Log of Peace - My Aesthetic Journey to The Peak of Mt. Olympus


Arms and calves. Was gonna be legs in general but i've got serious knee aids atm for no apparent reason and split squats were pretty painful.

some +40kg dips, lots of curls, tons of calves etc etc


DB Press 32.5kg 8 8 7 - Slow reps, focussing on form aka gains. Hard as ****.
Seated BB 55kg 8 (long rest talking about sterons :p) 10!?! 8 - lolgains
Seated DB no backrest 12.5kg 9 8 8 - so hard :D
Side raise 10kg 12 11 11
Rear delt 40kg 10 10 10 - 1 sec hold and slow neg. burrrrrrrrrn

~81kg today. My ice cream backload on tuesday night has helped break through a slight plateau it seems. Looking leanish, vascular and surprisingly full. Monday will mark 6 weeks of cutting, think i'm just going to keep going considering i'm still making strength gains (and dare i say it, muscle gains@?!!?).


You already get steron gains without them so I'm afraid you're not allowed to even consider them.

I might have to full retard BB mode one day, PL/BB hybrid is getting me nowhere in the DYEL department.
Already on dat der, could just double dose?!

Also a quick 50kg BB press i filmed after my main sets. This is a bitch to unrack, feels dodgy as **** even at this weight :eek:

Unracking a weight behind your head is always going to hurt :'(

Good to see some aggression while lifting...
Gods of gains were not with me today.

Pullups BW 10 +10kg 8 6 6 BW 8
BoR 80kg 6 5 lol. 70kg 8 6
Pulldown 65kg 6 6 5
Close grip " 65kg 8 7 7

out. all kinds of failure. thought i'd try go heavier on the BoRs considering no deads, was way too heavy for proper reps. zero energy all round, had some strong 9 minute sets in there.

offered a job yesterday (finally!) so need to confirm hours etc and when i'm starting to see when i'll have to change training to, most likely going to be first thing in the morning :D :(

Going to bed at half 1, getting up at 6 after waking up twice during the night... just kicked in yo! :(

knew it would catch up with you one day ;):p

congrats on the job!

mmm heavy BoR's did some myself this morning, 80 was just to heavy so dropped back to 70, much better
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