Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Grace has given me the worst trap doms i've ever experienced.

Deadlifts 60kg 8 100kg 8 120kg 5 130kg 5 4 100kg 5 - Felt good. Definitely lacking hip drive, but no snaps. Why is my back so random :D
Pullups 8 8 8
BoRs 65kg 8 7 7
Straight arm pulldown 57kg 10 10 10

But those there traps are why mrthingy slates anything else apart from oly stuff for that area. Good cleans plus any snatch grip pulling provides a deep, sexual, trap burn.
Relegated to page 2, i see how it is.

Bench 60kg 10 85kg 8 8 6 - Felt great. First set of 85 was hilariously easy.
Inc DB 32.5kg 8 7 6
Cable Fly 30kg 10 10 10
Machine fly 55kg 10 10 8

Didn't have long today. Not even time for biceps :(

Not enough delvis to keep on the 1st page brah

Bench is coming along nicely mate, are you just following a 3x8 setup for bench? Or do you cup and change?

Also, that is one fine butt. Glutacious
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Pretty poor session. Gym was 400 degrees so i felt totally energy sapped after warm ups :/

Leg Press 120kg 10 160kg 10 180kg 8,8,8
Split Squat 20kg 8,6,6 - Going to drop back down a weight on these, far too wobbly. (i blame the new gym floor)
SLDL 60kg 8,8,8
Leg Extension 52.5kg 12,12,12

No triceps today, doing a huge shoulders/arms session with wolls tomorrow. Inb4 anabolic pics/vids.

Trained with wolls today, mirin that gym hard. Some ****ing big guys in there too.

Can't remember half the weight/reps so bit of guesswork.

DB Press 30kg 8 8 7?
Arnold Press 20kg 8 8 8
Facepulls ?? 10 10 10
Shrugs :D ?? 12 12 12
Side raises 10kg 10 10
Dips BW 12 +20kg 10 10 supersetted with
BB curls 20kg 15 15 15
Rope pulldown ?? 10 8 8
DB Curl 17.5kg 8 6 15kg 8

Wasn't gonna post any pics till i'm 200lbs shredded but w/e



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