Marvel Vs Capcom 3

8 Dec 2004
Kreeeeee and vian - Ty both. Im gonna have to get up to speed on the lingo it seems!

Just to confirm:

d.l m h s jm jm jh l+s d.h h s jm jm jh l+s qcb.super

crouching l m h s jumping m m h l+s? And should there be an or after this or is this on huge mofo chain?

Also... erm.. DHC :) ?

My advice to beginners is pick at least one top tier in your team and someone with a decent assist with whoever you like, or you are going to get bodied by someone that knows what they are doing without a chance of figuring out what’s going on and why you lost.

Pretty much what happened to me :)
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
Pretty much what happened to me :)

if you played ranked i doubt you faced someone truly knows what he/she is doing. what is your team, maybe i can give you some tips on what you should do.

and that wolverine combo is not a link, there is not many links in umvc3, its all chain combos. and you hold up forward after you launched into air combo.

if you are really struggling that bad to find a team, try wolverine (a), wesker(b), sentinel(a) or wolverine(a), hulk(b), sentinel(a) or hulk(b), wesker(a), sentinel(a)

these are by far the easiest teams to play, with good life, huge damage and extremely easy combos, and decent enough synergy to fight any team. in fact wolverine, wesker, sentinel is one of the best team in the game.
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8 Dec 2004
It was ranked but I was immediately pitted against this guy who quite literally was toying with me. I think I was fielding Ryu, Wolverine and Captain America. It was over before it even really began.

Re: combo - d.l m h s jm jm jh l+s d.h h s jm jm jh l+s qcb.super

You're gonna have to help me disect this. the l + s basically should knock the opponent down to the floor. Can you continue the combo once hes knocked down?
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
you can continue combos on the ground with otg moves, but you dont need to with that combo. just mash on d/h after you done l+s in the air, it will catch them after drill claw hit and do a ground bounce for you to follow up.

seriously i bet you didnt know your combos yet, jumps online and got beat by crap players mashing on air exchange into easy hypers in the air, or they pick someone like wesker and mash on gun/teleport in level 3 xfactor. so it feels like you are worst than them, but really they are not much better than you. honestly 99% of the players on ranked are terrible, out of the 300 matches i have played in both version of mvc3, i have only played 3-4 really decent player on ranked. but generally dont jump online yet, before you could at least do basic combos with all your characters yet.

your team is not too bad, i would drop ryu for sentinel because of his assist. so you would have a team like this capt america(a), wolverine(a), sentinel(a). your tactics will generally be call sentinel drones and cross up with wolverine and capt. all your characters can do huge damage with super easy combos, so dont be discouraged.
1 Nov 2007
Just played this on the Vita (my friend picked one up earlier), have to say I'm pretty impressed. Game runs very smooth, looks great. Although touch mode is completely broken, you just tap the screen repeatedly and come up with bnb combos that do 600k damage :p
1 Nov 2007
600k is nothing in the grand scheme of things but I dunno just for repeatedly tapping the screen which requires no effort whatsoever I just thought it was funny, I didn't want to ask him about the hit box data because he seemed a bit anxious to get the thing out of my hands again :p If I see him again tomorrow I'll have to get a look.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
played some ranked match today to try and get the title back to lord, but really i dont know why i did this to myself because it was terrible and rage inducing, probably the most rage i have had since the last time i played ranked. i was pretty confident because i just learn another new combo, then i realised it is a whole different world online.

i won about 3 and lost like 10, could and should have won more, since i dont feel like any of those players are on my level, but level 3 xfactor and does nuts with wesker or rage quit just shut the door on the win rate. i have not played a team without wesker on it, and ironically all their wesker sucks, but the level 4 xfactor allows them to do whatever they want, there were many times i had 3 almost full life character only to get randomed out by xfactor. online hulk is horrendous as well, all these guys mashes on s.h like crazy and i couldnt punish this stupidly punishable move because of their laggy connection:( i am more mad at myself dropping stuff though, spiderman web throw and web swing combos are hard online, magneto and dante combos are harder to do than anything wesker and wolverine could ever do.

i dont usually drop too many stuff but my execution drops by a lot as well as my rage and fatigue goes up, something i need to work on to get ready for another attempt at wso in a few weeks.

on the bright side, i can now do the hyper grab loop pretty consistently. and i did better against a guy that made top 8 at wcg and winners of ultimate clash than against these scrubs.
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25 Jan 2011
I've decided to give this game a proper try, I'm not too sure about my team though and after talking to Zak I want firebrand in it. Thing is I don't really like Ammy, are there any other assists that could be used similarly to cold star?
15 Mar 2006
Jam Session is good, it also covers up to the top of the screen.
There's also Skrulls HHS assist.

