"Just stop oil"

of course it matters what they are doing otherwise why not just do a culling and get rid of people they deem unclean?. disrupting public rail for instance is a huge owngoal... and vandalism is wrong.

and besides as shown in the news recently... they care enough to cause disruption but not enough to not drive a diesel, go on holiday themselves, or not throw half full tubes of super glue into the drains.
if they really want to show they care they need to get rid of the people just doing it to cause disruption but clearly do not really care about the cause it undermines what point they may have

It matters to you, maybe, but it won't matter to history. History remembers who was right, not who was inconvenienced.

I am not saying what they are doing is right, I am just saying that their reasons are right and that history will remember that.
I doubt anyone who is enraged by it would have the stones to ever turn up. I've made the offer to people who have said they have an issue with me and never have I received an invite. Lots of keyboard warriors and bedroom incels raging with no action.

If you are willing to kill or die in a fight, why would you care about something like climate change in the first place?
If you are willing to kill or die in a fight, why would you care about something like climate change in the first place?

Suffragettes did for the vote. They were castigated and labelled militant. They did more than inconvenience by using violence.

History sees them as fighting for what was right, at the time they weren't.

History is a funny old thing.
I like how the BBC article states "Both appeared shocked when the sentences were read out".

By that, you can only assume they didn't think their punishment was going to be this severe. Hopefully this sends a message to others that they can't disrupt the lives of others and only get a slap on the wrist.
I'm sure they expected a small fine and a heroes welcome on the way out. As you say, hopefully this sends a message and more of them are punished properly.
It doesn't matter what they are doing, history will show they cared enough to try, whereas the average person (and politician) are just not changing enough to make any difference.
Agree and the idea they should just target politicians is weird, the population elect the government and if we woke up and demanded they focus on real issues like climate change instead of othering immigrants and bullying civil servants something might happen. It’s not politicians that need to wake up it is everyone, climate change should be the no1 issue world wide yet it is only a foot note!
Agree and the idea they should just target politicians is weird, the population elect the government and if we woke up and demanded they focus on real issues like climate change instead of othering immigrants and bullying civil servants something might happen. It’s not politicians that need to wake up it is everyone, climate change should be the no1 issue world wide yet it is only a foot note!
Unfortunately we are living in a time where people can't afford to feed their families properly, or keep warm, so climate change, no matter how serious, will be quite far down the list for a lot of people.
How does this help get people on side?

''Essex Police claimed small businesses lost hundreds of thousands of pounds, including one that estimated losing up to £170,000 in earnings.
The force also referenced a heavily pregnant woman who needed urgent medical help; a child with additional needs who could not access medication and a person who missed a best friend's funeral.''
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Agree and the idea they should just target politicians is weird, the population elect the government and if we woke up and demanded they focus on real issues like climate change instead of othering immigrants and bullying civil servants something might happen. It’s not politicians that need to wake up it is everyone, climate change should be the no1 issue world wide yet it is only a foot note!

You are very right. People often blame the politicians but the truth is that politicians ride a wave of public opinion. It's the public who need to change. The climate protesters are targetting the wrong people and they are doing it in the wrong way. The outrage in this thread clearly demonstrates that they are doing it the wrong way. I mean I believe in their message, but I don't for one instant think that their tactics will work.
Agree and the idea they should just target politicians is weird, the population elect the government and if we woke up and demanded they focus on real issues like climate change instead of othering immigrants and bullying civil servants something might happen. It’s not politicians that need to wake up it is everyone, climate change should be the no1 issue world wide yet it is only a foot note!
ok so answer this.
how is gluing yourself to a road or climbing into a bridge going to achieve their goal?

let's imagine you have some hard right anti global warming Tory or reform UK voter in a car coming home from work.
how is getting them stuck in traffic for 5 hrs going to get them onside and considering voting green?
or someone on the train , already being inconvenienced over using their car and paying more to boot

I reckon the opposite is true, if anything a swing voter who was considering voting green may actually whilst sitting their in the queue thing ... you know what, If going green means being associated with this lot, I am not going to risk helping them make policy after all!.... and maybe that person on the train will decide tomorrow they will just drive.

