Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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It was the other guy who claimed there was more so its his job to prove they exist, not the guy who questions him.

e36adz asked for examples first in post 1505. Why should we run around like idiots finding them for him. All posts are there for everyone to view. If you want to make a point based on them, then at least take the effort to find them. You've chosen a very apt username Amnesia, because forgetting what has been posted is something you excel at.

He's talking nonsense thats why he wants me to search for them, he knows full well the posts don't exist.

Like I already said, I gave you one which you tried to dismiss, even though a moderator found it so distasteful that it had to be edited. There are others. I'm not searching through over 1500 posts for you. You want to know so you look them up !
It's ironic that some of the people on here compare Israel to Nazi's when the tone of the some of the posts in here border on anti semitic.

guy makes claim ^^^

Care to quote a few posts that 'border on anti semitic?'

guy asks for proof

it really is as simple as that...not sure how else i can put it to make you understand. maybe i should type it slower ...would that help :p
guy makes claim ^^^

guy asks for proof

it really is as simple as that...not sure how else i can put it to make you understand. maybe i should type it slower ...would that help :p

Ok, I didn't see the earlier post, my bad. Still, e36adz is asking others for proof when the proof is right there in 1500+ posts made so far. I gave him a recent example which he tried to dismiss and then he's asking for more. It's not our job to run around wiping his backside for him, he's more than capable of reading through the entire topic himself.
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I don't even know where to begin with the above post.
How about looking back at the formation of Israel and then tell me who rejected peace and who started the initial war.

You could begin with the fact that the creation of Israel was through the actions of Zionist Terrorist groups such as Irgun, and that Israel in 1967 precipitated military action by preemptive strikes against its Arab Neighbours which led to the capture of Gaza from Egypt and West Bank from Jordan, therefore creating the Occupied Territories.

Also have a look at who ruled Palestine for hundreds of years before the state of Israel was created, it sure wasn't the Palestinians.

Yes, let's look at that. Palestine was part of the Muslim Caliphate, The Ottoman Empire. Prior to this it was part of The Mamluk Sultanate. Both were intrinsically Arab and Muslim in both culture and society.

In regards to nuclear weapons, I'm not sure where you got that from as Israel developed their own weapons.

Given that Israel do not even admit to having nuclear weapons, can you substantiate your claim objectively?

"israel caused the whole thing hamas just finally got sick of being treated like refugees in their own country."

A very simplistic and naïve view.

Indeed it is simplistic and naive, but then so is your response as I have illustrated.
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I don't even know where to begin with the above post.
How about looking back at the formation of Israel and then tell me who rejected peace and who started the initial war.
Also have a look at who ruled Palestine for hundreds of years before the state of Israel was created, it sure wasn't the Palestinians.

In regards to nuclear weapons, I'm not sure where you got that from as Israel developed their own weapons.

"israel caused the whole thing hamas just finally got sick of being treated like refugees in their own country."

A very simplistic and naïve view.

Sadly the view of most.

I firmly believe there is a large amount of closet anti semitism around the whole issue. I have both Muslim and Jewish friends (a lot more Muslim as it turns out) so consider myself none racially motivated and quite neutral over the whole thing.

That said I think time and again Hamas are to blame. They start these wars every, single, time then cry to the world about their treatment when Israel retaliates.

Whilst the civilian deaths are abhorrent they are caused by Hanas hiding themselves and their weaponry among civilians on purpose. They happily bring the attacks down upon their own people because they firstly don't care about them but more importsntly, to them, they gain international sympathy from such acts.

Secondly if they do not wants war, do not start one, there are ways and means if bringing about change through diplomacy but Hamas have no interest in pursuing such a route as they are blinded by religious bigotry.

I hate the civilian suffering over there but it is squarely at Hamas' feet and it is in their power to stop it.
No, it doesn't.

Read the whole post.

Human shields

Jeremy Bowen's Gaza notebook: I saw no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields

The BBC's Middle East editor reports from Gaza.

Hamas started it..

Again not true since it has been revealed Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnappings, B) the rockets were fired after 400 Palestinians were arrested and 9 killed. Also Israel bombed Gaza a few days prior to any missiles being fired killing a Hamas member, and the rockets were in response to that and the arrests/killings.
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Unfortunately those 'ways and means' have been rejected by Israel as well as Hamas time and again, despite international effort to facilitate a two state solution and lift the Israeli blockade on Gaza...something that Israel itself has promised to do in earlier ceasefire negotiations only to refuse later, thus Hamas and other militant groups resume rocket attacks.

There is no antisemitism in telling the truth, and the religious bigotry in the region is in ample supply on both sides.
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Did people really expect Hamas to have civilians strapped to them physically? Or tied down to weapons?

Human shields refers to the fact that Hamas is launching rockets in close proximity to schools, hospitals and so on also storing their arsenal in people's homes and such.

That's is what is referred to as human shields.
The people of Gaza are clustering where they are safe, not where they can sit on Hamas rockets. Am I being used as a human shield just for refusing to leave my house? My supposedly safe zone? I have already been forced to flee my house, and I'm still not safe.

