Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus

Strong weekend! Cut went out the window friday and saturday a little :D. Yesterday i went a bit under to make up for it even including a Maccy Ds, nandos and iced coffee of some sort. Strong. Didn't hit any PBs but did a rather comfy 100kg bench, got raped not-so tenderly by ice (forgot to thank you for this, sorry brah <3), and did some reasonable squat form work which i'm looking forward to put into action tomorrow. My hip flexors have some lovely doms which i guess is from all that knees out action..
Back to cutting power.

Bench 60kg 10 80kg 8 8 85kg 6 5 90kg 2
Inc DB 32.5kg 8 8 35kg 6 5.769
Dec BB 60kg 10 10 10 - :x gotta build that LiE chest
Pec fly 50kg 10 12 12 10
DB Curl 20kg 8 7 17.5kg 8 15kg 10
EZ curl ~30kg 8 8 8


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Squats 60kg 8 8 80kg 8 8 100kg 8 6 4 60kg 8 8 - Pretty lovely. Definitely leaning too far forward when it gets heavier but knees were quite well out and everything felt solid. Well except my wrists, sup low bar :D thanks ice <3
Front squats 60kg some playing around
Calves 50kg 20 20 20

2 weeks into cut, strength hasn't dropped so far, shall see what happens as things progress. Weight has dropped 1-2kg, can't say for sure as no digital scales :D Starting carb cycling this week which is going to be another new experience to throw into the mix. Inb4 shredded.

Front squat probably aren't going to be an option with your mechanical ankle. You need even more knee travel.

As for your wrists, stretch your pecs!
Getting my excuses in early:

Got a cold
3 hours sleep
2.75 weeks into cut

Deadlifts 60kg 8 100kg 6 6 140kg 4 150kg 1 160kg F 140kg 3 3 100kg 6 6 - All mixed, felt good :o 160 got a bit off the floor but couldn't follow it up.
BoR 65kg 8 8 70kg 6 6
Lat pulldown 65kg 8 8 70kg 6
Close grip 70kg 8 8 8
Pullups 8 6 6

150 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U126difypcY (strong shoulder positioning, kill me now :mad:) glitchy vid but the lift should play

2 weeks ago, couple of days into cut
DB Press 32.5kg 8 7.5 33kg 5 4
BB Press 50kg 8 55kg 5+3

Today, almost 3 weeks in..

DB Press 32.5kg 8 8 33kg 6 6
BB Press 50kg 8 8 8
Shrugs 100kg 8 8 8
Seated sideraise 12.5kg 10 10 8
Rear Delt 35kg 12 12 12

Strength gains.

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