Full Time: E&U (Emergency and Urgent) Ambulance Dispatcher
Bank: PTS Driver/Attendent
Voluntary: Community First Responder - Coordinator for Norton, Burntwood and Brownhills area.
West Midlands Ambualnce Service
Day to day
In my day to day roll I quite often act up to Control Manager (Or 'Controller') where I have overall responsibility for one of 3 divisions (Herefordshire, Worcestershire or Shropshire) where I have the role of mobilising Emergency Vehicles to 999 calls as well as Urgenet None Blue light contracts.
This involves working using the Services Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) and mobilising resources as per current protocal, whilst at the same time maintaining cover in key areas as per the System Status PLan (SSP) which is based on a model of prediction of where it's most likley Emergencies will come in based on previous patterns. This requires knowledge of areas (I.E. Layout of areas, location of Stations and Stand-Bys etc) This is used in tandum with the Ambulance Services Airwave Tetra radio which is used to contact resources.
As controller overall resonsibility falls on me for the above as well as making sure all 9s have correct resourcing (I.E. a Patient in Cardiac Arrest requires the nearest 2 responses, one of which must be an ALS I.E a Paramedic and the other a conveying resource) as well as day to day manning, ensuring that all resources under my area are present on the CAD and are ready for duty at shift commencement.
PTS: Mainly involves Discharges from Heartlands Hospital and interhospital transfers on a non-emergency Ambulance
CFR: This is the fun bit for me. I see this more as a hobby
as a Community Responder I go out to Emergency Calls on a voluntary basis for the service in a marked (ANd soon to be Blue Lighted vehicle) and provide often life saving assistance untill a WMAS Resource can arrive on scene. I've done the works as a CFR, CPR, Stabbings the lot! I get a lot of gratification from it.
As coordinator for my area, i'm responsible for overall running of the group, I currently have 4 other Responders who rotate to provide cover as much as possible. I have other senior members, one who deputises for me in my absense as well as a Fundraising Lead and Treasurer.
We also have a fully liveried Ambulance Rapid Response vehicle which we are raising £2,380 to get blue lighted as well as get everyone off to train to drive on Blue Lights and Sirens to 999 calls.
WMAS gets a lot of benefits via Unison, also my Advanced driving gets me an insurance discount when I qualify as a Response Driver. (Neeee naw!)
Genuinley saving peoples lives
Can be very emotional, i've had jobs where i've worked my arse off and patients have still died, unfortunatley it's an inevitability in this line of work. But in the same respect you can be happy you've done everything possible.
I trained to become a Nursery Nurse! but I hold numerous GCSEs and also a couple of NVQs. One of which trains you for the role as a CFR.
I am also commencing Advanced Driver Training through IAM and then onto a 3 day Blue Light course.
Do you like your job?
Love it.