Not sure I see the point in you doing that though. I mean, I'm not sure what that actually shows, if its to show that person A is able to beat up person B (which in itself is such a stupid thing anyway as physically beating someone up doesnt show them to be the better person, indeed it could be argued that it shows the opposite, surely its better to best someone with intellect than just flexing the neanderthal and hulk smash) , then just arrange to beat someone up, no need for it to be under the guise of a charity boxing match. If its to do something to raise money for charity, just donate the £1000 to charity, doesnt need to be an event in order to donate to charity.Hell, I’d happily partake with some of my more regular haters in a charity boxing match if the kind people of GD put together £1000. Winner picks the charity.
Just not sure what the point of it is, what its aim is. I know we're a bit of a mix of people on here but you'd think we'd be capable of raising a grand for charity, if so inclined, without needing to have someone punch someone else in the face for it