Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Considering i started my log when i was only a few weeks back in the gym after a multiple month break.. I'll be fine :D Although this was meant to be my year of consistency.. Best hurry the **** up getting sorted then.
Shoulders and Bis beach weights session

DB Press 25kg 12 12 10
Arnold Press 17.5kg 12 10 10
DB front raise 7.5kg 12 12 12
Machine rear fly ?? 12 12 12
Ez preacher curl 25kg? ? ? ?

Don't know my weight. Don't know what half the equipment in this gym does. Diet is going to be made up of 90% oats and rice. Gains shall be made.
To be fair bro, I'm sure you could make gains from Rivita, hot chocolate with marshmellows and an annual trip to Nandos.

Thinking of a word that rhymes with Runt.
Deadlifts 60kg 10 100kg 8 8 8? 120kg 4 - Hands well and truly shredded. My skin had returned to soft girl skin, several blood blisters and a couple that exploded :D
Pullups 8 7 5 - The ceiling is even lower than temple so can only get bar to like nose height before getting concussion.
BoR 60kg 6 6 5 - Bleh
Lat pulldown 50kg? 8 8 8
Rope pulldown ?? 8 8 8
Tricep extension machine thing ?? ??????

No dip station, not sure what i'm gonna do tri wise yet as stuff like close grip press destroys wrists.

I hurt everywhere.

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Bro, mirin seeing your log back up

Pics of gym owner next time, want to see how thick, solid, tight he is
May do rings. But i'll feel like such a phaggot flailing about on rings while men the size of sheds are repping out 160kg on bench :(

Chest Mondays

Flat Bench 60kg 10 80kg 8 8 8 70kg 8 7 60kg 8 7 - Madness :D
Incline BB 50kg 8 8 8 7
DB Fly 12.5kg 8 15kg 8 7 5 12.5kg 8
BB Curl 30kg 8 7 5+3
DB Curl 17.5kg 5 (lol) 15kg 8 8

Just remember to stabilise your shoulders and create torque in them (right hand thumb should be at about 1 o clock, left at about 11o clock) and it should help stop you flailing around. It won't take your body long to grasp it, and get used to having to stabilise.

Nice chest session though :)

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