Do you have any black screen issues?

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Just happy have gotten my order in at this point, it'll get here when it gets here!
Annoying but expected.

Glad I got one!

Same, I didn't think I would be able to even pre order, so I ordered the Gigabyte Aorus M28U yesterday accepting I would try this other monitor, which would have been dispatched today, luckily I was able to cancel before they dispatched it from the warehouse.

I just hope it's better than the one I cancelled as it's £230 more!
Been using this monitor now for almost a week. coming from a 27" 1440p 144hz TN panel I was really looking forward to giving this monitor a go.

What I really like is how sharp this display is 4k 27" is bloody amazing screen is so clean and pin sharp, colours are amazing I can now see why people said the colours are better than TN panels.
160hz vs 144hz as I expected not something I would notice League of legends runs and looks even better at 4k

The screen on screen display I really like how easy it is to use I love the fact I can now see the Freesync frames actually working tons of features to dig into.
Bezel almost gone its amazing just how much better this really is compared to my other monitors that show a lot of bezel.
Lights on the back some will love it others will hate it for me because I use Philips TV with ambilight light I already knew I would like this feature.

IPS glow I do see some on the bottom left but its easy for me to ignore although this brings me to HDR 600 if you buying this monitor for HDR I would say do not buy TBH if you buying a monitor for HDR that isn't OLED I wouldn't bother. These panel types just do not get the black level you require for a great HDR experience. Do not get me wrong HDR on this monitor isn't terrible its just you really need to think about the game you playing and adjust the settings if its a dark game like Resident Evil leave HDR off if its a car game like FORZA bright day light etc enable HDR.

For me HDR will mostly be off... Even off though this monitor produces amazing detail and colour.

Some other issues that I have found since switching to 4k display. These are not related to the monitor tbh
Windows randomly setting a custom scale I must log out and log back in to reset the custom scale
Games freaking out when loading in I have now found out this is because they are trying to switch to my other 1440p monitor that used to be set to main. Loading a new game up that hasn't been played works fine its just I need to work around a few games until I could setup the graphic settings.
Thanks for the brief info, I brought it for work to use as another screen for my laptop and the PS5, been using a 6 year old Samsung KS7000 TV for gaming which has terrible light bleed and slight light coming through at the bottom of the screen which was never there before (think it's on it's way to out), so I think it'll be better than what I currently play on most certainly.

TV has HDR1000 not sure how it will fair to the LG 27GP950 in terms of HDR.
Same here for me, confirmation of pre-order.
yeh, slightly annoying that the price is £50 over before (or from other places). But almost seems fine compared to what people are having to pay over board for graphics cards today.
At least people are able to place orders/pre-orders.
Congrats to those that have been able to order one! Will be good to get some feedback from other peoples perspectives as well.

Hopefully between us we can work out what some of the different modes etc. are!
I am glad and annoyed at the same time. Glad that I was able to pre-order today, annoyed that I didn't get to do that while it was showing "in stock".
There's another potentially interesting development - the only other seller, Currys, started displaying "Add to basket" button today, intermittently, but when clicked all it does is displays an error:

Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed that with the currys website, got the same error so assumed it was a bug with my phone
I am glad and annoyed at the same time. Glad that I was able to pre-order today, annoyed that I didn't get to do that while it was showing "in stock".
There's another potentially interesting development - the only other seller, Currys, started displaying "Add to basket" button today, intermittently, but when clicked all it does is displays an error:


Did this last time they had stock. People here kept checking again and again and bagged one eventually. I gave up and slept
I Managed to get one that came in stock yesterday, was delivered earlier today. So far it’s looking great … anyone found any decent settings yet?
damn.... I'd have gotten up at 3am to save £50....
Had mine delivered today.

I'm not using a brand new graphics card (1080Ti here) so I'm running at reduced versions of HDMI and DP it seems.
So currently im limited to HDMI at 4k 120hz, which is fine... but without Gsync -_-

Or if i run DP, im limited to 4k 95hz, but assume that Gysnc will be working there.

I've managed to add a custom resolution that allows me to run at 120hz now... Though my machine seems to crash out when the screens turn on after locking the machine and trying to resume...

First world problems...
You weren’t kidding, apparently pc world had stock at 3:31am… perfect time to release a wave of products…

I doubt it. I was still up then and checked, there was nothing.

However, I would still like to know how did OC magically get some stock yesterday after previous repeated assurances that mid July was the earliest.
all this discussion about the monitor is making me .... inpatient! ha the anticipation is too much.

i have a 34 inch LG ultra wide, not sure if i can really give up the massive screen... shame dont have a big enough desk to have both.
all this discussion about the monitor is making me .... inpatient! ha the anticipation is too much.

i have a 34 inch LG ultra wide, not sure if i can really give up the massive screen... shame dont have a big enough desk to have both.

Ultrawide is only good for handful of games and it sucks at everything else. I've had dual display setup for the last 10 years, currently 27 inch 4K Dell Ultrasharps, soon to be replaced by 27GP950s.
Looking for a new monitor at the moment i have a 49" 4K sony TV how would going back to 27" look?. If not too much different i might phone OCUK to see if i can pre order.

I am too far away for gaming on my 49" TV and dont want to bring it close as no room to. This 27" will be on my desk nearly straight in front of me like back in the old days.
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