LG Flatron W2600HP 26

I can confirm these definitely are the IPS version. If they even dare to send me TN Panels I shall beat them with a stick.:)

Hope you gave them a damn good thrashing!

Any update on this?

Did LG get back to you?

If the address labels on the box were anything to go by, they're being sourced from another distributor in the midlands rather than direct from LG.

Think you may be right, but it was worth a punt as you never know!

Indeed! It sounds to me like theres been a major ****-up at the distributors. I've just paid the credit card bill for this too (ouch.)
Thanks Uttic.
See a few other etailers have them up for the same price. Same specs too.
maybe this is not a white elephant after all.
Going to stick with OcUK though, as they have never let me down in the past.
Thanks Uttic.
See a few other etailers have them up for the same price. Same specs too.
maybe this is not a white elephant after all.
Going to stick with OcUK though, as they have never let me down in the past.

+1 :D
Yeah, it's nice to see that the price is realistic but I'm not impressed with the expected due date... I'm moving towards the end of the month / early next month and can't really be waiting around until Sep 30 / Oct 1st, like the other sites suggests. I really hope it's not going to take that long.
It doesn't seem right that OC have my money for this and won't even have any stock until the end of the month, and there's no guarantee they'll be able to get one out to me then considering the number of people who have ordered them.
But, as i posted earlier in the thread, I found a place based in R.O.I. that had them due earlier. I've just checked and they actually have the units in stock. They're about 500 euros but still, they have them and they're the S-IPS version. Be a little patient guys, it's not like OcUK are gonna be funny about refunding if they can't get them in!

Personally i'm glad that OcUK have taken the money, I'd rather they took it when i have it than wait til the stock comes in and charge my card at on some random date when the stock arrives!

Best wait for an update from Slackworth.
Personally i'm glad that OcUK have taken the money, I'd rather they took it when i have it than wait til the stock comes in and charge my card at on some random date when the stock arrives!

It makes good business sense if you can get away with it.....

It's testament to the service I've already recieved from OcUk that I'm refraining from a full rant but... FWIW I pre-ordered a little later than some but i'm still not happy that OcUK have taken my money from my bank account for something they haven't got / have no due date for and possibly have made a major fubar with (the tn version that someone else got.)
I've been more than happy with them so far which was one of the reasons I did this, the driving one being thinking we were going to get a 'steal' a la the Nec 24WMGX3. If other etailers will be stocking these at a not disimiliar price then i'm not going to be to impressed. Business is a two way thing.

OK mini rant over. Back to waiting patiently.
But, as i posted earlier in the thread, I found a place based in R.O.I. that had them due earlier. I've just checked and they actually have the units in stock. They're about 500 euros but still, they have them and they're the S-IPS version. Be a little patient guys, it's not like OcUK are gonna be funny about refunding if they can't get them in!

Personally i'm glad that OcUK have taken the money, I'd rather they took it when i have it than wait til the stock comes in and charge my card at on some random date when the stock arrives!

Best wait for an update from Slackworth.

That R.O.I stocker has the TFT ones instock. LG 26" Wide W2600HP-BN, Black

And at that its 499. But after all they are known for ripping people off!
I do need news pretty soon, I don't want to actually pay my credit debt then cancel this order and end up with £312 credit on my card.

It is hard to know if any other seller is using generic info (that they are IPS vers.), I will stick with OC for as long as is possible...
It doesn't seem right that OC have my money for this and won't even have any stock until the end of the month, and there's no guarantee they'll be able to get one out to me then considering the number of people who have ordered them.

No its not right. Confirmation and credit card details are more then enough to secure our pre-orders, there is no need to charge our cards for the money. With the amount of pre-orders I'm sure they have had, OC are sitting there with a nice pot of money making interest (albeit not much right now) when the people who count, the customers, are losing out. Its bad enough pre-charging when a definite delivery date is known, but to do it when, by their own admission, they have no idea when the monitors will be coming in is not on. I'm soon going to have to pay off my credit card with no idea when or if I'm going to get this monitor! If this wasn't such a bargain price, I would have cancelled long ago and would think twice about ordering from ocuk again :-(
Also, on the following link it says the BN is S-IPS

Looks like there's a little confusion around the net as which is the correct model. You look on the LG site and they state the models are W2600H and W2600HP!
If there's now "BN" model that's new.
TN crapola W2600H(-PF) and H-IPS W2600HP(-BF) are existing/known models so maybe this HP-BN designation is for model with cheaper to manufacture e-IPS.
No its not right. Confirmation and credit card details are more then enough to secure our pre-orders, there is no need to charge our cards for the money. With the amount of pre-orders I'm sure they have had, OC are sitting there with a nice pot of money making interest (albeit not much right now) when the people who count, the customers, are losing out. Its bad enough pre-charging when a definite delivery date is known, but to do it when, by their own admission, they have no idea when the monitors will be coming in is not on. I'm soon going to have to pay off my credit card with no idea when or if I'm going to get this monitor! If this wasn't such a bargain price, I would have cancelled long ago and would think twice about ordering from ocuk again :-(

TBH you don't really have a leg to stand on.

It's stated quite clearly in the T&C's what happens. If you don't like it then you don't have to order, and if you didn't read them then thats not OcUK's problem. You have to agree to them when you order so there's no point in complaining about it. If you have a problem I'd recommend posting in the Customer Service forum, I'm sure OcUK will address any problem you have.

OcUK have been messed about with these screens, it's not their fault. There was an ETA to start with but now it's a case of waiting for update from Slackworth...
I appreciate that oc are being messed around and i'm a very understanding bloke which is why i haven't been phoning them twice a day (seriously?!) to pester them about delivery dates. Its quite obvious thats its out of their hands, its not their fault LG are not giving them a date. With this in mind its probably not the best thing to do in terms of good customer service to be holding everyones money indefinitely! I have yet to have any official communication from them as to the reason for delay. It shouldn't be up to me to chase, they should tell me! Anyway, many people have good things to say about ocuk so i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and i'm sure whether the monitors come in or not, my delivery/refund (which ever it may be) will be seamless.
If the situation continues for a while yet,... i would be open to a deal on an alternative IPS monitor in the 24" range....;)
I think Ill be taking the refund route very soon, lack of communication doesn't really create much confidence that the monitor would come in stock in near future.
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