Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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It's quite astounding how one sided people are in here, refusing to acknowledge that both sides are to blame in this.

israel caused the whole thing hamas just finally got sick of being treated like refugees in their own country.

what would you do if suddenly America decided to move a people into the UK and give them a land to form a country? then armed these people with superior weapons technology including nuclear bombs ?

these people shove all the Brits down into a small county and take the rest of the land for themselves.
the british people left in Britain aren't allowed to rule them self , they don't control their own borders because they are essentially prisoners in a concentration camp.
they don't control the supplies that come in or anything else about their lives and are totally dependant on their captors to let goods in

do you think the people of England would give up even if we were out numbered ? or do you think we would be lobbing rockets at the people who stole our land and turned us into refugees?

let's all be blind of the facts because hamas is muslims and we are conditioned by the west to believe muslims are evil

so what if Palestine celebrated on 9/11

if the above scenario happened in the UK like it did to Palestine then we would have been celebrating in the streets at the deaths of the country who turned us into refugees in our own land.

even the refugees in Calais have more freedom than the Palestine people do because they are actually allowed to leave if they want to.....

you can't dispute the facts and that is Israel is the aggressor and they are in the wrong.

don't forgot the UN voted 14 in favour of declaring all Israeli settlements illegal, declared Israel an illegal occupation , declared Israel must destroy and leave it's illegal settlements including part of Jerusalem that should still be in Palestine hands.

but 14 countries votes were over ruled by a single American NO vote :rolleyes:
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israel caused the whole thing hamas just finally got sick of being treated like refugees in their own country.

I don't even know where to begin with the above post.
How about looking back at the formation of Israel and then tell me who rejected peace and who started the initial war.
Also have a look at who ruled Palestine for hundreds of years before the state of Israel was created, it sure wasn't the Palestinians.

In regards to nuclear weapons, I'm not sure where you got that from as Israel developed their own weapons.

"israel caused the whole thing hamas just finally got sick of being treated like refugees in their own country."

A very simplistic and naïve view.
It's quite astounding how one sided people are in here, refusing to acknowledge that both sides are to blame in this.

Okay, let's break it down:

- Israel started this recent conflict because they claimed that Hamas had kidnapped and killed 3 teenagers. After obliterating parts of Gaza along with a large percentage of 'human shields', Israel finally confessed that the 3 teenagers were not kidnapped by Hamas.

- A couple of days ago, Israel said they broke the ceasefire agreement because Hamas “kidnapped” a soldier. As a response, the Israeli airforce massacred hundreds of innocent lives and wiped out families in Rafah then confessed that it was a “miscommunication” and that the soldier was not kidnapped but rather, was killed in battle. Many families were murdered as a response to this silly 'mistake'. However, was this really a mistake?

You must also take into consideration that these unjustified and illegal massacres will not be forgotten by the people and rather, such actions will only breed more and more hatred for generations to come.

At the end of the day, you must question the amount of lies that Israel are feeding the world (research Hasbara). I mean, is this some kinda game? For Israel to fabricate and spread stories then kill as many people as they please?

I hope people are aware of how foolish Israel thinks the world is. I still cannot believe people support such despicable acts.

Remember, the people of Gaza are sick and tired of living in the biggest open air prison in the world. Where leaving the city or entering is almost impossible. When you have such a large group of people being put on a calorie-controlled diet, how can you say both sides are to blame? If so, are they equally to blame? Would you not resist your oppressors if you were in such circumstances? Would you merely submit, obey and live a life within the blockade?

You must always ask: who benefits from skewed and misrepresented facts? For instance, Israel receives billions of dollars of aid from American it is in their best interest to "look good" in front of the American public. Therefore, they must demonise "the other side" by throwing words around like: "terrorists," "human shields," "Islamist," "terror tunnels," "self-genocide," and so on and so forth. There are many accusations made with zero substantial evidence, and even when claims are disproved by UN investigations, the liars insist on the lies. Be aware of this.

Once again, are both sides equally to blame?

