LOTRO free to play going ahead.

Still waiting for Laurelin to come up :)

EDIT : oh and there it is :)

Looks like I have 3,500 points (lifetimer, didnt do the f2p beta preview)
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I'm definitely on, running about now. Got about 30 deeds when I logged in, which was worth a bunch more points and titles. The DX11 is pretty, wonder if they will expand on it some more as its only using a couple of effects really. Bit of a glitch though I think, as some of my reputations went to Kindred and they werent anywhere near that yesterday, unexpected bonus I suppose.
I was getting hash error too, but had a look on the LOTRO forums and found this......

Copy the 'browser' folder from the preview client, paste it into the 'Patches' folder of the client needing updating, and away it goes, using those files instead of the broken downloaded one.

If you don't have the preview client, obviously this will not be any help.

Mine worked straight away..... at 20% with the new patch and downloading pretty quick.
i uploaded the greprefs folder to sendspace as a .rar and posted it on the forums.
Hmm..I was getting the hash error too, luckily I still had the install files from the preview, so installing that again now.
Stuck with splash screen at "Getting data centers".

Anyone know a fix for that? As offical forums are down too.
I am currently logged in to the Laurelin server as my level 27 guardian called Finronde, but my girlfriend who is sitting not 5 feet away frome me keeps getting told the laurelin server in down:confused:
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