Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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no that really would be different

Would "lets gas Israelis" be more apt?

Where the game invites you to drop chemical weapons over Israel targeting Israeli soldiers trying to avoid civilians?

I have a funny feeling it wouldn't fly too well.

but war games have been around for a while - the game invited people to bomb hamas and avoid killing civilians... while rather a naff looking game clearly trying to cash in on the current conflict I don't see it as being particularly worse than say an operation desert storm game or some game set in Afghanistan etc...

I see what you mean but I think most see the conflicts you reference, and the assault on Gaza being a little different, especially given what is happening on the ground in regards to civilians.

But I see your point.
If the terminators were newly manufactured they would be classed as new / infants?

I think a better one be in Men in Black when WS steps on the baby cockroaches who were the aliens off springs.

they weren't his offspring, he just had an affinity for cockroaches being one and all.

usually though we never see the civil side to it as it clouds the issue ie humans good aliens bad.

also while people can support a valiant soldier sacrificing himself to save his comrades or civilians from an evil attacker.

hat people wouldn't support though is the "valiant soldier" going and sacrificing himself to blow up the attackers wife and kids while the attacker still kills his comrades.

One thing i do find interesting though in this conflict is the death counts.,

It is always Palestinian deaths vs Israeli civilian deaths.

but any hamas fighter killed is a civilian when counted, but we never actually see the stats of pure Palestinians civi/Hamas vs Israeli civi/idf.

mainly because we don't see it as an issue that soldiers die.

we have up roar when someone claims IDF stopped ambulances, but when we have a story hamas stops medivac of troops firing on medics, no one bats an eye.

I just find it curious how once someone becomes a solider as far as the rest of the world is concerned they stop being a person.

*unless he's your country's soldier of course.
I see what you mean but I think most see the conflicts you reference, and the assault on Gaza being a little different, especially given what is happening on the ground in regards to civilians.

But I see your point.

plenty of civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan... just the media coverage was a bit different

OK the intent was somewhat different too - overthrowing a regime and wanting the civilian population to build a democracy rather than trying to deny them a state. And less 'accidental' bombing of schools and hospitals occurred... evidently British and American FACs and FOOs are perhaps a bit better trained or less reckless than the IDF ones... but still war is war and unfortunately civilians do die rather a lot.
they weren't his offspring, he just had an affinity for cockroaches being one and all..

Guess aliens would be what you ask for, ripley setting the pods on fire laid by the Queen.

hat people wouldn't support though is the "valiant soldier" going and sacrificing himself to blow up the attackers wife and kids while the attacker still kills his comrades.

Seems for Israel that is enough motive to take out a family.

but any hamas fighter killed is a civilian when counted, but we never actually see the stats of pure Palestinians civi/Hamas vs Israeli civi/idf.

Not really since a distinction has been made, around 80% of casualties are civilians leaving 20% military. Secondly majority of the dead are kids and women, or people in shelters etc. Id trust the numbers put out by the UN.

mainly because we don't see it as an issue that soldiers die.

Soldiers choose

we have up roar when someone claims IDF stopped ambulances, but when we have a story hamas stops medivac of troops firing on medics, no one bats an eye.

Medevac's are military outfits treating soldiers (occupying ones at that), paramedics evacuating trapped children who did not choose to be there and have no escape are not.

I just find it curious how once someone becomes a solider as far as the rest of the world is concerned they stop being a person.

They don't, but anyone with a bit of sense can understand the difference between a soldier being killed and a civilian. Fair game and all.
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plenty of civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan... just the media coverage was a bit different

OK the intent was somewhat different too - overthrowing a regime and wanting the civilian population to build a democracy rather than trying to deny them a state. And less 'accidental' bombing of schools and hospitals occurred... evidently British and American FACs and FOOs are perhaps a bit better trained or less reckless than the IDF ones... but still war is war and unfortunately civilians do die rather a lot.

I wouldn't describe this as a war.
^ To be honest that reporter comes across like some of the posters in this thread, a bigot with a completely warped sense of reality. Irrespective of what Israel does, all he'll continue saying is 'but, but they're firing rockets' or 'they're using human shields', because the truth is these sorts of people don't care what atrocities are committed as long as they have something, even lies, to cling on to so they can try and justify it to others. They can't be stupid enough to believe it themselves. If a nuclear bomb was dropped on Gaza, they'd justify it one way or another.

