ABL - I had my OLED brightness set to 80 or 85, pushed it down to 60 but that made no difference other than the screen not being as bright.
Sound - This appears to be a known issue. Since I mainly use the 48C1 in Game Optimizer mode the sound mode seems to be firmly glued on.
I've already gone into the nV panel to Display -> Desktop Colour Settings --> content type: desktop programs but that's sadly not a properly working fix.
When switched to say AI Pro, sometimes it sticks, but most of the time sound reverts to Game Optimizer. I hope that'll be fixed in a future FW update.
I'm mainly using headphones anyway but that behaviour is annoying to me.
So since 1836p worked for me and I kept forgetting to to switch the screen back to UHD, I wondered how I would go about automating things, possibly scripting.
WoW runs in fullscreen windowed borderless, there sadly is no automatic switching. With other games in fullscreen, you can just pick that resolution and go with it.
I dug around and Set-DisplayResolution sounded perfect, but wasn't meant to be used with Windows 10.
An article mentioning QRes popped up.
Sounds great! 2013? Yikes! But let's see if it works. And it does! It's as easy as putting
qres.exe /x:3840 /y:1836 in a cmd window.
It only affects the main screen and doesn't touch my second one.
Since I have a folder in %PATH% and put .cmd files in there to launch Chrome profiles, this and that, I just put the .exe in there as well, dug around and made a "script".
First attempt was to switch to 1836p, launch WoW via .exe, then change the resolution back to UHD after wow closes. That worked, but had me manually log into the
game every time it started. Now that's not annoying at all. I dug around and read that the game doesn't grab the auth token from the Blizzard launcher this way and there
was no solution to be found that easily. Right. Guess I have to click the button in the launcher then. And since the script didn't auto pause without starting the wow.exe,
I had to find something that kept checking if the game was still running. Found it, tweaked it and it's working as intended. I put in a three minute wait until the loop checks
if the game is running and that's plenty of time to click and wait for the thing to start up, and then some.
The only annoying thing about this is it still shifts all windows around on the main screen. I had a bunch of icons on screen 2 and some kept spilling back to the C1 after the
res switches. After tidying up, grouping them differently, deleting some, that's been fixed as well.
Anyway, almost two months after switching to the 48C1 as my main screen and I'm still loving it!
qres /x:3840 /y:1836
timeout 180 /NOBREAK
tasklist | find /i "WoW" >nul 2>&1
) ELSE (
ECHO WoW is still running
Timeout /T 5 /Nobreak
qres /x:3840 /y:2160