Well lets be clear, Britain "gave up" Palestine, and rather than let them take it over themselves(they owned 89% of the land, were the massive majority population(less large a majority after effectively the zionist movement emigrated there in huge numbers, but still 89% of the land was Palestinian owned, and cities were palestinian built, etc) we took the Swiss way out of just letting someone else deal with it.
The UN vote itself, well, there had just been this war in in europe and this option basically gave europe a "we don't have to deal with them if we give them land somewhere not in europe" so a lot voted for it. North/south america mostly voted for, China didn't, India didn't, most of the middle east and africa didn't.
Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.
The people who voted against it or... effectively everyone who saw the obvious 50+ years of war coming by randomly creating a ridiculous new state while displacing so many native people, This was the West's crude, quick and "easy" fix to where all the displaced jews could go.
Then both England and the USA have been the biggest financial and military supporters of Israel. Israel could NOT have dropped any of these bombs on Palestine if we hadn't supported them for over 60 years. They have a strong economy purely because the two most powerful Western countries gave them money and support to do so, they have a strong military because we either gave them weapons, sold them weapons or gave them money which led to a strong economy which led to them being able to buy weapons.
Without the money from the start, Israel would have a crap economy, very little of the business there currently is there would have moved there, the likes of Intel having a plant there because the support we gave them allowed them to be the dominant power in the region militarily and to build the kind of infrastructure Intel needed. This is directly, every single part, down to Western support.
The Israel/Palestine problem is ENTIRELY the west's making.
If England had just given the land to the Palestinians rather than asking the UN to come up with some bat **** crazy plan, there would be no Israel to protect or fight for.
AS for the supporters all wanting a muslim state..... wow, that is an interesting thing to say. I don't believe in any good, I find religion pretty laughable. I don't think any serious leader in the world is religious, but power hungry people using religion as a tool. It's funny how ever interpretation of every religion always results in people fighting for and dying to make a single guy in particular more money and power. Funny that every religious war boils down to one guy getting more powerful....
I would quite happily (if I was PM) send in troops to wipe out Isis. Not because they are muslims, or a particular sect of whatever, but because people who threaten to kill people if they don't convert, fear and murder is not a tool used by reasonable people with reasonable goals. Isis could be a political group and try to get elected, but this guy wants power, wants people to love him, and can't actually win an election. We should blow them off the earth and protect people who are trying not to fight and trying not to die.
In general regardless of the conflict I support the oppress
ed, the invade
d, the victims. We should have sent planes and parachuted in barrels of water already and we should send in troops. We should have sent in troops asap when the first towns were being hit, before they used fear/threats of death to bolster their ranks by the thousands.
But to pretend we had no involvement in the Israel/Palestine situation is.... I don't even know, it's so beyond the realms of denial/blindness/ignorance that I can't think of a bunch of safe words to use to describe it.