Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Open-World RPG / Medieval History

Just a head's up, lost 6 hours of gameplay :( . Seem's there is a bug that brake's the main story line if you finish the "Pestilence" side quest before reporting the results for "Questions and Answers" main quest. Looking around after I tried to find out what was going on, seems to happen to plenty of other's and not yet fixed. :( Loading a 6 hour old save and turning in Main quest before doing that side quest fixed things.

Thanks for that. This is the part of the game I'm at.
highly recommend the volumetricfog=1 tip. Makes sunsets/dawn much nicer.

tempted to play this today...snow day so no work....but i wanted to wait until the main patch was to hit which i thought might be late this week. Also waiting on a new projector bulb. Current bulb is at 5500 so i might see a better image on new bulb.

Ohh and also if you are getting freezing/hitching there is an apparent fix on nexusmods. BES or something its called. Ive downloaded it but not tried it yet. (always feel a bit weird dling .exe strange files)

Are you referring to the above post ? Volumetric fog makes the screen look dull.
Was getting that as well, trying that doesn't seem to stop the stuttering for me :(

I am using the below settings and have a 1080Ti, working well for me. The FPS drops some in town but not that much. Also have you used the memory fix ? Posted that as well below. Hopefully one or both will be of use for you, at least worth trying if nothing else ?? Of course, you might already tried it. :p

amazing, thats some screenshot :)

and for you guys asking for my graphical settings in the screenshot thread

Object Quality - Ultra
Game Effects - Ultra
Lighting - Very High
Particles - Very High
Post Process - Very High
Shader Quality - High
Shadows - High
Textures - Ultra
Water Details - Ultra
Volumetric Effects Detail - Very High
Vegetation - Very High
And the 3 sliders, I have them all at around 3/4's the way up the scale.
Forgot to post this one, seems there is a slight issue with RAM allocation according to someone on Steam Forum.

Psoted by Saint at Steam Forum

a tip for all those with FPS issues.
It seems that this game really struggles with RAM allocation. If you have 16 or more gb, use the command "-heapsize 2097152" in launch options. If you have 8gb use "-heapsize 1048576". this will allocate ram to be used as a cache for the game. For me it nearly doubled FPS and made it near constant (IE there were little to no lag spikes). Hope this helps!

jfc dont set a cache that''s bigger than about an 1/8th of your overall ram, it'll likely lower FPS rather than increase it.

Link to forum thread, currently 154 comments

If anyone felling for it, maybe post the steam link to the devs on their twitter, unless they already aware of it ?? Don't have twitter myself and wont be getting one just to post one post. :p
I restarted my game last night just had hit a few too many bugs first time through so decided to start over. Oddly enough this time I've not been affected by any of the annoying ones like when on Nightingale's patrol etc.

Also it's so much faster as I actually know what I'm doing so I'm enjoying the story more and feel way more relaxed about it!
My save chest has emptied itself (unless there are thieves active...). There was a heck of a lot of gear in there! Luckily I have 30k cash, as there was about 10ks worth of the best weaponry and armour in there that I was waiting to lose the stolen status for...

Don't trust the chests!
My save chest has emptied itself (unless there are thieves active...). There was a heck of a lot of gear in there! Luckily I have 30k cash, as there was about 10ks worth of the best weaponry and armour in there that I was waiting to lose the stolen status for...

Don't trust the chests!
Ouch, I not heard anyone mentione this before ! Guess have to be careful with how much one store there.

On another note: Someone has made a Interactive Map for Kingdom Come Deliverance, it's not yet fully mapped out but you can add your own markers and those will be saved on your PC. Nice thing to have around if finding something and have to go back, then can mark it for later. Can make multiple markers if one so wish as well.

Posted by rogerhnn over at reddit - Linky

Hello guys, after hours of trying to improve the code, I think the map is ready to be released (In a raw state, not done yet).

Here's the things that works in this release:

  • You can add a marker to the map by left clicking the map.
  • The marker will be saved locally in your browser localstorage.
  • Only if you clear your browser cache that you will loose your markers.
  • You can add a name and a description to your markers.
  • By default only the cities names will be displayed.
  • There's a button that toggle all markers on the map.
  • You can submit more markers to the map in our Discord or here.
  • The map url remembers the zoom level and the current position you are looking, so if you share the link to someone, this person will open the map at the same place that you are in screen.
    *Ability to share a marker is on the way...
There's more features that I am working on to add to the map. I will post a changelog in the third panel in the sidebar of the map with the new features.

If you want to submit a marker please use this template:

Marker Name


Marker coordinates


Bandit Camp
Bandit camp with 4 bandits middle level, not so hard
X: 1580, Y: 2560

If you want a new feature, please post in our discord or here with the starting text: Feature request to make things more easy to read.

I will do my best to correct bugs and add new features to this map.

I will update it daily with new markers and content.

Thanks all for your kind words in the other post, you guys are awesome!

Link to the map:
I am using the below settings and have a 1080Ti, working well for me. The FPS drops some in town but not that much. Also have you used the memory fix ? Posted that as well below. Hopefully one or both will be of use for you, at least worth trying if nothing else ?? Of course, you might already tried it. :p

I'll try all that tonight see if it works. Anyone also getting slow loading textures? The floor sometimes looks like it's got a muddy puddle that's really smooth like vaseline but it disappears as stuff loads.
I'll try all that tonight see if it works. Anyone also getting slow loading textures? The floor sometimes looks like it's got a muddy puddle that's really smooth like vaseline but it disappears as stuff loads.

Only for a second or two after loading a game or fast transporting while its loading.
Can’t stand RPGs but still got this just to fap over the graphics/atmosphere. Wish more games would use cryengine.

Thank god people are talking about the game and graphics etc in here. Just read the Eurogamer review and I'm seething.

Virtuesignallinggenderbendingblackwhiteapologisttriggeredsnowflakes will be the downfall of us all. The world is genuinely going ******* mad.

You’re sounding a little triggered/snowflakey yourself tbh...
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I am using the below settings and have a 1080Ti, working well for me. The FPS drops some in town but not that much. Also have you used the memory fix ? Posted that as well below. Hopefully one or both will be of use for you, at least worth trying if nothing else ?? Of course, you might already tried it. :p

I tried the memory fix just to see of the average fps improved but it just made the game unstable and crash. I also get random lockups with UH graphic settings so I'll stick with VH plus Shaders, Shadows & Water set to H.

Having 32GB of 2400 RAM OC to 3000 may not have helped with the RAM fix.
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