Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Guy has already received proof and wanted more, if he wants it then he can find it amongst.

Let's get something straight, this is a debate online not a job. If he wants something he can go get it, he already received 1 example of it.

If it's not your job and you can't be bothered to back up your comments then don't make them.
So where do they go?

Keep moving away. Then the world and the UN will see what a ****ed up situation Hamas has put the Palestinians in.

Instead they hang around and get bombed to **** by the IDF. Hamas then are able to go to the world;

look! The Izrailis are killing civilians! Baby murderers!

Israel played into that **** like a total chump.
Thats not how it works. You made the claim that people were being anti semitic so its up to you to post the proof.

Why bring the burden of proof into a simple disagreement. The posts are here for everyone to see. If you're too lazy to look through them and instead just hide behind the burden of proof then you achieve nothing. I'm not searching 1500+ posts just to prove him wrong, especially after already giving him an example which he tried to dismiss and failed hard.
Keep moving away. Then the world and the UN will see what a ****ed up situation Hamas has put the Palestinians in.

Instead they hang around and get bombed to **** by the IDF. Hamas then are able to go to the world;

look! The Izrailis are killing civilians! Baby murderers!

Israel played into that **** like a total chump.
Where do you think they can move away to?
So the collateral damage in taking these rockets out is acceptable? How many civilians have these rockets killed compared to the death toll the Palenstinians have taken. How many Israeli soldiers have died needlessly in this conflict and over what? Israel is no more safer than it was before the conflict all it has done has stirred up a lot more hatred towards them and turned world opinion against them.

So what are Israel to do? If Hamas are firing 200 yards away from a hospital they know exactly what they're doing.
The collateral damage is no way acceptable but there's no way Israel are going to be able to strike the rockets pads quickly by sending foot soldiers in.
Air strikes will be the retaliation as it's the quickest way to take them out.

Hamas could have course move the rocket pads away from civilian zones but then it would be too easy for Israel and Hamas couldn't put all the negative publicity on Israel.
So what are Israel to do? If Hamas are firing 200 yards away from a hospital they know exactly what they're doing.
The collateral damage is no way acceptable but there's no way Israel are going to be able to strike the rockets pads quickly by sending foot soldiers in.
Air strikes will be the retaliation as it's the quickest way to take them out.

Hamas could have course move the rocket pads away from civilian zones but then it would be too easy for Israel and Hamas couldn't put all the negative publicity on Israel.

Maybe Israel could try a none violent resolution like it did with its other Arab neighbours. Military action certainly hasn't stopped the violence over the years.
Maybe Israel could try a none violent resolution like it did with its other Arab neighbours.

To do that, both parties need to first recognise each others right to exist. Currently, Hamas does not recognise Israel's right to exist. So how do you talk to someone who thinks you should be eradicated ?
Sadly the view of most.

I firmly believe there is a large amount of closet anti semitism around the whole issue. I have both Muslim and Jewish friends (a lot more Muslim as it turns out) so consider myself none racially motivated and quite neutral over the whole thing.

That said I think time and again Hamas are to blame. They start these wars every, single, time then cry to the world about their treatment when Israel retaliates.

Whilst the civilian deaths are abhorrent they are caused by Hanas hiding themselves and their weaponry among civilians on purpose. They happily bring the attacks down upon their own people because they firstly don't care about them but more importsntly, to them, they gain international sympathy from such acts.

Secondly if they do not wants war, do not start one, there are ways and means if bringing about change through diplomacy but Hamas have no interest in pursuing such a route as they are blinded by religious bigotry.

I hate the civilian suffering over there but it is squarely at Hamas' feet and it is in their power to stop it.

Firstly Hamas did not start this war Israel did, we keep hearing Hamas using human shields yet we see bombing UN schools and hospitals when they UN say there was no hamas in school. The Israelis are targeting civilians and blame Hamas for it, Israel refuse to talk to hamas how can they bring peace without even talking to them?
Maybe Israel could try a none violent resolution like it did with its other Arab neighbours. Military action certainly hasn't stopped the violence over the years.

Along with the rest of the world I would love for that to be the case but can you honestly see Hamas negotiating and accepting Israel? Have a look at their charter and then come back. I'd love to hear your view.

The above paragraph is not meant in an argumentative tone, I'd genuinely like to hear back from you if you get the time to do so.
Maybe Israel could try a none violent resolution like it did with its other Arab neighbours. Military action certainly hasn't stopped the violence over the years.

Jordan and Egypt agreed to terms Israel could live with and stuck to them. They also don't have any mention of wanting to obliterate Israel back to God.

