Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Strong hangover
Strong morning training
Strong ran out of time
Strong excuses

Bench 80kg 8 8 85kg 4 4 - no spotter, empty gym, no thanks jeff. was aiming for 6 6 but o well
Incline BB 60kg 8 8 65kg 5 4 - as above
Pec fly 60kg? 12 12 10 40kg 12
Rope/bar 25kg/30kg 8 8 8

Strong leg day.

Seated BB press 50kg 8 8 60kg 4+2 4+2 - Less than last week :confused: :( Maybe the lack of craze :p
DB Press 25kg 8 7 26kg 6 6
DB side raise 10kg 12 12 12
Rear delt fly 25kg 12 12 30kg 10 10
EZ curl 30kg 8 35kg 8 10
DB curl 15kg 8 6 12.5kg 10 8 10kg 10?

Leg Day take 2(hhhehehe)

Deadlifts 60kg 8 100kg 8 120kg 6 130kg 5 140kg 4 (s) 120kg 6 6 - Wayyyyy harder than last week from the off :confused:
BoR 60kg 8 8 65kg 6 6 - Much better form
Pullups 8 7 7
Lat pulldown 55kg 8 8 7.526

Fried. Vid of 130s to come..

Dips are an excellent exercise
I want to use the excuse that being a manlet, my hands are small and I can't hook grip properly, but there are tiny Oly lifter girls using it, so I must just need to improve my thumb flexibility or something - I can barely trap it with my first two fingers atm and it always pops out quickly.
I want to use the excuse that being a manlet, my hands are small and I can't hook grip properly, but there are tiny Oly lifter girls using it, so I must just need to improve my thumb flexibility or something - I can barely trap it with my first two fingers atm and it always pops out quickly.

They have 25mm bars, so that might help them.

However, I can only hook grip with the first and second fingers (bear in mind, I've been referred to as MrDYELx, so take this with as big a bucket of salt as you deem fit. :D )...
I was happy mixed grip deadlifting my heavy sets, but of course I had to watch KStarr banging on about how you can create more torque w/a hook grip and that it's more transferable since snatch/C&J + and other pulling movements use it. Best practice I guess.
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