not all rocket attacks are hamas

hamas rockets hardly do anything anyway only a tiny percent actually kills anyone.

they are hardly the threat israel makes out

just an excuse to kill civilians
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Just to pull you up on this, if you go on ******** there are many videos of actual news broadcasts from next to these types of buildings. And in each one a rocket gets fired from right next to them.

The link will probably get removed but


And there are many others as well.

That video shows a rocket being launched from a school/hospital??
if you believe the headline pity no one can verify this accusation but as with the internet anything posted on social media = 100% truth from jesus dad himself!

Well it's not different that half the garbage being posted within this thread. And how can no one verify it?

95% of the people in this thread only seem to want to see one side and just keep posting the same rubbish. Then instantly dismissing anything countering their opinion, as being fake or propaganda yet the things they post are no different.

Simple fact is there are two sides to every story,
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