iTunes Match is live...

I have created a smart playlist which shows all songs it has uploaded.

It has uploaded a ton of music I expected it to have matched.

eg: 1 track from Now 80 has been uploaded rather than matched like all the other songs on Now 80.

How can I get this to be resolved?

Never thought of doing that, nice trick!

Getting much the same, about 15% of my tracks have had to be uploaded. Looks like their matching algorithms need a bit of work.
This is very strange, it's uploading stuff which I have at 128k but which is definitely on the iTunes store. Should that be happening?
Or are they uploaded?

If you reveal the iCloud status column, it only says a few tracks are uploaded. 90% says matched, but I'm still waiting for iTunes to finish 'uploading' more tracks.

Maybe 'uploading' just means matching?

I certainly haven't uploaded 7k songs, as I've only used 1GB outbound bandwidth since this morning (doing other things too).
I'm just going to leave it doing what it wants to until it finishes and then see what it's done.

/edit - How do I see the 'iCloud status column'?

/edit again - Got it, it's just another column in the view mode :)
In your main music library list, right click on the column headers to bring up more options, then select it :)

I've only just realised that the cloud icon means 'waiting', it doesn't indicate that song is in the cloud.
One useful thing you can do is create a couple of smart playlists.

I have a few to help me see the status of different iCloud things:

- Tracks which have been uploaded - (so i can check tracks which should have been matched but were not

- Tracks with errors

- ineligible tracks

and so on,

Smart playlists are very powerful and help you see a lot of information very quickly.
It works fine, I deleted albums from my system but because it's in the cloud you can download them again at a higher bit rate free.

It'a awesome how fast it syncs over all devices!

I do believe you can have up to 5 iDevices with iTunes Match enabled logged into the same iTunes ID Account.

My initial stage still isn't complete, I reckon it's going to take a week to upload everything.
Yes, that's the point. I've got loads of old MP3s that I ripped a long time ago which are all 128k so it can't hurt to get them upgraded to a better quality.
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