Gaming imo we just lose interest in as we get older, if you've been gaming since the NES days then a lot of games these days just feel like 'seen it done it'. My last go to pc game was battlefield, then 2042 was released in the worst shape of any game in the franchise ever and my interest just waned from that point on.
In terms of consoles, from a tech pov what is there to be excited about? As I said in a post above both Sony and MS are basically flogging the same AMD SFF pc with a different box and OS slapped on it, yes the X is a little more powerful but they're both using basically the same AMD based components and are close enough power wise to where it doesn't matter much.
The last thing that really had a level of excitement in the console space as being a big thing IMO was the CELL CPU. Sony hyped that thing to the moon and back, originally that was going to be the ONLY processor in the PS3, it was going to handle audio, video, CPU tasks...then the cocaine wore off and they had to run to NVidia for a 7800 series gpu they gave the gimmicky name "RSX Reality Synthesizer".
Back in the 90's there was more breakthroughs to be had and more to get excited about. Nintendo with the Super FX chip bringing rudimentary 3D to a home console, Sega followed suit with their SVP chip for virtua racing on the Megadrive. You had the rumblings about Nintendo and something called 'Project Reality' and the name Silicon Graphics being associated with it. Shortly after you had Sony and a graphics chip called 'Emotion Engine' that was again hyped to ridiculous proportions. Not to mention back then games were actually finished and working when they launched, there was no alternative as downloading a patch to your n64 simply wasn't a thing. With consoles now being nothing more than pc's, console games run into the same issues as pc games with gigs and gigs of updates, wonky performance, crashing issues etc etc. The pc 'ship it now finish it later' publisher mantra is now not only exclusive to pc.
It's just 'meh' these days. Things have advanced but to the point where the 2 main 'consoles' are the same thing in a different box and the only real thing that separates them are game exclusives.
In terms of consoles, from a tech pov what is there to be excited about? As I said in a post above both Sony and MS are basically flogging the same AMD SFF pc with a different box and OS slapped on it, yes the X is a little more powerful but they're both using basically the same AMD based components and are close enough power wise to where it doesn't matter much.
The last thing that really had a level of excitement in the console space as being a big thing IMO was the CELL CPU. Sony hyped that thing to the moon and back, originally that was going to be the ONLY processor in the PS3, it was going to handle audio, video, CPU tasks...then the cocaine wore off and they had to run to NVidia for a 7800 series gpu they gave the gimmicky name "RSX Reality Synthesizer".
Back in the 90's there was more breakthroughs to be had and more to get excited about. Nintendo with the Super FX chip bringing rudimentary 3D to a home console, Sega followed suit with their SVP chip for virtua racing on the Megadrive. You had the rumblings about Nintendo and something called 'Project Reality' and the name Silicon Graphics being associated with it. Shortly after you had Sony and a graphics chip called 'Emotion Engine' that was again hyped to ridiculous proportions. Not to mention back then games were actually finished and working when they launched, there was no alternative as downloading a patch to your n64 simply wasn't a thing. With consoles now being nothing more than pc's, console games run into the same issues as pc games with gigs and gigs of updates, wonky performance, crashing issues etc etc. The pc 'ship it now finish it later' publisher mantra is now not only exclusive to pc.
It's just 'meh' these days. Things have advanced but to the point where the 2 main 'consoles' are the same thing in a different box and the only real thing that separates them are game exclusives.