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OP, can I ask: Honestly speaking, why is it this has happened?
Have you had missed opportunities? Have you simply shut yourself away? Have you simply been unlucky?
At 30, you must at least know why you find yourself making this thread.
Chances are you've built these things up into your head so they're out of proportion with reality. When you do experience them, you'll either be sorely disappointed or trying to find blame, assuming it's because you've left it so late.
What exactly is it that you've found so hard?
I'd wager a guess that you suffer from social anxiety, at least midly. What you need are some friends who'll give you a strong, hard push in the right direction. Don't fanny around in the shallow end, afraid to wade in because your nuts might get cold. Dive in the deep end, get that head underwater and start swimming.
Also, please don't post a picture. Just be honest in giving us the facts.