I can imagine you're going to get all resentful again, but to be blunt, it doesn't come across like that.That's fine, my only agenda here is safety and, if we ever get there, helping with technical problems and strength deficits. At the moment, a 300kg squat is a very long way away.
Whay, sly digs! You do realise I haven't said it's wrong to warm up with the bar, don't you?A friend of mine is a similar weight and is actually strong within his weight class, and not even a guy of his size can lift with those kinds of dysfunctions (he also benches over 200kg and warms up with the bar...). You can not get away with form like that forever.
What are you even talking about? You're not even discussing lifting any more, and seem bizarrely interested in winning internet arguments of your own creation.
Don't play dumb, you know full well what I'm talking about, and I wasn't the one that instigated that. It's getting tiresome the amount of scaremongering that's going on here, the sly comments about how I'm most definitely going to hurt myself, then I see you giving people props for rough lifts, and then you wonder why I think you have some sort of agenda?
Why were you arguing with Delvis? Apart from your pointless conjecture, what knowledge of proper warm up procedure do you imagine you have? People who are considerably stronger than you warm up with the bar, because it's good practice. If that confuses you, please ask for an explanation rather than using your extremely limited knowledge and experience to argue against a very reasonable point.
As above, you do know why, you're just playing dumb. I am not saying it's wrong to warm up with the bar at all and you know that.
Additionally, some people who are considerably stronger also don't warm up with the bar. Less of the straw man arguments, yeah? Because it's becoming seriously tiresome that you and a few others are regularly selectively quoting what I'm saying, and then twisting it to suit the argument they want to have.
I never said his point was unreasonable, you know this, you also know that my main issue was the notion that I WILL damage my shoulders (Goodbye, shoulders). I understand that Delvis has trashed his shoulders a while back, I've seen comments about it, so I understand where he is coming from- what I disagree with is the seeming notion that "It's happened to me, it WILL happen to you".
You're the one making absolute statements, I'm not. I've said it's my personal preference, as lighter weights for warm ups do nothing for me. It's personal preference, I am not telling other people that is how they must do it, amusingly you are doing this, yet I'm the one getting grief for it. Lawdy lawd.
Oh and again, I know you saw my comments about pressups, why haven't you had a moan about that? Probably because you understand my point in relation to them, and most people doing pressups will have much more than the equivalent load of 20KG on their shoulders when doing it.
To simplify my point, and avoid "baiting" you into more ridiculous and time wasting arguments, your form is terrible. You have some very real movement issues that would be in your best interests to address. If you want help with these issue, I suggest you find a good coach or I will be happy to help. If not, or you are going to ask me to convince you that these issues exist, then good luck to you.
I love the way my form keeps getting worse each time I disagree with someone else, it's odd how that works isn't it?
I don't think my form is perfect (far from it) but the way you're acting differently towards me is just confusing, I'm not sure why you're doing that. Does the way you see things change depending on how malleable someone is?