Jailbroken iPhone Screenshot Thread

Hi all,

I am trying to modify my jailbroken ip4 and am struggling. I have installed suave hd as I really like the icons and 5 icon dock but want to change the wallpaper (it's on the default suave hd wallpaper). I have tried ticking user wallpaper in winterboard but it hasn't helped.

Also, I want to get rid of the text under the icons. I have ticked on text on dock items and non dock items but for some reason it has only worked on the docked items.

Any help is much appreciated!
Hi all,

Also, I want to get rid of the text under the icons. I have ticked on text on dock items and non dock items but for some reason it has only worked on the docked items.

Any help is much appreciated!

ine winter board touch and hold the 3 grey lines, and move the no text under icons selection to the top then let go
I founds boss paper also removed all my multitasking list... It always appeared empty, maybe a bug :mad:
It's not been updated for 4.0 yet. I had the same issue as you. It was functional, but the task switching drawer was empty.
Can anyone recommend some ip4 wallpaper sites? I keep searching in google and finding the same sites all the time and they are never updated.
What theme and wallpaper is this?

Its a lockinfo theme which I created. Likewise with the wallpaper

Wow, that is lovely can you share it please? :D What icon set are you using?

Are you using notified pro?

Icon set is Suave. No, not using Notified bro - its Lockinfo.

Have to say, but the only jailbroken phone that I think looks nice in here is photoshop's. Stunning. Everything else just looks a bit tacky.

Thanks :)
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