I've been looking for an assist for Firebrand too, but since I dont like using Ammy, Dante, and can't use Skrull, I'm thinking Strange's Eye assist or Hidden Missiles.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
I've decided to give this game a proper try, I'm not too sure about my team though and after talking to Zak I want firebrand in it. Thing is I don't really like Ammy, are there any other assists that could be used similarly to cold star?

tell zak he is an amazing firebrand player! i play firebrand too because he is so cheap and looks like a troll:)

anyway i use dante's jam session to set up the unblockables, iron man's replusor blast, hsien ko's senpu bu and super skull's tenderizer can do the same too, although iron man and hsien ko are bad characters. jam session, replusor bast and cold star probably works the best with firebrand. doom's hidden missile kind of works but not 100% because the missiles takes a while to come down. strider's vajra also works but the timing is extremely tight.

you can also set it up with dhc into the speed up hyper from hypers that stays on the screen like dorm's floating bomb, hail storm and hyper sentinel force.

if its just good horizontal cover/lock down you are look for, akuma tatsu and multi hit beam/projectile assist are the best. since firebrand is a fast moving character with strong zoning and mix-up, i think you should have an long range assist to help zoning and one to lock down and set things up.

no assist that i mentioned works the same as cold star, because cold star is the best lock down assist in the game, no other assist has its angle, range and lock down time. akuma tatsu and dante jam session are probably the closest to it although they dont have the range of cold star.
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25 Jan 2011
I was thinking Skrull since he seems like fun but doesn't his angle upwards? if they have to block it in the air then I can't get any instant overhead/low mixup when I don't have setup for the unblockable.
I think I'm going to try Firebrand/Skrull/Doom and see if I can make it work, but if I cant get it working I will probably switch Skrull to Dante.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
I was thinking Skrull since he seems like fun but doesn't his angle upwards? if they have to block it in the air then I can't get any instant overhead/low mixup when I don't have setup for the unblockable.
I think I'm going to try Firebrand/Skrull/Doom and see if I can make it work, but if I cant get it working I will probably switch Skrull to Dante.

most characters can crouch his assist, but they wont be crouching much because they will be chasing firebrand a lot and once they are blocking it in the air they are going to stuck here for a while for left/right mix-ups with the air dash move because you cant push block assists.

there was a firebrand/dorm/skrull(in this order) player in the box arena event yesterday, who took 4th. skrull assist was working well for him and skrull is a very powerful anchor. bloat bomb dhc into speed up hyper is super cheap. anyway dont worry too much on skrull assist, because you only need one assist to set stuff up anyway. as long as your other assist is good enough to help firebrand, you should be fine.

if you want dante on your team, you might need an beam assist to help him, his zoning and mix-ups are quite tamed without a beam assist and some characters (especially with right assist) will out zone him too.
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10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
ggs Hyv, you didn't drop much with Magneto tonight that was impressive.

lol i dropped lots of stuff, you just didnt realize it because of xfactor. you really need to use xfactor properly to kill characters off, there were plenty of times tonight you didnt and i killed you for it. and you should stop mashing on s, it is really unsafe!
4 Jan 2011
I've never really played fighting games before but how do you get good at nailing combos and stringing them all together, picked up this and blazblue for vita and sort of stuck mashing buttons a bit
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
I've never really played fighting games before but how do you get good at nailing combos and stringing them all together, picked up this and blazblue for vita and sort of stuck mashing buttons a bit

when i create my own "custom" combo, i usually get some ideas from mission mode and just find out what move does what and what juggles in training mode. other than that it is just practice and experience. alternatively you can just go on youtube and copy whatever other people do.
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1 Nov 2007
you really need to use xfactor properly to kill characters off, there were plenty of times tonight you didnt and i killed you for it.

You should take your own advice here, I was really surprised how often you dropped a combo on Nova or didn't x-factor. There was 4 or 5 games I wouldn't have won if you had x-factored and got rid of him. I never x-factored on Firebrand cause as annoying as it can be to get a hold of him (especially with my scrubby Wolverine) I knew 9 times out of 10 I would get rid of him with Nova, Dante and Magneto are a problem though. In the middle of combos I wasn't sure who I should kill off cause you're equally as dangerous with both of them I think, I'll probably kill Dante off in future I find him harder to read than Magneto.

I think I am going to start building a secondary team and resurrect my Skrull experiment, put him at anchor. By the way who is your starting team nowadays? You've been using a ton of different people lately.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
You should take your own advice here, I was really surprised how often you dropped a combo on Nova or didn't x-factor.

easy. firebrand cant kill with one combo even if i dhc into gun and then into tempest or use level 1 xfactor. he doesnt do much damage, but he is annoying and easy to land hits with. i only started play him recently, give me a few more weeks and you wont be hitting him and i wont be drop confirms and combos:)

I think I am going to start building a secondary team and resurrect my Skrull experiment, put him at anchor. By the way who is your starting team nowadays? You've been using a ton of different people lately.

i will use firebrand from now unless i find something cheaper that is not zero or viper
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