Hamas on the other hand want to go back to pre 67 boarders. Israel would never agree to this. The reason they went to war in 67 was because they were afraid Israel could be cut in half, such was the proximity of the West Bank and Gaza. Something like 7 miles between them.

Hamas know this, and will never backdown from this.
So what are Israel to do? If Hamas are firing 200 yards away from a hospital they know exactly what they're doing.
The collateral damage is no way acceptable but there's no way Israel are going to be able to strike the rockets pads quickly by sending foot soldiers in.
Air strikes will be the retaliation as it's the quickest way to take them out.

Hamas could have course move the rocket pads away from civilian zones but then it would be too easy for Israel and Hamas couldn't put all the negative publicity on Israel.

On the other hand, Hamas operate in one of the most densley populated areas in the world, so they will say they are not purposley operating close to civilian areas.
It's not even that densely populated they can't operate missiles away from schools or hospitals.

Its the most densely populated place on earth........ maybe the IDF should not of have started this war? and should not bomb schools full of people taking shelter as there homes have been destroyed , when the U.N tell them the exact coordinates 17 times.

The IDF still bombed them and U.N said no hamas were operating their.
Why not go further back when the land was in Jewish hands and forcibly removed?

Or further back when the Hebrews forcibly removed the Canaanites and others...

See how the naivety of your responses are illustrated yet, as you appear to have missed the point somewhat.

Also there's never been in a time in history where there was a State of Palestine ruled by Palestinians. Even when it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire it was part of Southern Syria.

Actually this is an obfuscation as Palestine is not a country but a region (which included Syria for example) and it has been ruled by various indigenous peoples of that region, far more so that the Biblical Israel for example. The fact is that Palestine has been for the vast majority of the time an Arab territory, the Biblical promised land only existed for a very short time and the region itself has been Arab until the massive influx of Jewish migration in the 20th century.

"You could begin with the fact that the creation of Israel was through the actions of Zionist Terrorist groups such as Irgun, and that Israel precipitated military action by preemptive strikes against its Arab Neighbours. "

A one sided view to say the least.

Actually it isn't a one sided view, as it was a point to begin with in response to your post which was inherently one-sided and again acted as an illustration of the irony inherent in your initial response.

When the partition plan was drawn up Arab armies from surrounding states who opposed the partition and power share entered the British mandate Palestine and this I believe triggered the first war.

What triggered the civil war was the unilateral declaration of a Jewish State by Ben Gurion, which was opposed by pretty much everyone except the US Government (against US State Dept. advice and opinion) and the Jewish Groups such as Irgun and Lehi (recognised terrorist organisations) and Haganah. The Arab-Jewish war of 1948 was an evolution of this Civil War between Jewish and Arab militants over the unfettered migration of Jewish peoples and the assumed expulsion of Arabs from Palestine. This began as far back as the 1930s when Arab Nationalists opposed the increase in Zionism in Palestine. It was effectively a paramilitary civil war. The withdrawal of the British left the Palestinian Arabs with a definitive disadvantage which led to the declaration and the direct involvement of the Arab nations as they were all opposed to the setting up of a Jewish state in what were Arab territories. The actual Partition Plan was not a binding agreement as is often portrayed, it was passed as a recommendation by the UN General Assembly and was never implemented by the Security Council. What we have in reality was a civil war between the Arab Palestinians and the Jewish militant organisations.

Also as much as Irgun are terrorists(they were also denounced by Jewish groups and the occupying British who had their own agenda) then as are Hamas considering they were fighting for their own freedom.

Irgun were not fighting for their freedom, they were fighting to create a Jewish State in what they referred to as Eretz Israel.

In regards to you quoting me about the nuclear weapons, why not take it in it's full context and see what I was replying to? Given it was reply to someone else saying Israel had nuclear weapons with the help of others your post should be applied there as well.

Indeed, if it applies then it applies. However that doesn't mean that Israel definitively has nuclear weapons or that it developed them independently.

Anyway it's been proven in the past Israel do have nuclear weapons have a look at Mordechai Van something or over.

..Mordecai something or other..well that really sounds like definitive proof to me.

You say Israel carried out pre emptive attacks against it's Arab neighbours, well yeah I suppose any other country would do the same when hostile neighbours amass armies on it's borders and then release statements on radio saying there's a genocide coming along with the threat "The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel".

The point is not how you justify it, but that the response you gave argued at the naivety and simplistic view of the conflict while being a naive and simplistic response in and of itself. Which was really the point of my post rather than initiating an indepth discussion on the ethics of pre-emptive strikes and the rights and wrongs of the Palestine Mandate and Balfour fracas.
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