Lifting for gainzzz

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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I understand that, I'm just assuring you that despite how I come across, I'm not actually being aggressive. As I said before, written communication and all that, if this was taking place in person you'd have a different impression.

Undoubtedly and fair enough.

I was going to do a session tonight, but I'm not sure, I'm way too tired so I might wait until tomorrow when I go over to Serge's (who is trying to bully me in to doing the Smolov routine with him).

Sunday is a day of rest as far as I'm concerned so you won't find me arguing with you there!
10 Sep 2013
You're a brave man to do smolov! Especially having done it once so you know how it feels :D

Oh yes. I absolutely can't wait for the shin splints, bleeding upper back and attempts to climb up stairs that come along with it :D. The first time I did it, I managed to put a flat 30kg on my squat in three weeks, but I paid for it in blood, sweat and tears. I'm not sure whether I'll have a boost from 170kg to 200kg with it this time but I feel as if I have 180kg in me for a single following the first four sessions so we'll see if the progress keeps up. I only really found the first 3 week phase to be beneficial, I did run it pretty much in full but the gains stopped after those 3 weeks.

As I say, I'll do some proper videos when I get a chance and post them. I think there's quite a few issues with my deadlift as well and it's more difficult to discern what they are as I can't listen to my body as well when I do them in comparison to squats so it'd be nice to see what those issues are from an exterior perspective.
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10 Sep 2013
Yes do this :D. Get spoffle file to film you getting in there first as well please :D:p

Serge start your own log. It would be awesome to see how you progress through smolov etc.

I have a feeling that if I crawled into the wardrobe with the state my legs and lower back are in at the moment, I'd need to call the fire brigade to come and cut me free with the jaws of life.

I'm definitely planning to. I might make one on Tuesday (I'm a day late) to coincide with the second week of smolov and go from there. I'm going to be toning down my bench and leaving deadlifts completely for the duration, I tried to do it all with the first time I ran the routine and ended up dropping about 5kg off my bench so I'm focusing on upping my calories massively (already waking up with serious hunger pains) and trying to just maintain everything else.
4 Jul 2012
Undoubtedly and fair enough.

Speaking of which, could you do me a favour and remind monkee of the rules when it comes to personal attacks?

Jesus Hurly, you really are incredible :D even your training partner who was originally brought in to validate your argument seems to be finding a lot of common ground with Icecold!?

I'm quite surprised he wanted to go down this route considering the gynecomastia he's been suffering with, you'd have thought he'd be the last person to want to engage in that ratty sort of behaviour.

Sunday is a day of rest as far as I'm concerned so you won't find me arguing with you there!

:D Nearly every day this week has been a rest day for me.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
- I have read everything you've written
- I do not get offended when people ask genuine questions
- I have not assumed that your comments to Benny were directed at me

To continue to state otherwise would be you making assumptions.

Just so we're clear, can you just confirm exactly what you're doing in terms of stretches, and also whether you accept/understand the points about your lower back and spinal stability in general?

The point with the bench warm up is that is isn't really down to personal preference, there is a broadly accepted right way of doing it. You might be able to find strong guys who do it another way, but not anyone who has been coached properly. It is not a straw man argument. Instead of jumping on Delvis' wording about hurting yourself, you could have just asked why warming up with the bar was better.
18 Dec 2004
NE England
Soufflé, (what a delightful autocorrect), it's actually more because I find you to be a complete fantasist, and in recent years I simply can't be bothered to bite my tongue. You make ridiculous claims of not training for long, not taking it seriously, not being a massively dysfunctional lifter, and having 34" mostly muscle thighs.

Apologies if I refer to you in a characiture that offends you, but please be aware of the characiture that you project.
4 Jul 2012
Soufflé, (what a delightful autocorrect), it's actually more because I find you to be a complete fantasist,

Right, right "that's" what you meant.

and in recent years I simply can't be bothered to bite my tongue.

In recent years? What are you on about? I think you're having delusions or something, I haven't been here for years, I have been here for a year and a half and I didn't start posting in the sports arena until I'd been here for getting on for a year already I think.

Additionally, what else is it that you think I've been saying that would be deemed fantasist nonsense?

You make ridiculous claims of not training for long

I haven't been training for long... how is it a ridiculous claim? :confused:

not taking it seriously

I haven't been taking it seriously either... how is it a ridiculous claim? :confused:

not being a massively dysfunctional lifter

Oh, have my lifts become even more dysfunctional since I've posted more?

and having 34" mostly muscle thighs.