as I said... I am far from perfect but I am trying to reduce our consumption. we have insulated the house as best we can, have solar and a batter so avoid peak energy use,. when the time comes to change the car I am committed to getting the most efficient one I can (pure electric for one the other will be a harder sell - a pure EV with the range we need for the family car is significantly more than I have ever considered paying for a car before)

there is more I could do, more I should do..... but nothing these people are doing at the moment will encourage me.... and if it won't encourage me, someone basically sympathetic to the cause, it isn't going to win over those who are already cynical.
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The protesters would be more on point if they campaigned to "Just stop people".

Population growth of humans is driving pollution and the drain on the Earth's natural resources.

We've already gone beyond the point of no return in my opinion and we can't put the genie back into the bottle, we just need to let events play out.

If we end up making this planet uninhabitable then so be it. It'll be the turn of another, more resilient form of life to dominate earth.

Of course, they won't have that long in the grand scheme of things because our sun's expansion will make life as we know it intolerable before too long anyway.
The protesters would be more on point if they campaigned to "Just stop people".

Population growth of humans is driving pollution and the drain on the Earth's natural resources.

We've already gone beyond the point of no return in my opinion and we can't put the genie back into the bottle, we just need to let events play out.

If we end up making this planet uninhabitable then so be it. It'll be the turn of another, more resilient form of life to dominate earth.

Of course, they won't have that long in the grand scheme of things because our sun's expansion will make life as we know it intolerable before too long anyway.
it is easy to say that when it's not you it will effect
you may not be wrong. I can't say I am that optimistic long term, ultimately the entire UK emmisions are a rounding error compared to other countries
but... I am guessing you don't have kids (no offence meant if I am wrong).
for me I am not really doing anything I do to save the planet long term (tho if it helps that is gravy)... but even if disaster is inevitable perhaps changes now will put off the worst effects long enough so my 7 year old gets to enjoy his life.
my future grand kids however..... well I am 47 and not in great shape so chances are that will be for my lads generation to try to delay a bit more.
Offering to fight people who you disagree with on the internet? Little wonder people laugh at you.

When it’s relevant. Like the George Floyd thread that got deleted. Lots of people with no medical, police or combat background were saying how he couldn’t possibly of died being restrained like that… that I was an idiot and it was just black peoples playing the racism card and he really just died because he was a drug head. The court case wasn’t over but I offered out all the people calling me dumb and saying how a knee to the neck could indeed kill people via suffocating to come get in the ring with me and once I’ve tapped them up to which ever degree they want to go, I’ll demonstrate knee on belly so they can’t breath, and switch to knee on neck, so they can’t breath.

None of them took me up on it.

Then the trial continued, all the medical exports agreed with me, the cop was convicted.

Now you would think, with how much I’m disliked and called a liberal lefty ********* etc etc etc, someone would want to prove me wrong, alas, the only people who have disagreed with me are too cowardly or feeble.

Hell, I’d happily partake with some of my more regular haters in a charity boxing match if the kind people of GD put together £1000. Winner picks the charity.
Hell, I’d happily partake with some of my more regular haters in a charity boxing match if the kind people of GD put together £1000. Winner picks the charity.

It's hard to take this sort of internet bravado seriously from a sub prostitute who whinged about whether he should go to the police over one of his female clients branding him with hot iron....
Suffragettes did for the vote. They were castigated and labelled militant. They did more than inconvenience by using violence.

History sees them as fighting for what was right, at the time they weren't.

Why will history see fighting to import more oil & gas/extract less from the North sea as "right"?

Will it also see the German greens as right since they've shut down nuclear power in that country... of course, the consequences of that mean they're burning more coal and require this to happen to the landscape:


Just because people are virtue signaling and making noise doesn't mean they're right.
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It's going to be a massive own goal for every one of these terrorist organisations if they try and prevent or disrupt the marathon tomorrow.

People using their own power to move themselves in the name of many fantastic charities deserves everyone's support.

Hopefully the runners and public don't put up with any ****.
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