Would be nice to see Beckham back in the premier league, if only for a couple of months. I think he could be a great assest to Spurs and I can imagine him being a big motivational player for the rest of the team.
Theres nothing quite as motivating as a guy coming for a part time summer job without a care in the world who will make 2-3 times the average first team salary based purely on his name rather than how good he's been.
Beckhams good, but he's not great, I highly doubt he stays back after practice for a couple hours every day like he did when he was 16-25. He won't really help Bale/Lennon that much as they are ALL about pace and "doing" their player while Beckham was always about fantastic wing play with a full back, in general Lennon/Bale just can't play like that, not least because when they get going theres no fullback who keeps up and its just not their game. I sincerely doubt if Lennon's been practicing with many top coaches for a decade that 3 months with Beckham will turn him into a decent crosser.
More than anything it just screams of Redknapp, a big name, rather than the player they need, a huge wage to attract said player, and the beginning of the end for the financial stability of the club.
Niko, Modric, Bale, Lennon, Bentley, Keane, VDV who can/all do play on the wing frequently, 3 of those are already very unhappy(keane, niko, Bentley) and Beckham really isn't better than any of them. Bring him in, on 120k a week, how much do you think VDV, Bale, Pav, Defoe, Modric will want come their next contracts? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Would be better to see Beckham at a midtable club where he'd both, play more, look better and not cause issues.