I'm sorry, but any neutral person can see that Israel don't benefit in any way from killing children and other civilians. I don't think they do it on purpose. It invites international pressure onto themselves and sullies their reputation.
Which is *exactly* why Hamas puts its weapons in hospitals, schools, and highly populated civilian areas.
As said, Hamas have even done interviews where they openly admit using civilians as human shields.
If you try to frame Israel as the bad guy and Hamas as the good guy, anyone with half a brain will see straight through your agenda/bias.
It is asymmetric warfare, which is common in conflicts whereby the oppressed/weakest faction are fighting a larger, better equipped and tactically superior force. As a neutral person, I do not share your view that the tactics of Hamas justify the disproportionate response from the IDF, or the intentional targeting of civilian structures such as hospitals and schools. Also the use of civilian structures or the fighting in and around civilian structures is not considered as "human shields" if that was the case then we are all guilty of that as most of our military infrastructure, as the IDF is build in and around highly populated areas as a rule.
The issue you have with trying to frame Israel as the "good guy" is not dissimilar from the person trying to frame Hamas as the "bad guy" as both are intentionally using a civilian population to persecute a war, if anything Israel have the greater responsibility as it is an actual State and should abide by the rules and responsibilities inherent in the institutions to which it is a signatory...the disparity in the respective military powers also means that Israel could effectively neutralise the militant threat in Gaza through a limited military policing and initiating a systematic rebuilding of infrastructure and the political processes and institutions through which Gaza and its people currently rely on Hamas to provide as best they can...this would both undermine Hamas and give Israel a real positive position internationally. With this approach Israel need not supply the manpower as the UN could potentially address this with an international force with Israel supply logistical and material support, this might assuage the obvious issues with propriety given the history between the IDF and Gaza.
Effectively, all the time that Israel follow a systematic suppression and annexation of the Gaza strip they are fuelling Hamas support and inviting Militant action into Israel, of course they know this and this is the main sticking point...Likud and conservative Zionists simply do not want the Palestinians (or Arabs in general if you look deep enough into their motivations) in the region at all. Essentially there are no "good guys" here, but the ones with all the power and responsibility to use that power humanely and effectively with minimal loss of civilian life is Israel, particularly given the disparity between Palestinian and Israel civilian casualties in throughout this conflict.