Those of you who supported Israel's actions a few weeks ago, fair enough, you supported what you thought were actions of self-defense against a terrorist organisation. If you STILL support Israel's actions despite the substantial evidence flooding the world - revealing the real facts of this conflict and the deliberate massacres - then I really believe you need to have a long hard look at yourself in the mirror (not you Xenon, I'm speaking generally) and think about this conflict from a humanitarian perspective.
It may have been posted before (I really can't be bothered t look through so many pages but I found this to be quite insightful. It makes some excellent points about why people shouldn't 'pick sides' and on the fact that both sides are at fault.

It's a shame that it will only actually mean anthing to people who don't already have the kind of closed minds that have lead to this situation.
In regards to nuclear weapons, I'm not sure where you got that from as Israel developed their own weapons.
I never said they developed their own?

we sold them heavy water indirectly knowing where it was going
I think France sold them something else and America helped them too

they didn't develop their own other countries gave them the knowledge and the goods to succeed
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Post 1414 for starters. Had to be edited by mods due to it's anti Semitism. Post 1415 quotes part of it that you can still see.

So by him stating that 'some' posts are bordering on anti semitic, what he meant was one, maybe two?

In regards to post 1414, I missed what was there before it was edited but from from I can see he was disrespectful to dogs if anything! Certainly nothing close to anti-semitic there now but as I said, I missed the post before it was edited.

Playing the anti-semitic card now though really is a desperate move because Israel continues to expose itself and its intentions. Most pro-Israeli posters on here to be fair haven't been using that excuse and most who are against Israel are not pointing their finger at 'Jews'. Most people are quite clear in who they are condemning, and why.

Like Kouba above, I am having a very difficult time understanding the mentality of someone who can STILL defend Israels actions after everything we are seeing. They are exactly like that Fox news presenter and thankfully nothing like people I know and work with, or people I would like to know to be honest. I have to believe that a large part of it has to be down to pure ignorance and/or stupidity because if most people in the world were to see with their own eyes what the people of Gaza have been going through, they would stand vehemently against Israel, I absolutely believe that.

There is a small minority out there who know exactly what is going on and get enjoyment from it, they believe Israel is being too soft and wish to see Israel stamp over every nation that opposes it because they believe that this race/group of people is superior to every other.

I'll say it for the millionth time. Israel isn't defending itself, it is intending to invade and conquer much more land yet which they believe they have a divine right to. Anyone who stands in their way will be obliterated. Are Israel restraining themselves in terms of what they are actually capable off? Of course they are. Do they want to move things quicker? Yes, but they are having a very very difficult time convincing (and fooling) the international community that they are the ones trying to make peace. When groups like ISIS prop up, always be very wary because this is something that Israel badly needs. They need a far bigger threat then Hamas if they are to achieve their objectives and present a case to the world that 'they had no choice'. The lies will keep on coming, they will get bigger and more absurd.
I never said they developed their own?

we sold them heavy water indirectly knowing where it was going
I think France sold them something else and America helped them too

they didn't develop their own other countries gave them the knowledge and the goods to succeed

France started helping them but then stopped when I think Charles De Gaulle? (not sure if I got his name right) came into power and stopped any further co operation. I think they had to continue for a little while longer just to fulfil contracts.
The majority of the actual knowledge however came from Israel's intelligence and it's own Jewish scientists.
I don't think America helped (although they probably knew about the weapons) but France and likely the UK did provide materials.
I think I read South Africa were supposed to buy weapons from Israel at some point but not sure.

They may have received the goods but the knowledge was theirs.
So by him stating that 'some' posts are bordering on anti semitic, what he meant was one, maybe two?

In regards to post 1414, I missed what was there before it was edited but from from I can see he was disrespectful to dogs if anything! Certainly nothing close to anti-semitic there now but as I said, I missed the post before it was edited.


No not one or two, some.

Reading from when the very first post was made in this thread a number of posts had anti semetic tones in them, you probably can't see that as you're still blinded by your one sided argument of one side is completely innocent and the other is completely wrong.