I know it's a dailymail link but these views are pretty extreme. Calling for gazans to be shipped around the world and cutting of all water and power supplies

Moishe Feiglin, deputy speaker of Israeli parliament.

Here is Feiglin’s 1 August statement on Facebook.

With God’s Help
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Mr. Prime Minister,
We have just heard that Hamas has used the ceasefire to abduct an officer. It turns out that this operation is not about to be over any too soon.
The failures of this operation were inherent to it from the outset, because:
a) It has no proper and clear goal;
b) there is no appropriate moral framework to support our soldiers.
What is required now is that we internalize the fact that Oslo is finished, that this is our country – our country exclusively, including Gaza.
There are no two states, and there are no two peoples. There is only one state for one people.
Having internalized this, what is needed is a deep and thorough strategic review, in terms of the definition of the enemy, of the operational tasks, of the strategic goals, and of course, of appropriate necessary war ethics.
(1) Defining the enemy:
The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.)
(2) Defining the tasks
Conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters.
(3) Defining the strategic goal:
To turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.
(4) Defining war ethics: “Woe to the evildoer, and woe to his neighbor”
In light of these four points, Israel must do the following:
a) The IDF [Israeli army] shall designate certain open areas on the Sinai border, adjacent to the sea, in which the civilian population will be concentrated, far from the built-up areas that are used for launches and tunneling. In these areas, tent encampments will be established, until relevant emigration destinations are determined.
The supply of electricity and water to the formerly populated areas will be disconnected.
b) The formerly populated areas will be shelled with maximum fire power. The entire civilian and military infrastructure of Hamas, its means of communication and of logistics, will be destroyed entirely, down to their foundations.
c) The IDF will divide the Gaza Strip laterally and crosswise, significantly expand the corridors, occupy commanding positions, and exterminate nests of resistance, in the event that any should remain.
d) Israel will start searching for emigration destinations and quotas for the refugees from Gaza. Those who wish to emigrate will be given a generous economic support package, and will arrive at the receiving countries with considerable economic capabilities.
e) Those who insist on staying, if they can be proven to have no affiliation with Hamas, will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem.
f) When the fighting will end, Israeli law will be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip, the people evicted from the Gush Katif will be invited to return to their settlements, and the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as true Israeli touristic and commercial cities.
Mr. Prime Minister,
This is the a fateful hour of decision in the history of the State of Israel.
All metastases of our enemy, from Iran and Hizballah through ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, are rubbing their hands gleefully and preparing themselves for the next round.
I am warning that any outcome that is less than what I defined here means encouraging the continued offensive against Israel. Only when Hizballah will understand how we have dealt with Hamas in the south, it will refrain from launching its 100,000 missiles from the north.
I call on you to adopt the strategy proposed here.
I have no doubt that the entire Israeli people will stand to your right with its overwhelming majority, like myself – if only you will adopt it.
With high regards, respectfully,
Moshe Feiglin...
Fox news... Jesus wept...

^ To be honest that reporter comes across like some of the posters in this thread, a bigot with a completely warped sense of reality. Irrespective of what Israel does, all he'll continue saying is 'but, but they're firing rockets' or 'they're using human shields', because the truth is these sorts of people don't care what atrocities are committed as long as they have something, even lies, to cling on to so they can try and justify it to others. They can't be stupid enough to believe it themselves. If a nuclear bomb was dropped on Gaza, they'd justify it one way or another.

Below is the video that Russell Brand is responding to, even one of his guests said he was talking out of his arse

Below is the video that Russell Brand is responding to, even one of his guests said he was talking out of his arse

Yes I know, I was referring to the presenter/reporter on Fox news as being the bigot, even one of his carefully selected panel of guests couldn't keep quiet while he spoke utter utter BS.
good riddance, who wants someone working in the government that isn't working for the sole benefit of the British people? with some luck she will leave the UK and not return.

wingman44115's profile said:
Favourite Sport

Sometimes I feel we've gone too far with this whole freedom thing, certain people just shouldn't be allowed to vote or say what they think.
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