And exactly how do these hypocritical cretins travel?I seriously doubt many of them happen to live right next to the M25 they are willing to travel and sacrifice for something they believe in.
And exactly how do these hypocritical cretins travel?I seriously doubt many of them happen to live right next to the M25 they are willing to travel and sacrifice for something they believe in.
We'll call them "fair weather, mild, occasional protesters"
On a cloud of self righteousness.And exactly how do these hypocritical cretins travel?
For everyone here who was obviously impacted directly today (I can tell from the strong vibes) why don’t you set up a “Just Stop Just Stop Oil?” movement? You’ll regularly be travelling on the M25 anyway so are probably really well placed to do something like beating them up the gantries (I mean being there first)pretending to be cleaners or maintenance folk.
On a cloud of self righteousness.
Yet we are here talking about it...she's making it a conversation.Eeek, that girl on M25 blubbering on camera saying she has no future. Couldn't make past the first few seconds. Someone previously said on this forum, they desperately need some PR control, professional direction can win the hearts and minds.
It's such a mess really, In a way i feel sorry for them, trying so hard yet making zero difference, just annoying millions.
Yet we are here talking about it...she's making it a conversation.
That girl for all the mocking she has been on the end of has absolute balls of steel for what she's doing and lets have it right....she's correct. Something needs to change and quick.
Its not though is it. This is the 27th COP...Why has it taken a war in Russia for people to actually wake up about whats going on?There was a decent police presence there this morning, but they seem incapable of doing anything. Just leave them on the gantry and carry on.
But in actual fact other than disrupting people trying to put food on the table nothing else will change. It’s a conversation we were already having. Absolute scum the lot of them.
But in actual fact other than disrupting people trying to put food on the table nothing else will change. It’s a conversation we were already having. Absolute scum the lot of them.
But in actual fact other than disrupting people trying to put food on the table nothing else will change. It’s a conversation we were already having. Absolute scum the lot of them.
Completely agree and no doubt costing the economy to boot. Throw them all into a single cell for a few years and forget about them.
Its not though is it. This is the 27th COP...Why has it taken a war in Russia for people to actually wake up about whats going on?
Instead they decide to all fly to Egypt using the equivalent of 10,000 homes worth of energy when they simply could have done it on video.
Whether people like it or not, she's correct, they are correct.
But they aren’t listening. Which doesn’t make sense. Why don’t the government engage with them? The government have admitted there’s a climate emergency. They acknowledge we need to move away from fossil fuels. They accept we need more renewables. However they grant new licenses for new oil. Why? We don’t need it.Costing the economy at a time when we can ill afford it, ironically making less money available for renewables. This lot really are thick.
Agreed, it’s moronic, but holding up the M25 isn’t exactly doing anything to help. Go protest outside number 10.
Protests/rallies/demos block streets ALL THE TIME. Why aren’t there people suggesting locking these people up and attacking them? What is it specifically about this group that upsets you so much? Is it because you know they are right, but you aren’t willing to be slightly inconvenienced for the greater good?
How inconvenienced are you by this?Slightly?
That must be a wind up.
How inconvenienced are you by this?
you are dead right on this... the optics of it are awful.... if ever there was a meeting crying out for remote over zoom, surely this is it?..... it could have still been broadcast and put together properly. hell they could all put on quest headsets (great marketing opportunity for meta . ) and done it in the "meta"VerseInstead they decide to all fly to Egypt using the equivalent of 10,000 homes worth of energy when they simply could have done it on video.