Fair enough they may not be by the regulars in this thread as noted by someone else (who's view is different to mine) but they're still here.
Some have been edited and I think 1 or 2 may have been censored by mods but it doesn't change the fact they were written in the first place.

Anyway I think we're just covering the same ground over and over again and it's just becoming pointless.
Post 1414 for starters. Had to be edited by mods due to it's anti Semitism. Post 1415 quotes part of it that you can still see.

That is rather impressive actually given the almost 1500 post in this thread and another few hundred in the other we only have a handful of what you could describe as anti-Semitic posts.

In fact anti-Semitic posts (the very few, a couple by the same poster) have been called out and challenged by the rest of the board.

No not one or two, some.

Reading from when the very first post was made in this thread a number of posts had anti semetic tones in them, you probably can't see that as you're still blinded by your one sided argument of one side is completely innocent and the other is completely wrong.

As above, that's a rather good showing.
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No not one or two, some.

Point out which posts then, even if they've been edited, let's see?

Not many in here have used the anti-semitic card, you are one of the very few to do so. It doesn't work, it just shows you have no argument. By your twisted logic, the comments of thousands of orthodox jews also borders on anti-semitic.
Point out which posts then, even if they've been edited, let's see?

Do your own work. You asked for anti Semitic posts, I gave one then you gave me a wall of text. :confused: Now you're asking for more ? Go and read the thread form start to finish if you're genuinely interested and then tot them up. Maybe you can produce a pie chart or something and really impress us.

The point which is being deliberately missed here by you and others, is that this thread has a lot of right wing and a lesser number of left wing posters who collectively are talking from a very biased agenda.

Both sides are guilty of atrocities in this conflict. Just like any other war in history. Both sides are culpable and both sides need to cease hostilities and resolve this through diplomacy.
Do your own work. You asked for anti Semitic posts, I gave one then you gave me a wall of text. :confused: Now you're asking for more ? Go and read the thread form start to finish if you're genuinely interested and then tot them up. Maybe you can produce a pie chart or something and really impress us.

I think you are lacking perspective, given the minuscule number of posts you reference to, and by the same poster who has been challenged and called up on his posts.

If you look at the thread as a whole it has been in good spirit.

The point which is being deliberately missed here by you and others, is that this thread has a lot of right wing and a lesser number of left wing posters who collectively are talking from a very biased agenda.

People are calling it as it is, as they see it, just because you disagree with the majority doesn't equal biased agenda. It's ironic you talking about biased agendas given some of your previous posts in this thread ;)

Both sides are guilty of atrocities in this conflict. Just like any other war in history. Both sides are culpable and both sides need to cease hostilities and resolve this through diplomacy.

Again perspective, it seems you are lacking. Which it seems you are deliberately missing.
Point out which posts then, even if they've been edited, let's see?

Not many in here have used the anti-semitic card, you are one of the very few to do so. It doesn't work, it just shows you have no argument. By your twisted logic, the comments of thousands of orthodox jews also borders on anti-semitic.

Like someone else has said do your own work.

Also I didn't play the anti semetic card, I gave my opinion and I gave an observation in reply to someone else's response about Israeli's acting like Nazi's.
You seem to have jumped on this one remark over and over again somehow coming up with the idea that the majority of threads in here are anti semetic.
I didn't so stop and move on I've given my response as to my feelings and my opinion that both parties are to blame in one way or another but you seem to have conveniently missed that.
You just keep going over the same thing over and over again adding nothing and with no argument.
Do your own work. You asked for anti Semitic posts, I gave one then you gave me a wall of text. :confused: Now you're asking for more ? Go and read the thread form start to finish if you're genuinely interested and then tot them up. Maybe you can produce a pie chart or something and really impress us.

It was the other guy who claimed there was more so its his job to prove they exist, not the guy who questions him.

let me give you an example....if i claim you're a bit dense and were found in a rubbish bin, is it then your job to prove it or the persons who made the claim ?
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