Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

I was happy mixed grip deadlifting my heavy sets, but of course I had to watch KStarr banging on about how you can create more torque w/a hook grip and that it's more transferable since snatch/C&J + and other pulling movements use it. Best practice I guess.

To be fair, it depends what you want.

I don't do big deadlifts, but a lot of Olympic work, so mixed grip is pointless for me.

To YOLOs, mixed grip makes it look like you're trying harder/lifting bigger, mind...
I just like the idea of efficiency when lifting, and if hook grip equates to more torque = greater stability = better form then that's cool.

I'm a YOLO with lifting shoes atm haha, my gym is above the high street, no bumper plates, no dropping weights. One day I shall find the equivalent of California Strength or MDUSA opening up nearby and I can learn how to do 'barbell gymnastics'. :p
In which part of Laaaaaaaaaaaahndon are you based?

Have a look at British Weightlifting and see where their affiliated gyms are...
Deads look pretty Skills, it just looks like you're firing at about 50%.

You don't sacrifice THAT much torque with mixed grip, but it does indeed depend on what your broader goals are.
Yeah brah. Maybe i need to work on some lighter speed work? Every rep on anything 120kg+ is slow as ****, even if it's relatively "easy" in a reppable sense. (Need you to observe me tenderly and give your professional opinion basically)

I just feel super awkward with mixed. Maybe lack of practice idk just puts me off big time. Goals are get huge and have some kind of respectable DL, so not too fussed :p
Something to be mindful of. I'm just guessing but it's possible you're using your quads at lock out that's why they are shaking.
Leg day take 3

Got in the gym and there were about 18 people using the rack so not even a chance of squats. Secretly relieved because my back doms are out of control today. Decided to adventure into hack squats

Hack squat 80kg 15 120kg 8 8 8 8 8 :o These are pretty fun.
Leg press ?!?!?!?! Dunno wtf is going on with this but i swear it's impossible to use unless you have hilariously flexible ankles. Must be missing an adjuster somewhere..
Split squat 15kg 8 8 8 - wobbly as fuu
Calf raise 40kg 20 50kg 15 15 12
CGBP 60kg 8 70kg 8 8 7
DB Curl 15kg 10 8 8
Bench dips +30kg 15 15 15
EZ bar curl 35kg 7 30kg 8 8
Rope pulldown 25kg 8 8 8

Disgusting arm pump / 10

What type of leg press is it? There's only one I've found that doesn't try to shove your knees into your face.

Bench 60kg 8 80kg 8 8 85kg 4 4+2
Incline DB 25kg 8 7 26kg 6 5
Incline BB 60kg 6 6+2
DB Fly 12.5kg 8 8
Pec deck 50kg 12 12 10
CGBP 60kg 8 7 6
Rope 25kg 8 8 8

For the first time today i was not the smallest guy in the gym :D One guy about equal with me but not as lean (yay competition), and another who had clearly just started on 5x5 or something and was doing 40kg deads with a belt and banana back :x If i see him again i might say something..

Squats 60kg 10 80kg 8 100kg 8 6 80kg 8 8 8 - Started to miss depth on the 100s. Back still does not want. I get pretty insane quad activation on squats though that's for sure.
Hack Squat 80kg 15 15 15 - hnnnnnnnnnnng pump
Calf raise 50kg 20 20 15 10
EZ Curl 40kg 8 8 6+2
DB Curl 15kg 10 8 12.5kg 10 10

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