Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Well Done Baroness Warsi, I too salute you

Baroness Warsi has resigned from government as she can no long support foreign policy on Israel/Palestine. I salute her for her courage.

Edit: link
Good news. I have never had much time for her but I am delighted that she has done the honourable thing. I wish more MPs would follow her courageous lead or at the very least speak out about terrorist Israel's deplorable, apartheid behaviour towards the Palestinians.

Perhaps there IS a point in writing to your MP after all?

Well Done Baroness Warsi, I too salute you.
Good news. I have never had much time for her but I am delighted that she has done the honourable thing. I wish more MPs would follow her courageous lead or at the very least speak out about terrorist Israel's deplorable, apartheid behaviour towards the Palestinians.

Perhaps there IS a point in writing to your MP after all?

Well Done Baroness Warsi, I too salute you.

Being a Lord, Warsi doesn't have to worry about losing her party's constituency place come next election, which offers the freedom to make this kind of stand. More so than her MP equivalents.

People tend to forget this sort of thing when bemoaning the unelected good for nothings in the house of lords.

Would be good to see some more MPs willing to put their careers on the line for their beliefs, but would any of us do the same?
The Israelis will pay for this, history often repeats itself. A leopard can't get rid of his spots no matter how hard it tries.

For those defending them you have no class or heart

Where's the class and heart in Hamas? Their own charter is full of hate and calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Israel may not be totally innocent but neither is Hamas and you're right a leopard can't get rid of his spots and regardless of what Hamas say they will always be a terrorist organisation that has no intention of peace all they want is Israel to be destroyed and an Islamic state to take it's place.
Agreed you pretty much have to be a psychopath to say it's good to kill kids because some bloke the kid had never seen fired a firework at his oppressors.

Except fireworks aren't armed with explosive warheads that are fired at innocent civilians with the sole cause of killing them.
good riddance, who wants someone working in the government that isn't working for the sole benefit of the British people? with some luck she will leave the UK and not return.

I literally can't respond to this and stay within forum rules, you make the world a worse place by breathing please stop.
good riddance, who wants someone working in the government that isn't working for the sole benefit of the British people? with some luck she will leave the UK and not return.

What did I say that was even remotely racist or homophobic?

I'm making an inference here, but you are hoping she'll leave the UK and you're saying that she doesn't work for the sole benefit of the British people. She is British. Why would she leave this country?

I find most racists to be homophobic.
Lol, carry on defending the slaughter you expose yourself for what you really are.

Lol, go on tell me what I am.

Unlike you I can see that the fault is on both sides where as you and a lot of the others seem to think it's all just one side's fault.
It's ironic that some of the people on here compare Israel to Nazi's when the tone of the some of the posts in here border on anti semitic.
As I've stated before, I generally support Israel in their relation with the Palestinians but this time the sheer scale of the deaths is unbelieveable. I've no idea what they are doing but this has gone beyond protecting the people of Israel and it turned into a slaughter.
Lol, go on tell me what I am.

Unlike you I can see that the fault is on both sides where as you and a lot of the others seem to think it's all just one side's fault.
It's ironic that some of the people on here compare Israel to Nazi's when the tone of the some of the posts in here border on anti semitic.

It's quite astounding how one sided people are in here, refusing to acknowledge that both sides are to blame in this.
Unlike you I can see that the fault is on both sides where as you and a lot of the others seem to think it's all just one side's fault
It's not really that black and white though is it. Most people are appalled at the disproportionate level of violence put upon the people of Palestine and the fact innocent men, women and children are simply labelled as 'collateral damage' in acts of slaughter, acts the UN has announced may contravene the Geneva war conventions and subsequently amount to war crimes.

I don't understand anyone who can witness what we're all seeing and remain so clinical about it.
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