Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Truth ^

Back day. Still bad so skipped deads except for a few light ones to warm up.

Pullups BW 8 8 7 + some band assisted ones for fun
Chins +10kg 7 +5kg 8 BW 8 6
BoRs 50kg 8 8 8 8? - Strapped, great muscle activation but lower back pressure
Plate row 40kg/side 8 8 8
Straight arm pulldown 50kg 10 10 10

Not bad overall. My shoulders dislike pullups still. Looking pretty full at the moment, back to hitting my macros properly. Will check the scale next week and see what damage the holidays did.


Chest Mondays with added leg workout due to snow hiking.

BB Bench 60kg 8 85kg 8 7 5 :mad: 70kg 8 7 - 1 extra rep on the 2nd set, 1 less on the 3rd than last time. Boo.
DB Bench 32.5kg 7 nopelol 30kg 8 7
Cable fly 30kg 8 8 8 - elbow grief
Pec fly 50kg 10 10 10

Pretty good session. Usual body failings although shoulders felt better than normal.

You might wanna check this one on your phones boys :x



Skills, hows the back? Hope you dont mind me asking, i seem to have done mine recently. What happened to you was a it a sudden jaring or a slow build up over a couple of weeks to a constant ache etc??
Bad right now :p

In all honesty i don't know. I've always had bad lordosis and APT, and as i gather doing heavy (for me) squats with that isn't great. I could always feel a bit of pressure in my back on heavy sets but it was never really bad. So that may well have been building up over time but the thing that tipped it over the edge was getting knocked while doing squats. No idea what it actually did but its been bad on and off since then. The past couple of months it was almost fine, i was deadlifting just as heavy as i was previously but squats were a gamble on whether it would feel fine or if it would feel like a lot of pressure and ultimately make it hurt for a while which is why i've been skipping them.

So my lordosis is quite a bit better now, still far from perfect, but by my "logic" my back is now in a better position but weaker? UE thinks that anyway and has prescribed me a routine of MORE SLDLs so i'm going to give that a go. That plus core work and maybe i'll be sorted.

p.s it never really aches or hurts as such, it's hard to describe.

Strong post
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Fair play, lordosis is totally fixable, and i think it might be something that i suffer from as well. Smart move laying off anything heavy if it was causing discomfort.

Thought about seeing a physio, or have you already? I am heading out shortly to see one as I really want to know whats going on, have i just overcooked it, or is there something wrong/knotted up that needs fixing?
Lol delvis funds :D

Im getting a pay rise soon so hopefully that will change ;)

UE prescription, heavy sldl's on everyfeeeeeeeng
I can understand U_E's line of thinking on this. Amongst Chris' inflexabilities, he obviously has a weak lower back that needs a lot of catching up to do. He shouldn't continue to improve his mobility if he doesn't then work his lower back more to compensate for this weakness, amirite?
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