Global warming and climate change is going to result in so many more problems than being stuck on a motorway for 8 hours. Governments need to stop greenwashing whilst at the same time issuing licences for yet more oil and gas exploitation.
Millions (not thousands) of climate refugees moving north from uninhabitable parts of the world ruined by the countries that then refuse to allow them entry.
- Total crop failures resulting in starvation and massively escalating food prices
- Water shortages, we take safe drinking water for granted in the UK. Look back to 76 when people had stand-pipes and had to fetch water in jugs. There are more people now and less water reserves.
- The reason "No More Oil" are escalating is that the simple message "Errr, everyone, the house is on fire" just hasn't been listened to. So they have to start shouting louder and louder.
Frankly, fast forward 20 years and a couple of thousand people being held up for a few hours on a motorway will seem like the good old days.
Forget the means, but anyone that denies the importance of the message is an idiot. We simply have to act now.
I'm sure that the "kill them, hang them" brigade in this forum will all start having keyboard tantrum denials at this post, but that simply explains WHY Just Stop Oil are having to do what they are doing.