I do have 34" thighs, where did I say mostly muscle? I don't actually remember that part (probably because I never actually said it).

However, what is it exactly that you're using to debunk my "ridiculous" and "fantasist" claims of having 34" mostly muscle thighs?

Maybe it's a case of you don't understand what fantasist actually means?

Apologies if I refer to you in a characiture that offends you, but please be aware of the characiture that you project.
So tell me more about how this has got anything to do with Hurley again?

Delusional. I bet my lifts are going to become even more dysfunctional again after this post, right?

I can't believe a fantasist is calling me a fantasist. I hope you've just derped hard and confused me with someone else, because otherwise, awkward.

Also, it's caricature.
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4 Jul 2012
From a quick look I'd say you're somewhere around the 20st mark

Guesstimate 23-25st. You are a large fella!

I forgot to respond due to all the drama here. I'm just under 24st, I'm fluctuating between about 144KG and 148KG on average, the highest I've seen is 149KG, though I seem to be losing body fat a noticeable amount without my weight changing much, maybe it's because I'm also drinking a lot more water as well.

Anyways, here's my log for tonight.

Bench Press







Both 160 and 170 were personal bests today, my previous personal best being 150, I'm not sure where the jump has came from, but I'm happy with it.

I had the strength in my chest for 180, as with 160 and 170, it came up off my chest very quickly, but pushing up with my triceps was the hardest part by far.

I want to work on some triceps assistance stuff, and see if I can hit 180 within a week.


I'm still butthurt that I couldn't squat on Friday, as I was feeling good about doing them.

I'm still feeling a bit cained (as usual, trying to sort out a terrible sleeping pattern) but I tried some anyway.

I just did some paused squats, as I indent to do a proper squat session tomorrow.

140 paused/concentric

160 paused/concentric

180 paused/concentric

200x1 - I was feeling seriously tired and rough by now, so I just did a regular non-paused squat

I'm hoping to be well rested, fed and watered tomorrow so I can do a good deal of volume on squats an bench press, and I'm thinking of doing some deadlifts and static bar holds for some forearm/grip assistance.
4 Jul 2012
If I'm fishing, what was MoNkeE doing when he had that outburst? Am I going to get the blame for the outburst he chose to have?

In addition to that, it's hardly unreasonable for me to want him to clarify what he was saying, am I not able to defend myself from personal attacks?

Something which in other areas of these forums is taken very seriously and is quickly moderated, but in this area gets ignored.
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4 Jul 2012
Video of bench press PB please :)

I wasn't sure I was going to get my 170 bench press, so I didn't bother.

I will definitely get Serge record it next time though.

Awwh bro, I'm sure you'll get over it in time.

Yeah, no that's not how this works. You've said I've made ridiculous claims, so go on, what's ridiculous about them?

I have nothing to get over, I'm curious to why you had a melt down and made pretend land claims that just aren't adding up, so go on, qualify.
4 Jul 2012
You're saying it like you've actually got a choice to qualify it or not, when it's obvious you can't.

No surprises there then, so you've derped hard and just realised it. Awkward and embarrassing, but then you must be used to that already, right?
13 Feb 2012
Spoffle you do seem to be purposely defensive/abrasive to people here - I don't know why when people are just trying to help. I'm not speaking to you as a well versed gym rat, but as a person reading this thread (not a moderator - as I haven't needed to put this hat on), and you do seem to be a little highly strung for whatever reason.

Can I suggest you either:

a) thank everybody for their help and either:
1) take on their advice
2) humour them and not take on their advice
3) carry on as you are,​
b) don't keep picking apart posts that are intended to help
c) get back to logging your work outs and interact with people here in a collaborative way
d) keep joining into the gym rat community with an open mind.

Some food for thought perhaps.

Some friendly advice from a don, and you continue to pick part people's posts and go looking for arguments when others have let things go. Stick to the logging dude it's what people come in here for.
4 Jul 2012
Some friendly advice from a don, and you continue to pick part people's posts and go looking for arguments when others have let things go. Stick to the logging dude it's what people come in here for.

Oh lawd, are you really blaming me for the way other people are acting?

Be serious, how do you expect I would respond to posts like MoNkeE's?

Why is it unreasonable for me to pick his posts apart when he's talking crap?
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