"Just stop oil"

Sad news that the police arrested and detained a journalist yesterday. Complete abuse of power and just a sign of what’s to come with our authoritarian government and their bill of “rights”.

This is the big news. If it's found this wasn't a mistake then it's a shocking misuse of power. If it's found they were acting under explicit instruction then senior heads should roll.
Was just reporting on it live. I am a member of a HGV traffic group on Facebook. Best way to get traffic updates with all this rubbish going on but when you get the info live sometimes it can be a little off but at least I know there is an issue there and can react.

Perhaps but it wouldn't have happened if they were not there. Driving a lorry is not easy. You have very little training on what is a massive killing machine with huge blind spots and left to learn on the job. One second of lapse can be fatal and after all we are all human. If you are driving on the M25 day in day out auto pilot can take over and when something like this is thrown into the mix then accidents can and will happen. An average lorry has no less than 6 mirrors that need to be monitored all the time. A split second is all it takes.

It is easy to blame the Lorry driver when the general public do not know what it takes to drive one. You sit in your office and day dream for a second and nothing happens. You do that in a lorry and it is game over. The level of concentration needed is of a completely different level compared to the vast majority of jobs.

It sounds to me that two lorries and a police motorbike were involved in the collision and the lorry was trying to avoid the police bike, perhaps because the motorbike was in the lorries blind spot and didn't see him in the mirror and then there was a collision as a result of it.

Fact is this wouldn't have happened if those protestors were not there.
I agree that driving a lorry isn’t as easy as many may think. But the idea the protestors are to blame because they were nearby is absurd. How far does this line go? Surely it’s the drivers mums fault for giving birth to them? It’s an absurd argument.
I dare say since it did happen, in a rolling roadblock where I suspect a professional driver should be more aware, it was because of lack of attention by the driver.
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Absolute menace. Someone is going to get killed eventually.
I wouldn’t say all lorry drivers are menaces but you’re right, they failed here and should be held to account. Hopefully a decent prison sentence for this lorry driver to deter others from driving without due care and attention.
While I see their point, I highly doubt the UK was pumping out anywhere near as much pollution as India and China are doing right now during the height of our industrial revolution
Those countries are just taking advantage of our politics and citizen behaviour.

They want handouts, by intimidation.

They complain about climate change yet still treat their own people like scum.
If they were truly caring they would have made changes years ago.
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I can ignore it, the Lorry driver is 100% at fault blaming a distraction for his failure to drive appropriately is simply not acceptable.

How do you know he was distracted? Do you have a HGV licence and do you know what it entails and the responsibility required or how easily it is to do serious damage in a split second? It is very easy to just "blame" the lorry driver when if those protestors were not there it wouldn't have happened in the first place.
I wouldn’t say all lorry drivers are menaces but you’re right, they failed here and should be held to account. Hopefully a decent prison sentence for this lorry driver to deter others from driving without due care and attention.
Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Have you glued your hand to a road yet? And if not, why not?
How the hell has the police become so toothless and prefer to persecute people making a harsh tweet?
What on earth are you frothing about now? The police are locking up journalists, aren’t you happy with that? Thought they were the enemy for publicising these protests?
How do you know he was distracted? Do you have a HGV licence and do you know what it entails and the responsibility required or how easily it is to do serious damage in a split second? It is very easy to just "blame" the lorry driver when if those protestors were not there it wouldn't have happened in the first place.
There are two options for the cause of the crash human error on the part of the truck driver or another driver or mechanical failure, the evidence all points to driver error I was being kind and saying he was distracted. The roads are full of distractions that shouldn't be there an none of them are an excuse for causing an RTA as I said the driver is responsible for managing distractions be they protesters, an odd shaped cloud or a kid fighting a sibling in the back seat.
Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Have you glued your hand to a road yet? And if not, why not?
How am I? What was your post, which linked to a story about a lorry driver causing a crash whilst driving in a rolling roadblock, about if it wasn’t about the lorry driver causing a crash?

I haven’t, because I don’t believe their tactics are right. As I’ve said lots of time in this thread. Now you answer my question, why are you so angry with this group when the government themselves have admitted they are right?
What on earth are you frothing about now? The police are locking up journalists, aren’t you happy with that? Thought they were the enemy for publicising these protests?

She was trespassing on the M25 on foot. Yes she should have been arrested and removed, much like any other pedestrians on foot on the motorway without good reason (i.e. a breakdown)

[Edit] That article is misleading. At the beginning of the article it says:

Charlotte was arrested on the side of the M25 on Tuesday and held for five hours, despite the fact she had her press identification with her.

However further down the journalist was quoted as saying:

"I was on a road bridge over the motorway... well clear of the demonstration.

"I was not down on the motorway, I wasn't with the protester.

If she was on the motorway, yes she should have been arrested. It seems the facts are muddy though.
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How do you know he was distracted? Do you have a HGV licence and do you know what it entails and the responsibility required or how easily it is to do serious damage in a split second? It is very easy to just "blame" the lorry driver when if those protestors were not there it wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Do lorry drivers blame the rain if they aquaplane and crash? Or, do they reduce their speed, increase their distance to the vehicle in front and sit up a bit straighter and be more aware?
She was trespassing on the M25 on foot. Yes she should have been arrested and removed, much like any other pedestrians on foot on the motorway without good reason (i.e. a breakdown)
No she wasn’t. She was on a pavement on a bridge over the motorway.
How am I? What was your post, which linked to a story about a lorry driver causing a crash whilst driving in a rolling roadblock, about if it wasn’t about the lorry driver causing a crash?

I haven’t, because I don’t believe their tactics are right. As I’ve said lots of time in this thread. Now you answer my question, why are you so angry with this group when the government themselves have admitted they are right?
Not angry, but I would certainly be if I miss a hospital appointment because of these idiots. Their tactics are wrong, they will lose any public support they have very quickly.
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