Living with men 'makes women fat'

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Kell_ee001 said:
When I'm single I dress for me - I actually make less effort and dress comfortably.

I tend to make more effort, get dressed up more etc when I'm dating someone. :)

Have to say I agree with that :)
I certainly haven't let myself go just because I am with someone - I try and make an effort everyday, got to keep them intrested :p

That research also doesn't apply here - I have not put on any weight at all and have been living with my boyfriend for over a year and a half now!
Guess it just depends on the couple.
Murf said:
Rubbish. Women let themselves go.

What about men then? ;)

When I started seeing my bloke, we went out once a week to the restaurant (we only see each other at weekends atm), which has now turned into him wanting to eat:

Friday - Pizza
Sat - Burger
Sunday - Pizza

Or something like this, I refuse to eat more than one lot of junk food in the weekend... but you do tend to treat yourselves more.

I have continued the gym ritual, but its like a 'relationship virus' and I can't seem to shake any 'happy pounds' some may say that I haven't really changed, but we all know our own bodies and know when something is there that shouldn't be. ;)

BB x
Matblack said:
I does seem to happen and it wasn't this that I wasn't the concept I was objecting to, it was

that bothered me tbh just made me feel a bit cross :(

Well how about not taking select sentences out of context and then getting angry about them?
Matblack said:
Great, it shall by my new mantra and you shall be my Guru.

No need to be like that...but you and I have talked about this very subject in the past, I would have thought youd know if i was joking or not.

I have very strong opinions about obesity, when im serious I pretty much get everyone angry, not just one or two :o
I've put on the pounds since I moved in and got married. She does the shopping and each friday the cupboard has kitkats, hand cooked crisps dips all of which I hardly ever used to eat. Next thing I know I've put on a stone and half my tshirts don't fit. I've sorted her out though cupboard is now full of fruit, hopefull I'll start losing a few pounds.
Matblack said:
Its not really that obvious and it seems to fit in perfectly with the kind of serious attitudes I am seeing here and in the other post currently on the first page of GD.


Agreed. Some of the blatant attitudes (sometimes hidden by "jokes") towards women recently has got the hairs on my back up.
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