It's official, girls leave toilets in a worst state

Always like that where I work - the mens toilets ocassionally gets trashed by some idiot who thinks it amusing to block the sinks or whatever (generally temps) - but aside from the stench of urine they are generally clean enough... I can't count how often they've closed the womens toilets and let them use the mens (blokes have to use the disabled toilet) because the womens got so bad no one would clean it... afterwards the mens toilets would always be a mess :(

TBH tho I don't think its all women in general - just a small number, but a bigger proportion than that of the men, that are just complete dirty animals.
I'd say women are more dirty than men when it comes to the loo. A mail like this went out at a place I used to work in London... Some girl had left a dead mouse on the floor!!... Maybe she forgot to put her pants back on and it just fell out?...

Also where I work now, you have to walk past the womens loo to get in the office... I've noticed a bad smell from there several times, yet the gents is generally quite tidy...
Don't be ridiculous that's the most absurd thing I've read this week and I don't normally twig with what I read.

if this were the case, I'd like to think they'd be a bit more meticulous about hygene. and as a personal experience, the majority of arabs/musilms i've know, *have* been the most neat, tidy and clean people i've known

that's not to say there aren't dirty ******** too but from my experience they're not the poop flinging sand monkeys people portray them as :/

Yes, they do, I have spent a long time working in places like Tunisia, with arabs and muslims. The funny thing is they think using toilet roll is dirty (had a nice chat with one of my mates when I was there about it). Never heard of arabs only using a certain hand to eat food with? That's because they use the other hand (left I think) to wipe with.

Also the Arabs I worked with (also worked with ex pats) only wash their feet, hands and face on a regular basis, they don't shower.

By arabs/muslims you know, do you mean british arabs/muslims? I'm not saying every arab/muslim does but go to North africa and the middle east and the majority of arabs there use their hands (why there is always a tap in toilets over there).

EDIT: Haha, I can't believe the number of people who don't believe me, and say it's disgusting. Just think about it for a second and you'll realise why. You're in the middle of the desert and need a poo, you go, now what are you going to do? Carry months worth of toilet paper around with you? No you use water and your hand to clean up, which tbh unless you had a very squidgy one isn't going to be very messy. You don't just wipe with your hand, you do use water at the same time. :p
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Yes, they do, I have spent a long time working in places like Tunisia, with arabs and muslims. The funny thing is they think using toilet roll is dirty (had a nice chat with one of my mates when I was there about it). Never heard of arabs only using a certain hand to eat food with? That's because they use the other hand (left I think) to wipe with.

It is true, my brother in law does it, you also notice him only using his right hand to eat, etc. He has a squirty bottle of water always sitting by the loo too, I assume this is to help with the process. Doesn't bother me in the slightest, he's a spotlessly clean chap otherwise, so I assume he washes his hands good and properly after anyway.

I think its a regional thing too, which is why you'll hear some Muslims do it and some don't, he's from Algeria originally, so I could imagine its quite common amongst Muslims originating from the north of Africa countries, Algeria, Morocco, etc.
I don't know where you've heard it or who you speak to but in my 25 years of living I have never heard such a thing, not of anyone I know or of anyone that someone else knows be they arabic, indian or whatever. In Islam you have a separate water source to wash your behind BEFORE you wipe with tissue, in fact in most japanese/chinese or arabic cities houses/hotels etc have mini shower heads that are just for that purpose, a bum shower if you will!

Personal hygiene is the absolute top of most religions anyway.

Ho hum!

Depending on what I eat sometimes toilet paper just doesn't get it clean or it comes apart and sticks to my unwaxed ass. :( Bum shower flw. :p

As for womens, its only to be expected as they don't have the blatter control that men have. They can't ever check if the toilet seat is down before they sit down, never mind aim down it. :p
As for womens, its only to be expected as they don't have the blatter control that men have. They can't ever check if the toilet seat is down before they sit down, never mind aim down it. :p


"Put the toilet seat down after you use it"
"Because I almost fell down the toilet when I went for a wee"
"Well look before you sit down fool"

The number of times i've heard/said that to women...:rolleyes:

And their argument for us putting the seat down after we use it always ends up as something along the lines of "Why should I have to put the toilet seat down every time I want a wee!?", or "It's more hygenic" WTF, why should we have to put it up, and hygenic? I normally just put the lid down as well, that way the can't complain either way, and it IS more hygenic...:p

yes i worked in Tunisia as well, Offshore. The Muslim folks couldn't deal with the western toilets on-board the rig.

My god the Excrement was all over the seats the floors and seriously smeared on the walls.
Its funny now but i was gagging and nearly puking at the time.

its mind blowing that taking a crap can be so hard from one culture to the next .
I can't count how often they've closed the womens toilets and let them use the mens (blokes have to use the disabled toilet) because the womens got so bad no one would clean it

Why couldn't they have used the disabled toilets? I bet if something went wrong with the men's toilets they wouldn't allow you to use the women's toilets.
I thought ladies did an inverted splits handstand and aimed that way. Well it seems that's the case sometimes!

Talking of toilets and other cultures - the Hotels in Dubai have telephones next to the loo where you'd expect the toilet roll to be! Ain't nothing stopping that business conversation!

In turkey the toilets have this little pipe that runs continuously otherwise the evaporation would leave the u-bend open.

I forgot the country but I remember the toilets had a plateau so if you did number two it remained in situe without water covering it, saved in all it's glory once you stood up. Sometimes putting up with a u-bend backsplash is preferable!

And yes, when we onshored bangalore staff the toilets were unusable. However I think many soon learned (after an email about not standing on the bowl). Just differences in approach.

There was also an attempt to sanction one toilet as women only. A revolt led by the MD's PA, her little squad of hench-women (other PAs) and a couple of from accounts and HR. The building admin killed the idea on legal grounds (not sure if this was the case as the guy could do deadpan perfectly).
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thats disgusting!!!

some of the women we share our building with leave the toilets in a mess, thankfully not the actual cubicles they just leave tissue all over the floor. They're really snobby so obviously they think people should tidy up after them constantly.

although i will say men can be just as bad... i used to help my mum clean our local cinema and thankfully she let me get away with only mopping the floor of the gents rather than cleaning the urinals etc.

On many occasion we'd find that people have missed and either peed on the floor or up the walls :(
Our work toilets were very clean. Then another department moved to the floor and over night they were disgusting. They were than moved to another building and they are clean. Amazing that!

The worst state that one of the members of that department left the toilets in was unflushed number 2 left there on a Friday morning. It was there until the following Tuesday. It was disgusting. It wasn't like this was a one off - just was the longest it has gone without being removed.
I have to say the womens toilets in our place are pretty disgusting. I couldn't tell you about the mens. I use the disabled toilet instead (fortunately it doesn't cause an inconvenience to anyone disabled in our part of the building as there isn't anyone disabled working there) as I like to use a clean toilet and leave it the same way. How hard is it to use a toilet? The mind boggles!
This thread has been an eye-opener in to the toilet habits of the genders! Of all the replies only 1 has said men's are worse :eek:

As suggested, maybe some women are so scared of touching a bit of butt-cheek on the seat they somehow squat and then miss?
It's clear that most girls use about 900% too much bog roll that necessary to get the job done so that side of the mess I understand, but the other stories I've just read? Yuk, I was gonna have dinner now :(
What about signs in the toilet?

Thankfully my work toilet is not all that bad....

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