I think the last UN shelter they hit they were notified 17 times it was a shelter. Apparently hamas fired 200 yards away from the shelter.
Did people really expect Hamas to have civilians strapped to them physically? Or tied down to weapons?

Human shields refers to the fact that Hamas is launching rockets in close proximity to schools, hospitals and so on also storing their arsenal in people's homes and such.

That's is what is referred to as human shields.

Not that I want to defend Hamas but it's pretty difficult to do otherwise on the Gaza strip since they're all crowded together there. Sure they could fire the rockets out in the open, but that's just making it easy for the Israelis.
Did people really expect Hamas to have civilians strapped to them physically? Or tied down to weapons?

Human shields refers to the fact that Hamas is launching rockets in close proximity to schools, hospitals and so on also storing their arsenal in people's homes and such.

That's is what is referred to as human shields.

So the collateral damage in taking these rockets out is acceptable? How many civilians have these rockets killed compared to the death toll the Palenstinians have taken. How many Israeli soldiers have died needlessly in this conflict and over what? Israel is no more safer than it was before the conflict all it has done has stirred up a lot more hatred towards them and turned world opinion against them.

You could begin with the fact that the creation of Israel was through the actions of Zionist Terrorist groups such as Irgun, and that Israel precipitated military action by preemptive strikes against its Arab Neighbours.

Yes, let's look at that. Palestine was part of the Muslim Caliphate, The Ottoman Empire. Prior to this it was part of The Mamluk Sultanate. Both were intrinsically Arab and Muslim in both culture and society.

Given that Israel do not even admit to having nuclear weapons, can you substantiate your claim objectively?

Indeed it is simplistic and naive, but then so is your response.

Why not go further back when the land was in Jewish hands and forcibly removed? Also there's never been in a time in history where there was a State of Palestine ruled by Palestinians. Even when it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire it was part of Southern Syria.

"You could begin with the fact that the creation of Israel was through the actions of Zionist Terrorist groups such as Irgun, and that Israel precipitated military action by preemptive strikes against its Arab Neighbours. "

A one sided view to say the least.
When the partition plan was drawn up Arab armies from surrounding states who opposed the partition and power share entered the British mandate Palestine and this I believe triggered the first war.
Also as much as Irgun are terrorists(they were also denounced by Jewish groups and the occupying British who had their own agenda) then as are Hamas considering they were fighting for their own freedom.

In regards to you quoting me about the nuclear weapons, why not take it in it's full context and see what I was replying to? Given it was reply to someone else saying Israel had nuclear weapons with the help of others your post should be applied there as well.
Anyway it's been proven in the past Israel do have nuclear weapons have a look at Mordechai Van something or over.

You say Israel carried out pre emptive attacks against it's Arab neighbours, well yeah I suppose any other country would do the same when hostile neighbours amass armies on it's borders and then release statements on radio saying there's a genocide coming along with the threat "The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel".
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Not that I want to defend Hamas but it's pretty difficult to do otherwise on the Gaza strip since they're all crowded together there. Sure they could fire the rockets out in the open, but that's just making it easy for the Israelis.

So the collateral damage in taking these rockets out is acceptable? How many civilians have these rockets killed compared to the death toll the Palenstinians have taken. How many Israeli soldiers have died needlessly in this conflict and over what? Israel is no more safer than it was before the conflict all it has done has stirred up a lot more hatred towards them and turned world opinion against them.

If a terrorist organisation stored its arsenal in a school your child goes to would you send them to that school?

If they stored it in a building you lived in would you stay there?

If they came and stored their weapons in my backyard knowing full well that if I objected they would most likely kill me. I sure as **** wouldn't live there with my family anymore.
If a terrorist organisation stored its arsenal in a school your child goes to would you send them to that school?

If they stored it in a building you lived in would you stay there?

If they came and stored their weapons in my backyard knowing full well that if I objected they would most likely kill me. I sure as **** wouldn't live there with my family anymore.

So where do they go?
If a terrorist organisation stored its arsenal in a school your child goes to would you send them to that school?

If they stored it in a building you lived in would you stay there?

If they came and stored their weapons in my backyard knowing full well that if I objected they would most likely kill me. I sure as **** wouldn't live there with my family anymore.

I think you would have a different perspective if you lived there.

it's almost like modern america taking on indians firing bows and arrows for the last bit of reservation land
guy makes claim ^^^

guy asks for proof

it really is as simple as that...not sure how else i can put it to make you understand. maybe i should type it slower ...would that help :p

Guy has already received proof and wanted more, if he wants it then he can find it amongst the 1500+ posts.

Let's get something straight, this is a debate online not a job. If he wants something he can go get it, he already received 1 example of it.
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Guy has already received proof and wanted more, if he wants it then he can find it amongst.

Let's get something straight, this is a debate online not a job. If he wants something he can go get it, he already received 1 example of it.

Thats not how it works. You made the claim that people were being anti semitic so its up to you to post the proof.
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