Junior doctor strike: Union's pay demands unrealistic, says Steve Barclay

Realistically where do you cut spending?

- defence - would make us appear weaker to the likes of Russia
- health - would ultimately just lead to further deaths
- education - would ruin the future of lots of youngsters which undoubtedly will cause long term damage to the country
- police - would lead to further crime
- transport - people already moan about the state of roads, and big projects like HS2 have already had money wasted

- Not deporting illegal / economic migrants is costing a fortune, in excess of 2 billion per annum on hotel costs alone. Following that will be the even bigger costs for social housing to put most of those up as very few are deported.

- Defence has had exceptional costs of late due to assisting Ukraine. This is probably the safest from spending cuts of those mentioned as it will be expected to decline when Russia is defeated.

- Health, plenty of scope for cost savings since it's a regional service where Trusts don't work together in general to find synergies such as shared payroll / hr. Usually they'd rather each do their own thing which is crazy from a cost perspective.

- Education, also an out of date model being used as no private sector company would run it in the way that it is. Lesson plans should be created centrally to one syllabus so that any teacher of the same type can step into the shoes of another and marking should be done via electronic form. The manual admin side of the job would not be tolerated by a private sector company as it's not time efficient and therefore not staff efficient.

- Police, another joke outfit that isn't run properly. Too much responding to incidents rather than preventing them. Of course it's harder to prove your effect on prevention so we have instead a service focused on the wrong objectives, chasing petty crimes such as motoring offences and not what I suspect the public are more concerned about. The latest being the threat of fining people for switching an emergency alarm off on their mobile if they're in their car. This is no different from someone switching their satnav off or switching channels on their stereo. We could stop importing more criminals for a start or desperate illegal migrants, desperate people are most likely where a lot of people adopt a criminal way of life. 19 terrorist men allowed in last year. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...nts-free-Britain-evading-security-checks.html

- Transport, the roads and other public services aren't getting the spending as it gets diverted to areas that can't be avoided such as social housing costs to house those that qualify who've been evicted or illegal / economic migrants. It's also another area of inefficiency, we have several road improvement schemes going on nearby, the one that the developers were responsible was finished ages ago, the one that is outsourced from the local authority is still ongoing. Takes 5 people to put a bit of tarmac down around a drain cover. 1 holding a stop/start sign, 3 watching the work being done and 1 actually doing the job. Another case of being over unionised, where the workforce works to rule in inefficient ways. We've had a few road signs put up where the person ordering the sign can't spell the destinations and has probably gone through several layers of inefficient working where it should have been checked properly but obviously wasn't. The wrong types of curb being fitted, only for them all to have to be dug out and replaced. People just don't do their jobs properly these days because there's no pride in any workmanship.
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Well that frothed up quickly.

Trying to give the Tories a free pass because of Blair/Brown is just showing the desperation and the death wails of the ideologues who will probably "rather leave the country" than have any other government and they aren't going to budge.

I am as bored of people not understanding 2006/7/8 as I was bored of people talking about "those risky LDIs" last summer. They don't have a clue. Technical inaccuracies like that (or I saw the film....) are why we are in the state we are now.

MrWong you absolutely stated previously you have hard evidence that senior civil servants were scuppering brexit, but you never followed through with proof.

All I can see is a bunch of die hard Tory Brexit fans unable to cope with the fact that they have been wrong since 2016 and now it's being proved again and again for all to see. It must sting! (of course supporting the current Tory mess, not just Brexit, but that is a defining part of them)

Yours, champagne centrist :D
Yes, you keep going with the flow keep paying more In taxes and receiving less.

You expect Doctors and others to earn the same as a London cleaner £14 per hour and then expect great service.

Expect people to pay for their higher education work for nothing and still have to pay Interest.
Well if you have to pay big fees for your degree, master etc then don't expect those people to stay. Paying high education fees means no loyalty or pressured by others about the duty to stay in this country.

You accepted the scam of affordable housing or share ownership.

Land ownership let not start their with rich landowners being subside by the tax payer to produce nothing.

Btw I am neither Labour or Tory.
Well that frothed up quickly.

Trying to give the Tories a free pass because of Blair/Brown is just showing the desperation and the death wails of the ideologues who will probably "rather leave the country" than have any other government and they aren't going to budge.

I am as bored of people not understanding 2006/7/8 as I was bored of people talking about "those risky LDIs" last summer. They don't have a clue. Technical inaccuracies like that (or I saw the film....) are why we are in the state we are now.

MrWong you absolutely stated previously you have hard evidence that senior civil servants were scuppering brexit, but you never followed through with proof.

All I can see is a bunch of die hard Tory Brexit fans unable to cope with the fact that they have been wrong since 2016 and now it's being proved again and again for all to see. It must sting! (of course supporting the current Tory mess, not just Brexit, but that is a defining part of them)

Yours, champagne centrist :D
Don't forget some of the frothier types in here supported the Truss budget. I'm not sure if their opinions should be taken that seriously after that. :p
NHS staff should strike for the same pensions as the private sector

I know that you are trying to make your mark on this forum, but striking for equal pensions with the private sector would be a massive downgrade in payments.
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