Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I watched the video which ISIS released last week, the one where they are executing hundreds of people. It made me realise that Israel has no choice but to be completely merciless when dealing with these Islamic extremists.
I watched the video which ISIS released last week, the one where they are executing hundreds of people. It made me realise that Israel has no choice but to be completely merciless when dealing with these Islamic extremists.

:confused: ISIS and Hamas hate each other. If Hamas are wiped out, it will most likely be ISIS that take their place.
I watched the video which ISIS released last week, the one where they are executing hundreds of people. It made me realise that Israel has no choice but to be completely merciless when dealing with these Islamic extremists.

By that logic you could conclude that after seeing what Jewish extremists do that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy :confused:
:confused: ISIS and Hamas hate each other. If Hamas are wiped out, it will most likely be ISIS that take their place.

I was watching SKY news prog while in the gym and the Israeli Govt. spokesman said that they did not want to destroy Hamas because the more dangerous ISIS would take its place. They were going to severely weaken Hamas.
I was watching SKY news prog while in the gym and the Israeli Govt. spokesman said that they did not want to destroy Hamas because the more dangerous ISIS would take its place. They were going to severely weaken Hamas.

That sounds like pretty poor reasoning to me, if you weaken Hamas enough then what's to stop ISIS cleaning up the dregs and taking their place anyway.
That sounds like pretty poor reasoning to me, if you weaken Hamas enough then what's to stop ISIS cleaning up the dregs and taking their place anyway.

Maybe because they have different ideology's? and goals? the Israeli spokesman is talking ******** again. Just like when he blamed Hamas for murdering the three teenagers and starting this war, which turned out that it was not hamas....
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I watched the video which ISIS released last week, the one where they are executing hundreds of people. It made me realise that Israel has no choice but to be completely merciless when dealing with these Islamic extremists.

I didn't know Israel was fighting ISIS....but when Israel take over Palestine I guess we can all sit back with some popcorn. Watch savage animals tear each other apart.
Israel's Minister of the Economy and the leader of the right-wing political party The Jewish Home, Naftali Bennett, told Sky News it is this strategy which is pushing up civilian deaths in Gaza.

He said: "It is a huge tragedy that Hamas is inflicting on its own people. Effectively it is murdering its own women and children."
Looks like even google is getting in on the israeli propaganda wagon

Makes me sick to my stomach they let this slip through. Not once but 3 times!!

they've also got the GTA games on there were you can kill hookers while around the world thousands of sex workers face violence and death

thing is you've got to get some perspective and realise its just a game and there are plenty of games out there that involve killing people etc... I don't see why that game should be banned over many of the others already allowed aside from the fact certain people will get massively butt hurt over that particular game and so it might be an idea for PR reasons

I don't like whats going on in gaza right now but I'm not going to get upset by a video game... in fact I'm rather opposed to people demanding games be banned because they feel offended by them - most of the best games ever made offend certain groups of people
There simply isn't an argument in favour of Israel. There isn't one.

Atrocities have been committed on all sides, but what we actually have is a world power executing mass killings of people living within its border.

If it was someone on the other side of the border we'd already see peacekeeping forces mobilised and in place to attack Israel. Why is it different because they are murdering people on their own side of the border?
RIP to the British Muslim aid worker.

No news coverage about that. Had it been a white boy, non believer etc who died in Zionist land then would have been main stream headline story.

What rubbish - I've been driving all day and thus listening to the radio and news of this was in every hourly bulletin. It certainly felt very main stream headline to me.

etc etc.

Why pretend this isn't the case just to suit whatever agenda you have?
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they've also got the GTA games on there were you can kill hookers while around the world thousands of sex workers face violence and death

thing is you've got to get some perspective and realise its just a game and there are plenty of games out there that involve killing people etc... I don't see why that game should be banned over many of the others already allowed aside from the fact certain people will get massively butt hurt over that particular game and so it might be an idea for PR reasons

I don't like whats going on in gaza right now but I'm not going to get upset by a video game... in fact I'm rather opposed to people demanding games be banned because they feel offended by them - most of the best games ever made offend certain groups of people

Yea I think this is a little different, i'm sure a game called "lets gas the jews" wouldn't make it through.
How about Independence Day...?

The final hero was a non military member in a suicide mission and we wiped out a whole civilisation...

On board the alien ship we saw millions of foot soilders and fighters not a single child alien or family etc.

thats what i mean there's never a civilian side to the aliens.
Yea I think this is a little different, i'm sure a game called "lets gas the jews" wouldn't make it through.

no that really would be different

but war games have been around for a while - the game invited people to bomb hamas and avoid killing civilians... while rather a naff looking game clearly trying to cash in on the current conflict I don't see it as being particularly worse than say an operation desert storm game or some game set in Afghanistan etc...
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